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Addon Domain vs. Subdomain — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 18, 2023
An addon domain is a separate domain hosted on a single hosting account, while a subdomain is a division of a primary domain, creating a secondary website.
Addon Domain vs. Subdomain — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Addon Domain and Subdomain


Key Differences

An addon domain functions as a separate website with its own domain name. Conversely, a subdomain is part of a larger domain, distinguished by its prefix.
Hosting an addon domain requires additional domain registration. However, a subdomain doesn’t require separate registration, as it’s a subset of the main domain.
Addon domains can have independent content and purpose from the main domain. In contrast, subdomains often serve as extensions or different sections of the main site.
Addon domains usually have separate directories on the hosting server. Subdomains, however, share the same directory as the primary domain, only in a subfolder.
Search engines often recognize addon domains as distinct entities. On the other hand, subdomains are generally considered part of the main domain's hierarchy.

Comparison Chart


A separate domain hosted on one account.
A division of a primary domain.

Domain Registration

Requires its own registration.
No separate registration needed.

Content and Purpose

Independent from main domain.
Often an extension of the main domain.

Server Directory

Separate directory on the server.
Subfolder in the main domain's directory.

Search Engine Perception

Seen as distinct entities.
Usually considered part of the main domain.

Compare with Definitions

Addon Domain

A separate website hosted on a single hosting account.
She set up an addon domain for her photography portfolio.


A secondary website under the main domain hierarchy.
The subdomain hosts their articles.

Addon Domain

A distinct domain with its own content and design.
The addon domain allowed him to host his blog independently.


A prefix added to the main domain name.
The subdomain leads to their online store.

Addon Domain

A fully functional domain within a hosting package.
Adding an addon domain enabled him to launch a new online store.


A subdivision of a primary domain.
They set up a subdomain for their company’s customer support.

Addon Domain

A secondary website with its own unique domain name.
They created an addon domain for their charity initiative.


An extension of the main website with a distinct purpose.
The subdomain lists job openings.

Addon Domain

An independent domain sharing hosting resources.
Her small business website operates as an addon domain.


A way to organize different sections of a website.
They used a subdomain for hosting their internal company portal.


A domain or sphere that is part of a larger domain or sphere.


A domain name that has been prefaced with additional parts separated with periods.


An additional part prefaced to a domain name.

Common Curiosities

What is a subdomain?

A subdomain is a subdivision or extension of a primary domain.

Do addon domains require separate registration?

Yes, each addon domain needs its own domain registration.

What is the typical use of a subdomain?

Subdomains often serve as extensions or different sections of the main website.

Are subdomains considered separate by search engines?

Generally, they are seen as part of the main domain's hierarchy.

Can an addon domain be redirected to a different site?

Yes, an addon domain can be redirected just like any other domain.

How are addon domains viewed by search engines?

They are often recognized as distinct entities by search engines.

How do addon domains differ from subdomains?

Addon domains are separate entities, while subdomains are part of a larger domain.

Is a separate registration needed for a subdomain?

No, subdomains don’t require separate registrations.

Can addon domains have independent content?

Yes, addon domains can have entirely independent content and design.

What is an addon domain?

It’s a separate website hosted on a single hosting account with its own domain.

Can an addon domain have its own email accounts?

Yes, addon domains can have their own separate email accounts.

Can subdomains help in organizing website content?

Yes, subdomains are effective for organizing different sections of a website.

Do subdomains share the same hosting resources as the main domain?

Yes, subdomains share the same hosting resources as their primary domain.

Is it possible to have multiple addon domains?

Yes, depending on the hosting plan, you can have multiple addon domains.

Is it easier to set up a subdomain or an addon domain?

Setting up a subdomain is generally easier as it doesn’t require separate registration.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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