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3D LED TV vs. 3D LED Smart TV — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 20, 2023
A 3D LED TV displays three-dimensional content using LED backlighting, while a 3D LED Smart TV offers the same 3D viewing with internet connectivity and smart features.
3D LED TV vs. 3D LED Smart TV — What's the Difference?

Difference Between 3D LED TV and 3D LED Smart TV


Key Differences

A 3D LED TV utilizes LED backlighting to present images in three dimensions, creating an immersive viewing experience. A 3D LED Smart TV, on the other hand, combines this 3D capability with smart functionalities that connect to the internet.
With a 3D LED TV, users mainly rely on external devices for content, such as 3D Blu-ray players. A 3D LED Smart TV, however, can directly stream 3D content via built-in apps and online services.
While 3D LED TV primarily focuses on delivering enhanced depth perception in visuals, 3D LED Smart TV extends its offerings by enabling users to browse the web, access apps, and use voice or gesture controls.
The selling point of a 3D LED TV is its ability to transform regular content into 3D. In contrast, a 3D LED Smart TV offers a comprehensive entertainment solution with its inbuilt smart platform alongside the 3D feature.
To summarize, while both 3D LED TV and 3D LED Smart TV offer an enhanced three-dimensional viewing experience, the latter boasts of integrated internet capabilities, making it a more versatile choice for modern users.

Comparison Chart

3D Display

Offers three-dimensional visuals.
Offers three-dimensional visuals.


Requires external devices for content.
Built-in internet connectivity and smart features.

Content Access

DVD players, gaming consoles, etc.
Streaming apps, web browsing, and more.


Limited to the device's remote control.
Voice, gesture controls, and app integration.

Primary Use

Displaying 3D content.
Comprehensive entertainment, including 3D content and online services.

Compare with Definitions


A television that uses LED backlighting to display three-dimensional content.
I watched the latest action movie on my 3D LED TV and the effects were incredible.

3D LED Smart TV

A comprehensive entertainment solution that merges 3D visuals with digital services.
With my 3D LED Smart TV, I don't need external devices for streaming.


A TV that can convert 2D content to 3D using LED technology.
Even old movies look fascinating when viewed on my 3D LED TV.

3D LED Smart TV

A television that displays 3D content and offers connectivity to smart features.
My 3D LED Smart TV lets me play games in 3D and then switch to my favorite streaming app.


An entertainment device offering depth-perception visuals.
With the 3D glasses on, my 3D LED TV brought the characters to life.

3D LED Smart TV

A TV combining 3D display and smart internet-connected features.
I streamed the latest 3D documentary directly on my 3D LED Smart TV.


A screen using LED lights to enhance the 3D viewing experience.
The brightness and clarity of my 3D LED TV make movie nights special.

3D LED Smart TV

An advanced television offering both depth-perception visuals and online services.
On my 3D LED Smart TV, I alternate between watching 3D movies and browsing the internet.


A television focusing on providing a three-dimensional view of content.
Gaming becomes more thrilling on a 3D LED TV because of its immersive visuals.

3D LED Smart TV

A device with LED technology, 3D viewing, and a built-in smart platform.
I love the convenience of using apps directly on my 3D LED Smart TV.

Common Curiosities

What differentiates a 3D LED Smart TV?

It combines 3D display with internet connectivity and smart features.

What is a 3D LED TV?

A television that uses LED backlighting to present three-dimensional visuals.

Can a 3D LED Smart TV stream content directly?

Yes, it has built-in apps and can access online streaming services.

How do I get 3D content for my 3D LED TV?

You can use 3D DVDs, Blu-ray players, or certain gaming consoles.

Is web browsing possible on a 3D LED TV?

No, web browsing is a feature of smart TVs, like the 3D LED Smart TV.

Do I need external devices for a 3D LED TV?

Typically, yes, like 3D Blu-ray players or gaming consoles.

Are the 3D visuals better on a 3D LED Smart TV than a 3D LED TV?

The 3D quality is typically similar; the difference lies in additional smart features.

Is a 3D LED Smart TV more expensive than a 3D LED TV?

Generally, due to added smart features, 3D LED Smart TVs might be pricier.

Can I watch regular 2D content on these TVs?

Absolutely, both can display 2D content, with some even converting it to 3D.

Are these TVs still popular given the rise of 4K and OLED?

While 3D technology has seen a decline with the rise of 4K and OLED, some enthusiasts still prefer 3D TVs for specific content.

Do I always need 3D glasses with both TVs?

Yes, for viewing 3D content, glasses are generally required.

Can I connect my smartphone to a 3D LED Smart TV?

Yes, many 3D LED Smart TVs offer smartphone integration and screen mirroring.

What makes a 3D LED Smart TV "smart"?

Its ability to connect to the internet, run apps, and offer interactive features.

Do 3D LED Smart TVs come with app stores?

Yes, they often have app stores to download various streaming and utility apps.

How does LED technology enhance 3D viewing?

LED backlighting offers brighter, clearer, and more energy-efficient visuals.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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