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Admiral vs. General — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 16, 2023
An Admiral is a senior naval officer, while a General is a senior army officer. Both are high-ranking officers in the military, but they serve in different branches.
Admiral vs. General — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Admiral and General


Key Differences

An Admiral is typically found in the navy, leading naval fleets and overseeing naval operations. In contrast, a General is an officer in the army, responsible for large groups of soldiers and army-related operations. The significance of the Admiral in the navy can be compared to that of a General in the army, signifying leadership, authority, and responsibility.
Both these titles have variations based on their exact rank. For instance, there are Rear Admirals and Vice Admirals, while in the army, there are ranks like Major General and Lieutenant General.
Ultimately, the presence of an Admiral or a General denotes a high level of trust and responsibility bestowed upon an individual by the military institution.

Comparison Chart





Typical Commands

Fleets, naval bases
Divisions, army bases

Symbolic Color

Navy blue
Army green

Rank Variations

Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral
Major General, Lieutenant General

Compare with Definitions


A naval officer ranking above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral.
The Admiral was next in line for promotion to fleet admiral.


Denoting a broad concept without specification.
The General idea is to focus on quality over quantity.


A title conferred by certain nations to distinguished seafarers.
He was honored as an Admiral for his decades of maritime service.


A high-ranking officer in the army.
The General's decision turned the tide of the battle.


A senior naval officer of flag rank.
The duties of an Admiral are vast and require strategic insight.


An officer ranking above a lieutenant general and below a general of the army or field marshal.
The General had decades of experience leading troops.


Admiral is one of the highest ranks in some navies. In the Commonwealth nations and the United States, a "full" admiral is equivalent to a "full" general in the army, and is above vice admiral and below admiral of the fleet, or fleet admiral.


Common to or affecting the entire group or class.
It's a General rule to always respect one's elders.


The most senior commander of a fleet or navy.


Affecting or concerning all or most people or things; widespread
Books of general interest
The general opinion was that prices would fall


A butterfly which has dark wings with bold red or white markings.


Considering or including only the main features or elements of something; not exact or detailed
The arrangements were outlined in very general terms
A general introduction to the subject


The commander in chief of a fleet.


Chief or principal
The general manager
The Director General of the BBC


A flag officer.


A commander of an army, or an army officer of very high rank.


A commissioned rank in the US Navy or Coast Guard that is above vice admiral and below Fleet Admiral.


The general public.


One who holds the rank of admiral, Fleet Admiral, rear admiral, or vice admiral.


Concerned with, applicable to, or affecting the whole or every member of a class or category
"subduing all her impressions as a woman, to something more general" (Virginia Woolf).


Any of various brightly colored nymphalid butterflies of the genera Limenitis and Vanessa, especially V. atalanta, having black wings with red bands.


Affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved; prevalent
General discontent.


(Archaic) The ship carrying an admiral; flagship.


Of or affecting the entire body
General paralysis.


A naval officer of the highest rank; the commander of a country's naval forces.


Being usually the case; true or applicable in most instances but not all
The general correctness of her decisions.


A naval officer of high rank, immediately below Admiral of the Fleet; the commander of a fleet or squadron.


Not limited in scope, area, or application
As a general rule.


A flag officer in the United States Navy or Coast Guard of a grade superior to vice admiral and junior to admiral of the fleet (when that grade is used). An admiral is equal in grade or rank to a four-star general.


Not limited to or dealing with one class of things; diversified
General studies.


The ship which carries the admiral, the flagship; also, the most considerable ship of a fleet.


Involving only the main features rather than precise details
A general grasp of the subject.


(obsolete) A prince or Saracen leader under the Sultan.


Highest or superior in rank
The general manager.


Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Kaniska, Limenitis and Vanessa, especially a red admiral or white admiral.


A commissioned rank in the US Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant general.


A naval officer of the highest rank; a naval officer of high rank, of which there are different grades. The chief gradations in rank are admiral, vice admiral, and rear admiral. The admiral is the commander in chief of a fleet or of fleets.


One who holds this rank or a similar rank in another military organization.


The ship which carries the admiral; also, the most considerable ship of a fleet.
Like some mighty admiral, dark and terrible, bearing down upon his antagonist with all his canvas straining to the wind, and all his thunders roaring from his broadsides.


A general officer.


A handsome butterfly (Pyrameis Atalanta) of Europe and America. The larva feeds on nettles.


A statement, principle, or fact that embraces or is applicable to the whole.


The supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral


General anesthesia.


Any of several brightly colored butterflies


(Archaic) The public.


A high-ranking officer in the navy.
The Admiral commanded respect from every sailor on board.


Including or involving every part or member of a given or implied entity, whole etc.; as opposed to specific or particular.


The commander of a fleet or naval squadron.
The Admiral devised a strategy to navigate through the storm.


Applied to a person (as a postmodifier or a normal preceding adjective) to indicate supreme rank, in civil or military titles, and later in other terms; pre-eminent.


Prevalent or widespread among a given class or area; common, usual.


Not limited in use or application; applicable to the whole or every member of a class or category.


Giving or consisting of only the most important aspects of something, ignoring minor details; indefinite.


Not limited to a specific class; miscellaneous, concerned with all branches of a given subject or area.


A general fact or proposition; a generality.
We have dealt with the generals; now let us turn to the particulars.


(military ranks) The holder of a senior military title, originally designating the commander of an army and now a specific rank falling under field marshal (in the British army) and below general of the army or general of the air force in the US army and air forces.


A great strategist or tactician.
Hannibal was one of the greatest generals of the ancient world.


(Christianity) The head of certain religious orders, especially Dominicans or Jesuits.


(nautical) A commander of naval forces; an admiral.


A general servant; a maid with no specific duties.


(countable) A general anesthetic.


(uncountable) General anesthesia.


The general insurance industry.
I work in general.


(xiangqi) A xiangqi piece, that is moved one point orthogonally and confined within the palace.


To lead (soldiers) as a general.


(obsolete) In a general or collective manner or sense; in most cases; upon the whole.


Relating to a genus or kind; pertaining to a whole class or order; as, a general law of animal or vegetable economy.


Comprehending many species or individuals; not special or particular; including all particulars; as, a general inference or conclusion.


Not restrained or limited to a precise import; not specific; vague; indefinite; lax in signification; as, a loose and general expression.


Common to many, or the greatest number; widely spread; prevalent; extensive, though not universal; as, a general opinion; a general custom.
This general applause and cheerful shoutArgue your wisdom and your love to Richard.


Having a relation to all; common to the whole; as, Adam, our general sire.


As a whole; in gross; for the most part.
His general behavior vain, ridiculous.


Usual; common, on most occasions; as, his general habit or method.


The whole; the total; that which comprehends or relates to all, or the chief part; - opposed to particular.
In particulars our knowledge begins, and so spreads itself by degrees to generals.


One of the chief military officers of a government or country; the commander of an army, of a body of men not less than a brigade. In European armies, the highest military rank next below field marshal.


The roll of the drum which calls the troops together; as, to beat the general.


The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule.


The public; the people; the vulgar.


A general officer of the highest rank


The head of a religious order or congregation


A fact about the whole (as opposed to particular);
He discussed the general but neglected the particular
He always reasons from the particular to the general


Command as a general;
We are generaled by an incompetent!


Applying to all or most members of a category or group;
The general public
General assistance
A general rule
In general terms
Comprehensible to the general reader


Not specialized or limited to one class of things;
General studies
General knowledge


Of national scope;
A general election


Prevailing among and common to the general public;
The general discontent


Affecting the entire body;
A general anesthetic
General symptoms


Somewhat indefinite;
Bearing a general resemblance to the original
A general description of the merchandise


Of worldwide scope or applicability;
An issue of cosmopolitan import
The shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time
Universal experience


The commander of an army division or larger formation.
Under the General's guidance, the division excelled in its operations.

Common Curiosities

What branch of the military is an Admiral associated with?

An Admiral is associated with the navy.

Do both Admiral and General signify leadership?

Yes, both Admiral and General are high-ranking officers denoting leadership in their respective branches.

Can the term General also be used in non-military contexts?

Yes, "General" can also refer to something broad or common, not specific to the military.

Which rank typically commands larger formations, an Admiral or a General?

Both can command large formations, but it's fleet for an Admiral and army divisions or corps for a General.

Is there a rank above Admiral in the navy?

Yes, in some navies, there's a rank like "fleet admiral" which is above Admiral.

Are there variations to the rank of Admiral?

Yes, there are ranks like Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral below a full Admiral.

And a General?

A General is associated with the army.

Do all countries have the ranks of Admiral and General?

Most countries have equivalents, but the exact titles and responsibilities can vary.

What about above General in the army?

Yes, ranks like "general of the army" or "field marshal" might be above General in some armies.

And for General?

Yes, there are variations like Major General and Lieutenant General below a full General.

What's the typical color associated with an Admiral's uniform?

Navy blue is typically associated with an Admiral's uniform.

Which rank is more senior, Rear Admiral or Vice Admiral?

Vice Admiral is more senior than Rear Admiral.

How about between Major General and Lieutenant General?

Lieutenant General is more senior than Major General.

And for a General?

Army green is typically associated with a General's uniform.

Can one transition from an Admiral to a General, or vice versa?

Typically no, as they are distinct career paths in different military branches.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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