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Accoustic vs. Acoustic — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 24, 2024
"Accoustic" is a common misspelling; the correct spelling is "Acoustic", relating to sound or the sense of hearing.
Accoustic vs. Acoustic — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Accoustic or Acoustic

How to spell Acoustic?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall the word "Acoustics" is linked to "sound", both having one 'c' and one 's'.
Think of "Acoustic" guitar, which doesn't double any letters in its name.
"Acoustic" has the same number of c's as "sound" - just one.
The prefix "acou-" means hearing, with a single 'c'.
When in doubt, cut out the extra 'c' – it's "Acoustic".

How Do You Spell Acoustic Correctly?

Incorrect: The accoustic properties of the room were perfect for recording.
Correct: The acoustic properties of the room were perfect for recording.
Incorrect: He bought an accoustic guitar to start his music lessons.
Correct: He bought an acoustic guitar to start his music lessons.
Incorrect: They discussed the accoustic insulation needed for the studio.
Correct: They discussed the acoustic insulation needed for the studio.
Incorrect: She prefers accoustic versions of songs over the original ones.
Correct: She prefers acoustic versions of songs over the original ones.
Incorrect: The concert featured an accoustic set by the band.
Correct: The concert featured an acoustic set by the band.

Acoustic Definitions

Relating to sound or the science of sound.
The acoustic properties of this hall are amazing.
Describing a natural sound transmission, without electronic aid.
The bird's song was a pure acoustic delight.
Pertaining to the sense or organs of hearing.
Whales use acoustic signals to communicate.
Referring to musical instruments that don't require electrical amplification.
She played an acoustic version of the song.
Relating to sound waves or the design of a space for optimal sound.
The studio has great acoustic design.
Relating to sound or the sense of hearing
Dogs have a much greater acoustic range than humans
(of popular music or musical instruments) not having electrical amplification
Old-fashioned acoustic instruments
A sad, gentle acoustic ballad
The properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it
The Symphony Hall has perfect acoustics
The branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound
Tyndall lectured on acoustics
Short for acoustic guitar
These German-made acoustics are exceptional value and a pleasure to play
Of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound.
Designed to carry sound or to aid in hearing.
Designed to absorb or control sound
Acoustic tile.
Of or being an instrument that does not produce or enhance sound electronically
An acoustic guitar.
An acoustic bass.
Being a performance that features such instruments
Opened the show with an acoustic set.
An acoustic instrument.
Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds.
(architecture) of building materials Used for soundproofing or modifying sound.
Utilizing sound energy in its operation.
(weaponry) of an explosive mine or other weapon Able to be set off by sound waves.
Naturally producing or produced by an instrument without electrical amplification or the need thereof.
Acoustic guitar, acoustic piano
The properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it.
(medicine) A medicine or other agent to assist hearing.
Clipping of acoustic guitar
Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds; auditory.
A medicine or agent to assist hearing.
A remedy for hearing loss or deafness
Of or relating to the science of acoustics;
Acoustic properties of a hall

Acoustic Meaning in a Sentence

The acoustic guitar produces sound through the vibration of its strings.
The acoustic performance captivated the audience.
Acoustic sensors are used in various scientific applications.
The acoustic version of the song has a different feel to it.
She loves listening to acoustic covers of popular songs.
He is studying acoustic engineering in college.
Acoustic music festivals attract fans from all over the world.
They used acoustic tiles to improve sound quality in the auditorium.
The acoustic energy from the speakers filled the room.
Acoustic waves are an important area of study in physics.
Acoustic panels can significantly reduce noise levels.
The acoustic duo's harmony was perfect.
He prefers the acoustic bass for its natural sound.
Acoustic instruments like the violin and cello have a timeless sound.
They're designing the building with acoustic comfort in mind.
The artist's voice and her acoustic guitar were the only sounds in the studio.
The acoustic environment in the forest was serene and peaceful.
They tested the acoustic properties of materials for the new product.
The acoustic piano in the hall is over a hundred years old.
He's giving an acoustic concert at the cafe tonight.
The acoustic album features minimalist arrangements.

Acoustic Idioms & Phrases

Acoustic insulation

Material used to prevent sound from entering or leaving a space.
Acoustic insulation in the walls helped create a quiet study area.

Acoustic guitar

A guitar designed for sound production through the acoustic properties of its materials, without electronic amplification.
Many singer-songwriters start with an acoustic guitar because of its portability and rich sound.

Acoustic ecology

The study of the relationship between humans and their environment through sound.
Acoustic ecology examines how noise pollution affects wildlife in urban areas.

Acoustic session

A musical performance featuring instruments that produce sound acoustically rather than electronically.
The band's acoustic session gave fans a new way to appreciate their music.

Acoustic engineer

A professional who works with sound and its applications, often in designing buildings or products.
The acoustic engineer optimized the concert hall to enhance the audience's listening experience.

Acoustic signature

The unique combination of sounds that identifies a particular source.
The acoustic signature of each piano is determined by its design and construction.

Acoustic fingerprint

A unique digital summary of an audio signal, used to identify, match, or compare sound recordings.
The streaming service uses acoustic fingerprints to identify songs.

Acoustic shadow

An area where sound waves fail to propagate, making it difficult to hear noises from a distance.
During the battle, some troops were positioned in an acoustic shadow, making it hard to hear commands.

Acoustic trauma

Injury to the ear caused by exposure to high-decibel noise.
Workers in loud environments are at risk of acoustic trauma without proper ear protection.

Acoustic feedback

The feedback sound that occurs when a sound loop exists between an audio input and an output.
The microphone produced an unpleasant acoustic feedback when it was placed too close to the speaker.

Acoustic spectrum

The range of frequencies that an acoustic system can produce or respond to.
The acoustic spectrum of human hearing ranges from approximately 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

Acoustic neuroma

A noncancerous tumor on the nerve that connects the ear to the brain, affecting hearing.
Acoustic neuroma can cause hearing loss and require surgical removal.

Acoustic wave

A wave of pressure transmitted through solids, liquids, or gases.
Acoustic waves are fundamental to the field of ultrasonics.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Acoustic?

The pronunciation is /əˈkuː.stɪk/.

Which vowel is used before Acoustic?

The context in which the word is used would determine this. However, in general, "an" could be used before "acoustic" when referring to a singular noun (e.g., an acoustic guitar).

What is the verb form of Acoustic?

There isn't a direct verb form of "acoustic." However, "acoustics" can be a noun referring to the study of sound.

Which conjunction is used with Acoustic?

Any conjunction can be used with "acoustic" depending on the sentence structure, such as "and," "but," or "or."

What is the root word of Acoustic?

The root word of "acoustic" is the Greek word "akoustikos."

Which preposition is used with Acoustic?

The preposition used with "acoustic" depends on the context. For example, "of" can be used as in "acoustic properties of a room."

Is Acoustic an adverb?

No, "acoustic" is not an adverb.

What is the singular form of Acoustic?

"Acoustic" is already in its singular form.

Is Acoustic a noun or adjective?

"Acoustic" is primarily used as an adjective. However, "acoustics" can be a noun.

Why is it called Acoustic?

It is called "acoustic" because it relates to sound or the sense of hearing. The term is derived from the Greek word "akoustikos," which pertains to hearing.

Which article is used with Acoustic?

Both "a" and "an" can be used with "acoustic" depending on the following word (e.g., "a acoustic phenomenon" or "an acoustic guitar").

What is the plural form of Acoustic?

"Acoustic" as an adjective doesn't have a plural form. However, "acoustics" can be a plural noun referring to sound properties or the study of sound.

Is Acoustic an abstract noun?

No, "acoustic" is not an abstract noun.

Is Acoustic a negative or positive word?

"Acoustic" is neutral; it is neither negative nor positive.

Is the word Acoustic imperative?

No, "acoustic" is not imperative.

How many syllables are in Acoustic?

There are three syllables in "acoustic."

What is a stressed syllable in Acoustic?

The second syllable "cous" is stressed in "acoustic."

What is the opposite of Acoustic?

One potential opposite is "electric" or "electronic," especially when referring to musical instruments.

Is Acoustic a vowel or consonant?

"Acoustic" is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Acoustic a countable noun?

"Acoustic" as an adjective isn't countable. However, "acoustics" as a noun can be both countable and uncountable depending on the context.

Is the word “Acoustic” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Acoustic" can function as an adjective. If "acoustics" (the noun) is used in a sentence, it can be either a direct or an indirect object depending on its role in the sentence.

What is the first form of Acoustic?

"Acoustic" does not have verb forms. It remains "acoustic" in its primary use as an adjective.

What is the second form of Acoustic?

"Acoustic" does not have verb forms.

Is Acoustic a collective noun?

No, "acoustic" is not a collective noun.

Is the Acoustic term a metaphor?

No, "acoustic" is not a metaphor by itself, but it can be used metaphorically in specific contexts.

What is another term for Acoustic?

Another term for "acoustic" might be "sonic" or "sound-related."

What is the third form of Acoustic?

"Acoustic" does not have verb forms.

How is Acoustic used in a sentence?

"She played a song on her acoustic guitar."

Is the word Acoustic a Gerund?

No, "acoustic" is not a gerund.

How do we divide Acoustic into syllables?


What part of speech is Acoustic?

"Acoustic" is an adjective.

Which determiner is used with Acoustic?

Any determiner can be used with "acoustic" depending on the context, such as "the," "this," or "my."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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