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Abscent vs. Absent — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Abscent" is an incorrect spelling. The right spelling is "absent," meaning not present or lacking.
Abscent vs. Absent — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Abscent or Absent

How to spell Absent?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the related word "absence", which also lacks a "c".
Remember "absent" shares a structure with "present" where both lack a "c" in the middle.
"Absent" is spelled without the "c" after "s".
When pronouncing "absent", there isn't a 'k' sound, which "c" would create.
Recall "absent" as "ab-sent" where someone is sent away and is not there.

How Do You Spell Absent Correctly?

Incorrect: The teacher noticed that several students were abscent.
Correct: The teacher noticed that several students were absent.
Incorrect: He was marked abscent from the meeting yesterday.
Correct: He was marked absent from the meeting yesterday.
Incorrect: An important document was abscent from the file.
Correct: An important document was absent from the file.
Incorrect: Her name was abscent from the list.
Correct: Her name was absent from the list.
Incorrect: The key ingredient is abscent from the recipe.
Correct: The key ingredient is absent from the recipe.

Absent Definitions

Not present in a place.
John was absent from the meeting.
Not existing.
The necessary tools were absent.
Not attending or participating.
He was absent during the crucial vote.
Showing inattention or distraction.
She had an absent look on her face.
Not present; missing
Absent friends.
Absent parents.
Not existent; lacking
A country in which morality is absent.
Exhibiting or feeling inattentiveness
An absent nod.
To keep (oneself) away
They absented themselves from the debate.
"Absent a legislative fix, this is an invitation for years of litigation" (Brian E. O'Neill).
(not comparable) Being away from a place; withdrawn from a place; not present; missing.
(not comparable) Not existing; lacking.
The part was rudimental or absent.
(comparable) Inattentive to what is passing; absent-minded; preoccupied.
(with definite article) Something absent, especially absent people collectively; those who were or are not there.
An absentee; a person who is not there.
In the absence of; without; except.
Absent taxes modern governments cannot function.
(reflexive) To keep (oneself) away.
Most of the men are retired, jobless, or have otherwise temporarily absented themselves from the workplace.
To keep (someone) away.
Stay away; withdraw.
Being away from a place; withdrawn from a place; not present.
Not existing; lacking; as, the part was rudimental or absent.
Inattentive to what is passing; absent-minded; preoccupied; as, an absent air.
What is commonly called an absent man is commonly either a very weak or a very affected man.
To take or withdraw (one's self) to such a distance as to prevent intercourse; - used with the reflexive pronoun.
If after due summons any member absents himself, he is to be fined.
To withhold from being present.
Go away or leave;
He absented himself
Not in a specified place physically or mentally
Lost in thought; showing preoccupation;
An absent stare
An absentminded professer
The scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence
Lacking or missing.
The document was absent of any signatures.

Absent Meaning in a Sentence

The sun was absent from the sky, hidden behind thick clouds.
The flavor of basil was absent from the sauce, making it taste bland.
Her mind was absent during the lecture, thinking about her upcoming trip.
A sense of urgency was absent from their actions, causing delays.
She was notably absent from the party, sparking rumors among her friends.
The usual noise of the city was absent in the early morning hours.
He was absent from school due to illness.
Without his glasses, his usual confident demeanor was absent.
The audience was surprised to find the lead actor absent from the final bow.
He noticed the painting was absent from the wall where it usually hung.
Their leader was absent at a critical moment in the discussion.
The meeting felt incomplete with her absent.
The teacher was absent, so the class was postponed.
She felt like something was absent in her new apartment, making it feel less like home.
The jury noticed that a critical piece of evidence was absent.
His usual greeting was absent today, indicating he was in a bad mood.
His detailed plan was good, but a timeline for implementation was absent.
An apology was absent from his explanation, making it feel insincere.
Despite the decorations, a festive atmosphere was absent from the event.
The movie's plot was interesting, but character development was absent.
Joy was absent from his voice as he shared the news.
Even in a crowded room, she felt absent, lost in her thoughts.
The report was well-written, but data from the latest study was absent.
The list of attendees was long, but her name was conspicuously absent.
The usual birds were absent from the feeder, perhaps due to the weather.

Absent Idioms & Phrases

Absent-minded professor

Someone who is intelligent and knowledgeable but forgetful or inattentive to practical matters.
He's such an absent-minded professor; he can solve complex equations but forgets his keys.

Absent from the body, present with the Lord

A phrase indicating that when someone dies, their soul goes to be with God.
At the funeral, they comforted each other with the words, Absent from the body, present with the Lord.

Absent without leave (AWOL)

To be missing from where one is expected to be, especially without permission.
The soldier went AWOL and was later found in a nearby town.

No one is absent; the names are forgotten

Implies that everyone is included, even if their names are not remembered at the moment.
As she looked over the guest list, she remarked, No one is absent; the names are just forgotten.

To be conspicuously absent

To be noticeably missing from a place where one is expected to be.
At the award ceremony, the main actor was conspicuously absent.

Absent friends

A toast people make to remember loved ones who are not present with them.
At the reunion, they raised a glass to absent friends, reminiscing about the good old days.

Absent by design

To choose not to be present in a situation intentionally.
He was absent by design from the meeting to avoid conflict.

Absent in body, but present in spirit

Not physically present but still engaged with or thinking about a place or event.
She couldn't attend the wedding, but she was absent in body, but present in spirit.

To make oneself absent

To leave or not attend on purpose.
As the arguments began, he decided to make himself absent.

The absent are always in the wrong

Implies that people not present are often blamed for things.
They blamed him for the project's failure because the absent are always in the wrong.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called absent?

It comes from Latin "absens" meaning "away, missing."

What is the verb form of absent?

To "absent oneself."

What is the root word of absent?

Derived from Latin "absens."

Which article is used with absent?

Both "an" and "the" can be used, depending on the context.

Is absent an abstract noun?


Which vowel is used before absent?

Depends on context; there's no fixed vowel.

What is the plural form of absent?

Absents (but rarely used this way).

Which preposition is used with absent?

"From" as in "absent from."

What is the pronunciation of absent?


What is the singular form of absent?


Which conjunction is used with absent?

Not specific to the word "absent."

Is the absent term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used in metaphorical expressions.

Is absent a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but often carries a negative context.

What is the opposite of absent?


What is the first form of absent?

Absent (as in to "absent oneself").

How do we divide absent into syllables?


What is another term for absent?

Missing or gone.

Is absent a vowel or consonant?

"Absent" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

What is a stressed syllable in absent?

The first syllable, "ab."

What is the second form of absent?


How is absent used in a sentence?

"She was absent from school today."

Is absent an adverb?

No, but "absently" is the adverb form.

Is absent a countable noun?

No, "absent" is not typically used as a noun.

Is the word absent imperative?


What is the third form of absent?


Is absent a noun or adjective?


Is absent a collective noun?


How many syllables are in absent?

Two syllables.

What part of speech is absent?


Which determiner is used with absent?

Determiners like "the" or "an" can be used depending on context.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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