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Aesthete vs. Esthete — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 9, 2024
"Aesthete" and "esthete" are variants of the same term, both referring to a person who has a deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature, with "aesthete" being the more commonly used spelling.
Aesthete vs. Esthete — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Aesthete and Esthete


Key Differences

"Aesthete" is a term used to describe someone who appreciates and seeks out beauty in the arts and nature, often with a profound understanding or knowledge of artistic concepts. On the other hand, "esthete" is simply an alternate spelling of the same word, and carries the same meaning and connotations.
While "aesthete" is widely recognized and commonly used in both American and British English, "esthete" tends to appear less frequently. This minor variation in spelling does not affect the definition or perception of the term.
Individuals referred to as either aesthetes or esthetes typically immerse themselves in the cultural arts, such as music, art, and literature, showing a particular sensitivity to what is considered beautiful or artistically significant. Both terms encapsulate this trait without distinction.
The choice between using "aesthete" or "esthete" may sometimes reflect regional spelling preferences or the influence of editorial style guides. However, in academic and critical texts, "aesthete" is predominantly preferred.
In conversation and writing, using either "aesthete" or "esthete" immediately communicates a deep appreciation for aesthetic beauty, with no difference in the implied level of knowledge or sophistication between the two spellings.

Comparison Chart


A person who appreciates the arts and beauty
Same as "aesthete"

Common Usage

More frequently used
Less frequently used

Spelling Variance

Preferred in general usage
Alternate spelling

Perceived Meaning

Deep sensitivity to beauty
Same as "aesthete"

Contextual Usage

Common in cultural discussions
Used interchangeably

Compare with Definitions


Someone who lives for artistic beauty.
The aesthete devoted her life to promoting classical music.


A lover of art and beauty, same as "aesthete".
Esthetes gathered at the film festival’s opening night.


A lover of art and beauty.
The gallery was filled with aesthetes admiring the new exhibit.


A connoisseur similar to an "aesthete".
The esthete wrote essays on the beauty of urban landscapes.


A person who has a high sensitivity to aesthetic beauty.
As an aesthete, he could spend hours at the sculpture park.


One who appreciates art profoundly.
The esthete critiqued each painting with a knowledgeable eye.


An individual who places high value on visual and sensory experiences.
The architect, an aesthete at heart, designed spaces that pleased the senses.


Focused on artistic and beautiful experiences.
As an esthete, she always sought out the most picturesque routes.


A connoisseur of the fine arts.
Famous poets often mingled with other aesthetes at the café.


Sensitive to the aesthetic aspects of life.
The esthete treasured his antique book collection.


One who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature.


Variant of aesthete.


One whose pursuit and admiration of beauty is regarded as excessive or affected.


Alternative spelling of aesthete


Someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature, often in a manner perceived to prioritize beauty over other qualities such as virtue and utility.


Same as Æsthete, Æsthetic, Æsthetical, Æsthetics, etc.


One who makes much or overmuch of æsthetics.


One who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature


One who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature

Common Curiosities

Where might you find aesthetes or esthetes?

They are often found in environments rich in artistic and cultural activities, such as galleries, theatres, and literary festivals.

Is there a difference between an aesthete and an esthete?

There is no difference in meaning, only in spelling.

How do you spell aesthete?

"Aesthete" is the more common spelling, but "esthete" is also acceptable.

Can the term aesthete have a negative connotation?

Sometimes, it might be used pejoratively to suggest pretentiousness, but it generally has a positive connotation.

Why are there two spellings for aesthete?

Variations in spelling can arise due to regional preferences or historical orthographic developments.

How can someone become an aesthete?

By cultivating an appreciation for art and beauty through exposure and education in the arts.

What is the importance of aesthetes in culture?

Aesthetes often support and preserve the arts, contributing to cultural richness.

What is an aesthete?

An aesthete is someone who deeply appreciates beauty, especially in art and nature.

Are aesthetes typically artists?

Not necessarily; they may simply appreciate art without creating it themselves.

Do aesthetes influence artistic trends?

Yes, their tastes and engagements can significantly influence which forms of art gain popularity or recognition.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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