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Quick vs. Fingernail — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 5, 2024
The quick is the sensitive tissue beneath nails, while fingernails are hard, protective coverings at the fingertips.
Quick vs. Fingernail — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Quick and Fingernail


Key Differences

The quick refers to the sensitive area of flesh underneath the fingernails and toenails, playing a vital role in nail health and sensitivity. On the other hand, fingernails are keratin-based coverings on the tips of fingers, serving as protection for the sensitive fingertips and enhancing tactile functions.
The quick is supplied with blood vessels and nerves, making it sensitive and crucial for nail growth, whereas fingernails are composed of dead cells, indicating no sensitivity and serving primarily as protective tools.
While the quick's health is essential for nail strength and growth, damaged fingernails can regenerate as long as the quick remains healthy. Fingernails also act as tools for various tasks, such as picking up objects or scratching, while the quick's function is strictly biological, supporting nail formation.
The condition of the quick can directly impact the appearance and health of the fingernails, emphasizing the interconnectedness of their functions despite their distinct roles.

Comparison Chart


Living tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.
Dead keratin cells.


Supports nail growth, provides sensitivity.
Protects fingertip, assists in tactile sensing.


Highly sensitive due to nerve presence.
No sensitivity; composed of dead cells.

Health Impact

Health of the quick affects nail strength.
Can regenerate if quick is healthy.

Primary Role

Biological support for nail growth.
Protective covering and functional tool.

Compare with Definitions


Sensitive Tissue Beneath Nails.
The quick under our nails is sensitive and can bleed if cut too short.


Keratin-based Covering.
Fingernails are made of keratin, which protects the fingertips.


Supports Nail Growth.
A healthy quick is essential for strong and healthy nail growth.


Protective Tool.
Fingernails protect the fingertips and assist in picking up small objects.


Indicator of Nail Health.
An infected quick can lead to various nail problems, indicating its health is crucial.


Cosmetic Aspect.
People often paint fingernails as a form of self-expression and beauty.


Not Visible.
Unlike the fingernail, the quick is not directly visible and is protected by the nail.


Indicator of Health.
Changes in fingernails can indicate nutritional deficiencies or health problems.


Rich in Nerves and Blood Vessels.
Because the quick is rich in nerves, injuring it can be very painful.


Growth from Matrix.
Fingernails grow from the nail matrix, located under the skin at the nail's base.


Moving fast or doing something in a short time
He was always quick to point out her faults
In the qualifying session he was two seconds quicker than his teammate


The thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a finger.


Prompt to understand, think, or learn; intelligent
It was quick of him to spot the mistake


The hard, flat translucent covering near the tip of a human finger, useful for scratching and fine manipulation.


At a fast rate; quickly
He'll find some place where he can make money quicker
Get out, quick!


The nail at the end of a finger


The soft tender flesh below the growing part of a fingernail or toenail.


Those who are living
The quick and the dead


A fast bowler.


Moving or functioning rapidly and energetically; speedy
An animal that is quick enough to escape most predators.


Learning, thinking, or understanding with speed and dexterity; bright
A quick mind.


Perceiving or responding with speed and sensitivity; keen
Quick reflexes.


Reacting immediately and sharply
A quick temper.


Occurring, achieved, or acquired in a relatively brief period of time
A quick rise through the ranks.
A quick profit.


Done or occurring immediately
A quick inspection. ].


Moving with speed, rapidity or swiftness, or capable of doing so; rapid; fast.
I ran to the station – but I wasn't quick enough.
He's a quick runner.


Occurring in a short time; happening or done rapidly.
That was a quick meal.


Lively, fast-thinking, witty, intelligent.
You have to be very quick to be able to compete in ad-lib theatrics.


Mentally agile, alert, perceptive.
My father is old but he still has a quick wit.


Of temper: easily aroused to anger; quick-tempered.
He is wont to be rather quick of temper when tired.


(archaic) Alive, living.


Pregnant, especially at the stage where the foetus's movements can be felt; figuratively, alive with some emotion or feeling.


Of water: flowing.


Burning, flammable, fiery.


Fresh; bracing; sharp; keen.


Productive; not "dead" or barren


Quickly, in a quick manner.
Get rich quick.
Come here, quick!


Answer quickly.


Raw or sensitive flesh, especially that underneath finger and toe nails.


Plants used in making a quickset hedge


The life; the mortal point; a vital part; a part susceptible to serious injury or keen feeling.




(cricket) A fast bowler.


(transitive) To amalgamate surfaces prior to gilding or silvering by dipping them into a solution of mercury in nitric acid.


To quicken.


Alive; living; animate; - opposed to dead or inanimate.
Not fully quyke, ne fully dead they were.
The Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom.
Man is no star, but a quick coalOf mortal fire.


Characterized by life or liveliness; animated; sprightly; agile; brisk; ready.


Speedy; hasty; swift; not slow; as, be quick.
Oft he her his charge of quick returnRepeated.


Impatient; passionate; hasty; eager; eager; sharp; unceremonious; as, a quick temper.
The bishop was somewhat quick with them, and signified that he was much offended.


Fresh; bracing; sharp; keen.
The air is quick there,And it pierces and sharpens the stomach.


Sensitive; perceptive in a high degree; ready; as, a quick ear.
They say that women are so quick.


Pregnant; with child.


In a quick manner; quickly; promptly; rapidly; with haste; speedily; without delay; as, run quick; get back quick.
If we consider how very quick the actions of the mind are performed.


That which is quick, or alive; a living animal or plant; especially, the hawthorn, or other plants used in making a living hedge.
The works . . . are curiously hedged with quick.


The life; the mortal point; a vital part; a part susceptible of serious injury or keen feeling; the sensitive living flesh; the part of a finger or toe to which the nail is attached; the tender emotions; as, to cut a finger nail to the quick; to thrust a sword to the quick, to taunt one to the quick; - used figuratively.
This test nippeth, . . . this toucheth the quick.
How feebly and unlike themselves they reason when they come to the quick of the difference !


Quitch grass.


To revive; to quicken; to be or become alive.


Any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain (as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail)


Accomplished rapidly and without delay;
Was quick to make friends
His quick reaction prevented an accident
Hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem
A speedy recovery
He has a right to a speedy trial


Hurried and brief;
Paid a flying visit
Took a flying glance at the book
A quick inspection
A fast visit


Moving quickly and lightly;
Sleek and agile as a gymnast
As nimble as a deer
Nimble fingers
Quick of foot
The old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it


Apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity;
A quick mind
A ready wit


Performed with little or no delay;
An immediate reply to my letter
Prompt obedience
Was quick to respond
A straightaway denial


Easily aroused or excited;
A quick temper
A warm temper


With little or no delay;
The rescue squad arrived promptly
Come here, quick!

Common Curiosities

Why is the quick important?

The quick supports nail growth and provides sensitivity to the fingertips.

Can fingernails regenerate if damaged?

Yes, as long as the nail bed and quick are healthy, fingernails can regenerate.

How can the health of the quick affect the fingernails?

A healthy quick promotes strong and healthy nail growth, whereas an unhealthy quick can lead to nail problems.

What indicates a problem with the quick?

Pain, swelling, or infection around the nails can indicate a problem with the quick.

Can the quick be damaged by cutting nails too short?

Yes, cutting nails too short can damage the quick, leading to pain and bleeding.

Can the quick heal if injured?

Yes, with proper care and avoiding further injury, the quick can heal.

What are fingernails made of?

Fingernails are composed of a hardened protein called keratin.

What function do fingernails serve?

Fingernails protect the fingertips and enhance the ability to pick up objects and perform fine motor tasks.

Can injuring the quick be painful?

Yes, injuring the quick can be very painful due to its rich nerve supply.

Is the quick visible?

No, the quick is covered by the nail and is not directly visible.

Why are fingernails considered cosmetic?

People often decorate fingernails with polish or designs, making them a part of personal grooming and fashion.

What is the role of keratin in fingernails?

Keratin provides the hardness and protective quality of fingernails.

How fast do fingernails grow?

Fingernails grow approximately 3.5 mm per month.

Are changes in fingernail appearance significant?

Yes, changes can indicate health issues or nutritional deficiencies.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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