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Abutt vs. Abut — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Abutt" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "abut," which means to touch or lean upon something at the edge or border.
Abutt vs. Abut — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Abutt or Abut

How to spell Abut?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Single 'T' Rule: "Abut" has only one 't', similar to "about."
Sound It Out: Phonetically, "abut" and "abutt" sound the same, but the correct form has less redundancy.
Construction Reference: Think of "abut" as in construction terms, where simplicity and precision are key.
Simplicity Key: The simpler spelling is often the correct one; "abut" is simpler than "abutt."
Dictionary Check: Refer to a dictionary for the correct spelling, "abut."

How Do You Spell Abut Correctly?

Incorrect: The new extension will abutt the existing building.
Correct: The new extension will abut the existing building.
Incorrect: The two states abutt along the river.
Correct: The two states abut along the river.

Abut Definitions

Touching Edges: Abut means to be adjacent or share a boundary.
The two buildings abut each other.
Bordering Directly: Abut implies directly bordering or adjoining without intervening space.
The garden abuts the main road.
Leaning Upon: Abut can mean leaning or resting on something at the border.
The fence abuts against the side of the house.
Joining Together: Abut is used for things coming together at their edges.
Two states abut at this border.
Meeting Point: Abut describes where two things meet or join.
The riverbank abuts the edge of the property.
(of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with
Gardens abutting Great Prescott Street
A park abutting on an area of waste land
To touch or end at one end or side; lie adjacent.
To border upon or end at; be next to.
To support as an abutment.
(intransitive) To touch by means of a mutual border, edge or end; to border on; to lie adjacent (to); to be contiguous (said of an area of land)
It was a time when Germany still abutted upon Russia.
His land abuts on the road.
(transitive) To border upon; be next to; abut on; be adjacent to.
(intransitive) To lean against on one end; to end on, of a part of a building or wall.
To project; to terminate or border; to be contiguous; to meet; - with on, upon, or against; as, his land abuts on the road.
Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary;
Canada adjoins the U.S.
England marches with Scotland

Abut Meaning in a Sentence

Many townhouses abut each other, sharing walls to save space.
The library's addition will abut the original building seamlessly.
Two countries may abut each other along a defined border.
The new pedestrian bridge will abut the existing pathway, improving access.

Abut Idioms & Phrases

Abut on

To border on something or to be adjacent to it.
The playground abuts on the community garden, creating a large recreational space for the neighborhood.

Abut the boundary

To lie along the boundary of an area or property.
The new fence will abut the boundary of our property and the public park.

Abut against

To be next to or have a common boundary with something.
The new wing of the hospital will abut against the existing structure, doubling its capacity.

Streets that abut

Streets that meet or run directly alongside something.
The plan includes creating more green spaces along streets that abut residential areas.

Where paths abut

Describes the point at which two paths meet or touch.
The city plans to improve the area where paths abut to enhance pedestrian safety.

Areas that abut

Refers to areas or regions that are adjacent to each other.
Conservation efforts are focused on the areas that abut the national park to extend habitats for wildlife.

Abut upon

Similar to "abut on," indicating direct adjacency or contact.
The lot where we plan to build our house abuts upon a scenic park.

Properties that abut public lands

Properties that share a boundary with land owned by the government or community.
Properties that abut public lands often have direct access to hiking trails and open spaces.

To abut a historic site

To be located next to a place of historical importance.
The museum expansion will abut a historic site, requiring careful planning to preserve its integrity.

Fields that abut

Farmlands or open fields that are adjacent to each other or another feature.
Fields that abut the wildlife reserve are often left fallow to support biodiversity.

Homes that abut green spaces

Homes that have green spaces like parks, gardens, or forests directly next to them.
Homes that abut green spaces are in high demand for their tranquil surroundings.

Abut the coastline

To be situated right next to the coast.
The resort plans to build additional villas that abut the coastline, offering direct beach access.

Buildings that abut each other

Describes buildings that are directly next to one another, often sharing walls.
In many historic districts, you'll find buildings that abut each other, reflecting the dense urban planning of the past.

To abut the edge

To be located right at the edge of something.
The small cottage abuts the edge of the forest, making it feel secluded and peaceful.

Abut a conservation area

To border or be next to an area designated for the protection of nature.
The new development is carefully designed to abut a conservation area without disturbing it.

Abut the park

To be directly next to or adjoining a park.
The community center will abut the park, providing easy access for outdoor activities.

Abut the riverbank

To lie alongside or touch the riverbank.
The new walking path will abut the riverbank, offering picturesque views of the water.

Abut a scenic route

To be located next to a road or path known for its beautiful views.
The new bike lanes will abut a scenic route, making the ride even more enjoyable for cyclists.

To abut a pedestrian zone

To be directly adjacent to an area designated for pedestrian use only.
The café's outdoor seating area will abut a pedestrian zone, enhancing its appeal.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of abut?

"Abut" itself is a verb.

Why is it called abut?

It is called "abut" because it derives from Middle English meaning 'to border on' or 'touch.'

What is the plural form of abut?

As a verb, "abut" does not have a plural form.

What is the singular form of abut?

"Abut" remains the same in singular form.

Which conjunction is used with abut?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "abut."

What is the root word of abut?

The root word is "butt," from Old French "buter," meaning 'to strike.'

Which vowel is used before abut?

The vowel 'a' is used at the beginning of "abut."

Which article is used with abut?

The articles "a" or "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is abut an adverb?

No, "abut" is not an adverb.

What is the pronunciation of abut?

Abut is pronounced as /əˈbʌt/.

Which preposition is used with abut?

Prepositions like "against," "on," and "to" are commonly used with "abut."

Is abut an abstract noun?

No, it is a verb.

Is the word abut imperative?

"Abut" can be used in the imperative form.

Is abut a countable noun?

"Abut" is not a noun; it's a verb.

What is a stressed syllable in abut?

The second syllable, "but," is stressed.

Is abut a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in abut?

There are two syllables in "abut."

Which determiner is used with abut?

As a verb, determiners are not typically used with "abut."

Is the word abut Gerund?

No, "abut" is not a gerund.

What part of speech is abut?

"Abut" is a verb.

What is another term for abut?

Another term is "adjoin" or "border."

What is the opposite of abut?

The opposite could be "separate" or "disconnect."

What is the first form of abut?

The first form is "abut."

What is the third form of abut?

The third form is also "abutted."

Is abut a noun or adjective?

"Abut" is a verb.

Is the abut term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Is the word “abut” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It's neither; "abut" is typically used as a verb.

What is the second form of abut?

The second form is "abutted."

Is abut a negative or positive word?

It is neutral; context determines its connotation.

Is abut a vowel or consonant?

The word "abut" starts with a vowel.

How do we divide abut into syllables?

It's divided as a-but.

How is abut used in a sentence?

Example: "The new extension will abut the existing building."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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