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Abbs vs. Abs — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Abbs" is an incorrect spelling, whereas "abs" is the correct spelling, referring to abdominal muscles.
Abbs vs. Abs — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Abbs or Abs

How to spell Abs?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "abs" with "absolutely simple," highlighting its shorter and simpler spelling.
Visualize "abs" as streamlined and efficient, much like well-toned abdominal muscles.
Link "abs" with "absent of bloat," noting the absence of the extra 'b.'
Remember "abs" as the abbreviation for "abdominals," both starting with "ab."
Think of "abs" as the core, just as the abs are the core of the body, with no excess.

How Do You Spell Abs Correctly?

Incorrect: She admired his strong abbs.
Correct: She admired his strong abs.
Incorrect: He's been working out and really wants to show off his abbs.
Correct: He's been working out and really wants to show off his abs.
Incorrect: The workout focuses on the abbs.
Correct: The workout focuses on the abs.
Incorrect: They all dream of having perfect abbs.
Correct: They all dream of having perfect abs.
Incorrect: He said his abbs were sore from the exercise.
Correct: He said his abs were sore from the exercise.

Abs Definitions

Short for abdominal muscles.
He worked out daily to get well-defined abs.
A popular term in fitness for stomach muscles.
Exercises targeting abs can be very effective.
Core muscles of the human body.
Strong abs are essential for good posture.
Refers to the midsection muscles.
Her abs were sore after the intense workout.
Muscular area of the lower torso.
She included several abs exercises in her routine.
The abductor muscles of the stomach; - a contraction used by body-building and health enthusiasts. Used similarly to pecs and delts.
Abbreviation of abstract
(informal) The abdominal muscles. ab
Acronym of absolute temperature
(mathematics) absolute value function

Abs Meaning in a Sentence

Her goal is to have visible abs by summer.
The magazine featured exercises for tighter abs.
He showed off his abs at the beach.
Abs are a sign of a strong core.
Strong abs help with overall body stability.
He felt proud of his hard-earned abs.
Abs workouts can be done at home without equipment.
The trainer recommended daily abs exercises.
He does 100 sit-ups every day to strengthen his abs.
She joined a class that focuses on abs and core strength.
Good nutrition is key to getting defined abs.
She uses a medicine ball to work on her abs.
He admired athletes with strong abs.
Working on your abs can improve your posture.
The book on fitness dedicates a chapter to abs.
Abs day is his favorite part of the workout routine.
You can do planks to improve your abs.
Getting strong abs requires consistency and effort.
He included bicycle crunches in his abs workout.
Developing abs is part of his fitness goals.
The challenge includes various abs exercises.
She shared her abs workout routine on social media.
They compared abs after completing the fitness challenge.
She tracks her progress on getting stronger abs.
Yoga includes poses that strengthen the abs.

Abs Idioms & Phrases

Flat abs

Having abdominal muscles that are well-toned and not covered by fat.
She follows a strict diet and exercise regimen to maintain her flat abs.

Abs of steel

Having very strong and well-defined abdominal muscles.
After months of training, he boasted about having abs of steel.

Six-pack abs

A term used to describe well-defined abdominal muscles, so named for their resemblance to a six-pack of beverages.
He's been working hard at the gym to get six-pack abs.

Washboard abs

Extremely toned and flat abdominal muscles that resemble a washboard.
The actor showed off his washboard abs in the movie scene.

Hardcore abs workout

An intense exercise routine focusing on strengthening the abdominal muscles.
The new fitness program includes a hardcore abs workout.

Abs workout marathon

An extended period of intense abdominal exercises.
She challenged herself to a month-long abs workout marathon.

Abs are made in the kitchen

A phrase highlighting the importance of diet in achieving well-defined abdominal muscles.
No matter how much you exercise, remember that abs are made in the kitchen.

Tight abs

Firm and well-defined abdominal muscles.
The new exercise routine promises tight abs in just a few weeks.

Show off one's abs

To display one's abdominal muscles, usually because they are proud of their fitness level.
He couldn't wait to get to the beach and show off his abs.

Burning abs

The sensation of muscle fatigue in the abdominal region after intense exercise, indicating that the workout is effective.
After those planks, I've got burning abs.

Abs circuit

A series of abdominal exercises performed one after another with minimal rest in between.
The trainer put us through a tough abs circuit today.

Work one's abs off

To work extremely hard on one's abdominal muscles or general fitness.
I've been working my abs off at the gym lately.

Getting ripped abs

The process of developing highly defined abs through fitness and nutrition.
He's focused on getting ripped abs for the competition.

Pack on the abs

To build up the abdominal muscles to a noticeable degree.
With the right plan, you can pack on the abs before summer.

Chisel one's abs

To work out with the aim of getting very defined abdominal muscles.
He's been hitting the gym hard to chisel his abs.

Sculpt the abs

To exercise with the goal of shaping the abdominal muscles into a desired form.
This workout is designed to sculpt the abs effectively.

Flex one's abs

To tighten the abdominal muscles to make them appear more pronounced.
He loves to flex his abs in front of the mirror.

Target the abs

To focus on the abdominal muscles during a workout.
This routine specifically targets the abs.

Abs crunch time

A period when one intensifies their workout focusing on the abdominal muscles, often before an event where they want to look their best.
It's abs crunch time with the vacation just weeks away.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called abs?

It's called abs as an abbreviation for abdominal muscles.

What is the verb form of abs?

Abs does not have a verb form; it's a noun.

What is the pronunciation of abs?

Abs is pronounced as /æbz/.

What is the root word of abs?

The root word of abs is "abdomen."

Which preposition is used with abs?

Common prepositions used with abs are "for" and "of," as in "exercises for abs" or "strength of abs."

Which conjunction is used with abs?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with abs, depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before abs?

The vowel "the" is commonly used before abs, as in "the abs."

Is abs a noun or adjective?

Abs is a noun.

What is the singular form of abs?

The singular form of abs is "ab" or "abdominal muscle."

Is the word abs imperative?

No, abs is not an imperative; it's a noun.

Is the word abs Gerund?

No, abs is not a gerund.

Is the word “abs” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Abs can be a direct object in sentences like "He exercises his abs."

What is another term for abs?

Another term for abs is "abdominal muscles."

What is the plural form of abs?

The plural form is abs itself, referring to multiple abdominal muscles.

Is the abs term a metaphor?

Abs itself is not a metaphor but can be used metaphorically.

What is the opposite of abs?

There's no direct opposite, but in a fitness context, it might be "flabby stomach."

Is abs an adverb?

No, abs is not an adverb.

Is abs an abstract noun?

No, abs is a concrete noun.

Is abs a negative or positive word?

Abs is a neutral word; it can be positive in a fitness context.

Is abs a countable noun?

Abs is countable in the sense of referring to individual muscles.

How do we divide abs into syllables?

Abs is not divided into syllables as it is a single syllable word.

What is a stressed syllable in abs?

The entire word "abs" is stressed as it is a single syllable.

Which article is used with abs?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with abs, depending on the sentence.

Is abs a collective noun?

Yes, abs is a collective noun for abdominal muscles.

Which determiner is used with abs?

Determiners like "the," "your," or "my" can be used with abs.

How is abs used in a sentence?

Example: "He follows a rigorous routine to maintain his abs."

Is abs a vowel or consonant?

Abs is neither; it's a noun, not a letter.

How many syllables are in abs?

There is one syllable in abs.

What part of speech is abs?

Abs is a noun.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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