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Arduous vs. Onerous — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 30, 2024
Arduous tasks require strenuous effort due to difficulty, while onerous tasks are burdensome primarily due to their tedious or unpleasant nature.
Arduous vs. Onerous — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Arduous and Onerous


Key Differences

Arduous tasks are characterized by their need for significant physical or mental effort, often involving complex or demanding challenges. Whereas, onerous tasks, although possibly not as complex, are burdensome and wearisome, making them difficult to endure.
The term "arduous" is typically used to describe activities that are extremely tough and challenging, such as climbing a steep mountain or solving a complex mathematical problem. On the other hand, "onerous" refers more to the weight of obligations that are disagreeable or taxing, like tedious paperwork or legal obligations.
Arduous endeavors are often undertaken voluntarily because of the potential reward or satisfaction derived from overcoming the challenge. In contrast, onerous duties are usually imposed and carried out with a sense of duty or necessity, without inherent pleasure.
The satisfaction from completing an arduous task is often related to the achievement of overcoming a significant challenge. On the other hand, relief is the more common emotion associated with completing an onerous task, stemming from the removal of a burden.
In literature and common parlance, "arduous" conveys a sense of heroic or significant effort toward a noble or important goal. Conversely, "onerous" often appears in contexts involving legal, financial, or moral burdens that are less about challenge and more about obligation.

Comparison Chart


Requiring great effort, laborious
Involving heavy obligations, burdensome


Physically or mentally demanding
Tedious, wearisome

Typical Context

Adventures, challenging projects
Duties, responsibilities

Emotional Response

Satisfaction from overcoming difficulty
Relief from ending discomfort


Often chosen for potential reward
Typically imposed, obligatory

Compare with Definitions


Demanding great care and perseverance.
Restoring the ancient artwork was an arduous process that required meticulous attention.


Demanding efforts that are more tedious than challenging.
The onerous job of documenting all the transactions was passed to the new intern.


Involving severe exertion or struggle.
Writing her thesis was an arduous task, given the complex topic.


Unpleasant and tedious to carry out.
Filing the annual tax returns is an onerous task for many.


Labor-intensive and challenging.
The construction of the medieval cathedral was an arduous project that spanned decades.


Burdensome or involving hardship.
The contract included several onerous clauses that were difficult to fulfill.


Extremely difficult and requiring great effort.
The arduous journey across the desert took a toll on everyone involved.


Legally binding and heavy with responsibilities.
The onerous duties of the trustees made them reconsider their roles.


Testing endurance to the utmost.
The marathon is an arduous race that not everyone is capable of finishing.


Imposing a strain or burden.
After his promotion, he had to deal with the onerous task of firing underperforming employees.


Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
An arduous journey


Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome.


Demanding great effort or labor; difficult
"the arduous work of preparing a Dictionary of the English Language" (Thomas Macaulay).


(Law) Entailing more liabilities than benefits or imposing significant obligations.


Testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous
A long, arduous, and exhausting war.


Imposing or constituting a physical, mental, or figurative load which can be borne only with effort; burdensome.


Hard to traverse, climb, or surmount.


Burdensome; oppressive.


Needing or using up much energy; testing powers of endurance.
The movement towards a peaceful settlement has been a long and arduous political struggle.


Not easily borne; wearing;
The burdensome task of preparing the income tax return
My duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests
A taxing schedule


(obsolete) burning; ardent


Difficult or exhausting to traverse.


Steep and lofty, in a literal sense; hard to climb.
Those arduous paths they trod.


Attended with great labor, like the ascending of acclivities; difficult; laborious; as, an arduous employment, task, or enterprise.


Characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort;
Worked their arduous way up the mining valley
A grueling campaign
Hard labor
Heavy work
Heavy going
Spent many laborious hours on the project
Set a punishing pace


Taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance;
His final, straining burst of speed
A strenuous task
Your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here


Difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill;
The arduous work of preparing a dictionary

Common Curiosities

What makes a task arduous?

A task is considered arduous if it requires a high level of effort, either physical or mental, and is challenging to complete.

How does one typically respond to completing an arduous task?

Completing an arduous task typically brings a sense of achievement and satisfaction due to overcoming significant challenges.

Can a task be both arduous and onerous?

Yes, some tasks can be both physically or mentally challenging (arduous) and burdensome or unpleasant (onerous), like managing a crisis in a hostile work environment.

What type of tasks are generally considered onerous?

Tasks that are tedious, involve heavy responsibilities, or are legally obligatory are generally considered onerous.

Why might someone undertake an arduous task voluntarily?

People might undertake arduous tasks for the personal or professional rewards, such as the thrill of adventure, the satisfaction of problem-solving, or the benefits of achieving a difficult goal.

How does society view onerous tasks?

Society often views onerous tasks as necessary evils, important for maintaining order and fulfilling responsibilities, but not particularly enjoyable.

What is the usual emotional response to finishing an onerous task?

The usual response is relief at having removed or resolved a burden or an obligation.

In what contexts might the term "arduous" be more appropriate than "onerous"?

"Arduous" is more appropriate in contexts involving physical or intellectual challenges, such as adventure sports or academic achievements.

Does the completion of an arduous task always imply success?

While not always implying success, the completion of an arduous task often leads to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment, regardless of the ultimate outcome.

Are onerous tasks always undesirable?

While generally considered undesirable due to their burdensome nature, onerous tasks can be essential and unavoidable in many professional or personal scenarios.

What kind of satisfaction does one get from overcoming an arduous challenge?

The satisfaction usually stems from personal achievement and the overcoming of substantial barriers or challenges.

What skills are needed to tackle an arduous task?

Skills such as resilience, perseverance, and specialized knowledge or physical capability are often required to tackle arduous tasks.

What motivates individuals to complete onerous tasks?

Motivations can include duty, necessity, the potential for future benefits, or the avoidance of negative consequences.

In what scenarios is "onerous" used most frequently?

"Onerous" is frequently used in legal, financial, or bureaucratic contexts where obligations and duties are the focus.

How do individuals prepare for arduous tasks?

Preparation might include training, planning, gathering resources, and mentally conditioning oneself for the upcoming challenges.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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