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4f Orbitals vs. 5f Orbitals — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 29, 2023
4f Orbitals are the electron regions in the fourth energy level with f symmetry, while 5f Orbitals are in the fifth energy level with the same symmetry.
4f Orbitals vs. 5f Orbitals — What's the Difference?

Difference Between 4f Orbitals and 5f Orbitals


Key Differences

4f Orbitals and 5f Orbitals refer to electron regions within atoms where electrons with particular energies and angular momentum characteristics reside. These orbitals represent possible spaces where electrons can exist, showcasing the quantum nature of atoms.
Specifically, 4f Orbitals are located in the fourth principal energy level of an atom. This means that they're closer to the nucleus compared to 5f Orbitals, which are located in the fifth principal energy level, making the latter further from the atomic center.
Electrons within the 4f Orbitals tend to be more shielded and experience a more significant pull from the nucleus compared to those in 5f Orbitals. This implies that electrons in the 5f Orbitals generally have higher energy and are more easily influenced or removed by external forces.
While both 4f Orbitals and 5f Orbitals belong to the 'f' type of orbital, which can hold a maximum of 14 electrons, the difference in their energy levels means that elements with electrons in 5f Orbitals (actinides) generally display different chemical properties than those with 4f Orbitals (lanthanides).
In the periodic table, elements that predominantly have 4f Orbitals filled are the lanthanides, whereas elements filling the 5f Orbitals are referred to as actinides. These two series are often separated from the main body of the periodic table due to their unique properties.

Comparison Chart

Principal Energy Level


Position in Atom

Closer to nucleus
Further from nucleus

Typical Elements


Relative Energy


Position on Periodic Table

Above the main body (Lanthanide series)
Below the main body (Actinide series)

Compare with Definitions

4f Orbitals

A set of seven spatially distinct atomic orbitals in the fourth shell.
Samarium has several electrons residing in its 4f Orbitals.

5f Orbitals

A set of seven spatially distinct atomic orbitals in the fifth shell.
Uranium has several electrons populating its 5f Orbitals.

4f Orbitals

A part of the electron configuration for lanthanides.
Europium showcases the filling of 4f Orbitals in its electron configuration.

5f Orbitals

A part of the electron configuration for actinides.
Neptunium's electron configuration reveals the occupancy of 5f Orbitals.

4f Orbitals

Electron regions in the fourth energy level with f symmetry.
In cerium, the 4f Orbitals begin to get filled.

5f Orbitals

Electron regions in the fifth energy level with f symmetry.
In thorium, the 5f Orbitals begin to be occupied.

4f Orbitals

Often shielded and less exposed in atomic structure.
Electrons in the 4f Orbitals of gadolinium experience a strong nuclear pull.

5f Orbitals

Less shielded and more exposed in atomic structure.
Electrons in the 5f Orbitals of plutonium can engage in varied bonding.

4f Orbitals

Holds electrons that significantly define lanthanide elements.
The unique magnetic properties of terbium arise from its 4f Orbitals.

5f Orbitals

Holds electrons that prominently define actinide elements.
The radioactive behavior of americium stems from its 5f Orbitals.

Common Curiosities

Which elements predominantly have 4f Orbitals filled?

Lanthanides fill their 4f Orbitals.

What about 5f Orbitals?

Actinides are the elements that fill their 5f Orbitals.

How many electrons can each type hold?

Both 4f Orbitals and 5f Orbitals can hold up to 14 electrons.

Which orbital type has higher energy?

5f Orbitals generally have higher energy than 4f Orbitals.

Are 4f Orbitals closer to the nucleus?

Yes, 4f Orbitals are closer compared to 5f Orbitals.

Why are lanthanides and actinides separated in the periodic table?

They have unique properties due to the filling of their 4f and 5f Orbitals, respectively.

Is there overlap in filling these orbitals in the periodic table?

There can be overlap, especially as 5d, 4f, and 5f Orbitals can be close in energy.

Which is more complex in behavior, 4f or 5f?

Both are complex, but 5f Orbitals bring added complexities due to relativistic effects.

What are 4f Orbitals?

They're electron regions in the fourth energy level with f symmetry.

How do 5f Orbitals differ?

5f Orbitals are similar in symmetry but are in the fifth energy level.

Are 5f Orbitals involved in radioactivity?

Yes, 5f Orbitals contribute to the radioactive behavior of actinides.

How do these orbitals influence element properties?

Their electron configurations dictate properties like magnetism, radioactivity, and bonding.

Are elements with 5f Orbitals more reactive?

Generally, yes, due to the less shielded nature of 5f Orbitals.

Can we visualize these orbitals?

Not directly, but they can be represented by probability density plots using quantum mechanics.

Do 4f Orbitals play a role in magnetism?

Yes, many magnetic properties in lanthanides arise from the 4f Orbitals.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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