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Absolutley vs. Absolutely — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 1, 2024
"Absolutley" is a common misspelling of "Absolutely." Absolutely: with no qualification, restriction, or limitation; totally.
Absolutley vs. Absolutely — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Absolutley or Absolutely

How to spell Absolutely?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the root word is "absolute," just add "ly" at the end.
Practice writing it correctly multiple times until the muscle memory is built.
Sound it out: Ab-so-lute-ly; four syllables, no "i" before the "e."
Visualize a dictionary page with the correct spelling "absolutely" highlighted.
Connect the word to a phrase: “It’s 'absolutely' right to spell it without the 'i'."

How Do You Spell Absolutely Correctly?

Incorrect: She was absolutley amazed by the performance.
Correct: She was absolutely amazed by the performance.
Incorrect: He felt absolutley happy with the outcome.
Correct: He felt absolutely happy with the outcome.
Incorrect: They were absolutley convinced of the plan's success.
Correct: They were absolutely convinced of the plan's success.
Incorrect: Absolutley sure that the answer is correct.
Correct: Absolutely sure that the answer is correct.
Incorrect: I am absolutley certain of my decision.
Correct: I am absolutely certain of my decision.

Absolutely Definitions

Used to emphasize an agreement.
Are you coming to the party? Absolutely!
With no restriction or limitation.
The scene was absolutely beautiful.
In a complete and total sense.
The project was absolutely a success.
Without exception; completely.
She was absolutely certain about the facts.
Without qualification or restriction; completely
The substance was absolutely pure.
Used as an intensive
I absolutely love that restaurant. That's absolutely ridiculous.
As you say. Used to indicate agreement.
In a manner that does not take an object.
In an absolute relationship.
In an absolute or unconditional manner; utterly, positively, wholly.
Independently; viewed without relation to other things or factors.
(grammar) In a manner that does not take an object.
Yes; certainly; expression indicating strong agreement.
In an absolute, independent, or unconditional manner; wholly; positively.
Completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers;
An absolutely magnificent painting
A perfectly idiotic idea
You're perfectly right
Utterly miserable
You can be dead sure of my innocence
Was dead tired
Dead right
Totally and definitely; without question;
We are absolutely opposed to the idea
He forced himself to lie absolutely still
Iron is absolutely necessary
Used to strengthen a negative statement.
I have absolutely no idea.

Absolutely Meaning in a Sentence

He worked absolutely hard to achieve his goals.
She was absolutely delighted with her birthday present.
They were absolutely silent during the movie.
The view from the top of the mountain is absolutely breathtaking.
The cake was absolutely delicious, and everyone asked for a second piece.
Their performance was absolutely stunning, leaving the audience in awe.
She was absolutely overwhelmed with joy when she heard the good news.
She felt absolutely thrilled to be part of the team.
He was absolutely determined to finish the marathon, no matter what.
I'm absolutely convinced that practicing every day makes a difference.
I'm absolutely sure this is the right path to take.
It's absolutely essential that we get to the airport on time.
The movie was absolutely hilarious; we couldn't stop laughing.
The instructions were absolutely clear, so I had no trouble following them.
He was absolutely fascinated by the history of the ancient ruins.
The test results came back absolutely normal, which was a relief.
The garden looks absolutely beautiful in the spring.
I'm absolutely grateful for all the help you've given me.
I'm absolutely ready to start this new chapter in my life.
It's absolutely important to be honest in your relationships.
He's absolutely right about needing a break; we should all listen.
Their dedication to the project was absolutely inspiring.
They arrived absolutely exhausted after the long journey.
The support from my friends has been absolutely incredible.
The silence in the forest was absolutely peaceful.

Absolutely Idioms & Phrases

Absolutely certain

Having no doubt whatsoever.
She was absolutely certain she had turned off the oven before leaving.

Absolutely amazed

Greatly surprised or impressed by something.
They were absolutely amazed by the unexpected gift.

Absolutely necessary

Essential; cannot be done without.
Bringing a map is absolutely necessary for the hike.

Absolutely silent

Completely without sound.
The audience was absolutely silent during the poignant scene.

Absolutely sure

Having complete confidence in one's knowledge or belief.
He was absolutely sure of the answer to the question.

Absolutely flawless

Perfect in every way; without any mistakes.
Her performance was absolutely flawless.

Absolutely incredible

So remarkable as to be beyond belief.
The magician's performance was absolutely incredible.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Absolutely?

The term "absolutely" is derived from the word "absolute," which means complete or total, and the suffix "-ly," which turns it into an adverb.

What is the root word of Absolutely?

The root word is "absolute."

What is the pronunciation of Absolutely?

It is pronounced as /ˌæb.səˈluː

Which vowel is used before Absolutely?

In a sentence, any vowel could precede the word "absolutely," depending on context.

Which preposition is used with Absolutely?

There isn't a specific preposition always used with "absolutely." Its usage depends on the context of the sentence.

Which conjunction is used with Absolutely?

Any conjunction can be used with "absolutely" depending on the sentence structure, such as "and," "but," or "or."

What is the verb form of Absolutely?

"Absolutely" is an adverb, so it doesn't have a verb form. The related verb is "absolve," but it carries a different meaning.

Is Absolutely an abstract noun?

No, "absolutely" is not an abstract noun.

What is the singular form of Absolutely?

"Absolutely" is an adverb and does not have singular or plural forms.

What is the plural form of Absolutely?

"Absolutely" does not have a plural form as it is an adverb.

Is Absolutely a countable noun?

No, "absolutely" is not a noun, so it isn't countable.

Is Absolutely a collective noun?

No, "absolutely" is not a collective noun.

Which article is used with Absolutely?

As an adverb, "absolutely" doesn't typically take an article. However, in certain contexts, "an" can precede it when discussing the term itself.

Is the word Absolutely is Gerund?

No, "absolutely" is not a gerund.

Is Absolutely a vowel or consonant?

"Absolutely" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. The word itself contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word “Absolutely” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Absolutely" is an adverb and does not function as a direct or indirect object.

What is a stressed syllable in Absolutely?

The third syllable, "lute," is stressed in "absolutely."

Is Absolutely a negative or positive word?

"Absolutely" is neutral but can be used in both positive and negative contexts.

Is the Absolutely term a metaphor?

No, "absolutely" is not typically used as a metaphor.

How many syllables are in Absolutely?

There are four syllables in "absolutely."

How do we divide Absolutely into syllables?


Is Absolutely a noun or adjective?

"Absolutely" is neither; it's an adverb.

Is Absolutely an adverb?

Yes, "absolutely" is an adverb.

Is the word Absolutely is imperative?

No, "absolutely" is not an imperative verb.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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