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AAP vs. BJP — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 21, 2023
AAP is an Indian political party focused on anti-corruption, while BJP is a major Indian party promoting Hindutva and right-wing policies.
AAP vs. BJP — What's the Difference?

Difference Between AAP and BJP


Key Differences

AAP stands for "Aam Aadmi Party." It was established in 2012, following the anti-corruption movement led by social activist Anna Hazare. BJP, on the other hand, stands for "Bharatiya Janata Party" and was established much earlier, in 1980.
AAP's formation was largely due to dissatisfaction with the existing political climate and the need for a party that could tackle corruption head-on. BJP, by contrast, emerged as an offshoot of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh and has roots in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a right-wing Hindu nationalist organization.
AAP's political narrative emphasizes governance, transparency, and decentralization. The BJP, in contrast, has a broader ideology that combines economic development, nationalistic fervor, and a strong emphasis on Hindu cultural values.
While AAP gained significant popularity in Delhi and has formed the state government multiple times, BJP has seen success on a national scale, having led the Central Government in India for several terms.
Both AAP and BJP have faced criticism for various reasons. AAP is sometimes seen as lacking a clear national vision beyond anti-corruption, while BJP has been criticized for its religious and majoritarian undertones.

Comparison Chart

Full Form

Aam Aadmi Party
Bharatiya Janata Party



Main Ideology

Anti-corruption & Direct Democracy
Hindu Nationalism & Right-wing

Foundational Root

Anti-corruption movement
Bharatiya Jana Sangh & RSS

Electoral Success

Primarily in Delhi
Nationwide, including central government

Compare with Definitions


Represents the common man's interests in Indian politics.
AAP emphasizes direct participation of citizens in governance.


India's major right-wing political party.
The BJP secured a majority in the 2019 general elections.


Acronym for "Aam Aadmi Party".
Many supporters wear the AAP cap during rallies.


Known for its emphasis on economic development and national security.
The BJP government introduced various reforms to boost the economy.


Strongly advocates for transparent governance.
AAP introduced several measures to ensure transparency in administration.


Promotes the idea of Hindutva or Hindu nationalism.
Under the BJP, there's been a rise in projects emphasizing Hindu culture.


A political entity in India known for its anti-corruption stance.
The AAP won the Delhi elections by a significant margin.


Established in 1980 with roots in the RSS.
The connection between the BJP and RSS has been a topic of much debate.


Founded in 2012 after a major anti-corruption movement.
The inception of AAP marked a shift in Indian political dynamics.


Acronym for "Bharatiya Janata Party".
The BJP has its origins in the earlier Bharatiya Jana Sangh.

Common Curiosities

What does AAP stand for?

AAP stands for "Aam Aadmi Party."

How did AAP gain popularity?

AAP gained traction following a major anti-corruption movement in India.

What is the core ideology of AAP?

AAP focuses on anti-corruption, transparent governance, and direct democracy.

When was AAP established?

AAP was established in 2012.

What does BJP stand for?

BJP stands for "Bharatiya Janata Party."

Who are the key figures in BJP?

Some key figures include Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, and Rajnath Singh.

What is the core ideology of BJP?

BJP emphasizes Hindu nationalism, right-wing policies, economic development, and national security.

When was BJP founded?

BJP was founded in 1980.

How does AAP differentiate from traditional Indian political parties?

AAP emerged primarily as an anti-corruption party and emphasizes direct participation and transparency.

Is BJP the largest political party in India?

As of the last updates, BJP is the largest party in terms of representation in the Indian Parliament.

Who founded AAP?

AAP was founded by Arvind Kejriwal and several other social activists.

Does AAP have a presence outside Delhi?

While AAP's stronghold is Delhi, it has been working to expand its presence in other states.

Has BJP governed India at the national level?

Yes, BJP has formed the central government in India multiple times.

Are both AAP and BJP considered newer parties in India's political landscape?

While AAP is relatively new, founded in 2012, BJP has been around since 1980.

How does BJP view economic reforms?

BJP is generally pro-economic reforms and has introduced various measures to boost the Indian economy.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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