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Age vs. Aged — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 5, 2024
Age is a measurement of time, while aged refers to something or someone that has lived through a specific duration.
Age vs. Aged — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Age and Aged


Key Differences

Age generally denotes the length of time someone or something has existed, often linked to living beings, but can also apply to inanimate objects to describe how long they have been in existence or use. It is a fundamental measure of time passed from birth or creation to the present. Aged, on the other hand, describes the state of being old or the process of aging.
While age can be seen as a neutral descriptor of elapsed time, aged often implies a judgment about the state or quality of the object or person it describes. The perception of being aged can vary significantly across different cultures and contexts.
In the context of humans, age is quantifiable and usually denoted in years, marking the passage of time since birth. Aged, when referring to people, suggests a later stage in life, often associated with wisdom, experience, or sometimes frailty.
In the realm of products, such as wine or cheese, aged indicates that the item has been allowed to mature for a specific period to enhance its characteristics. Unlike the straightforward measure of age, the term aged in this context suggests a deliberate process to improve or alter the product's quality.

Comparison Chart


The length of time that a person or thing has existed.
Being in a state of advanced years or having undergone aging.


Neutral, quantitative.
Qualitative, often with a positive or negative connotation.


Living beings, objects, concepts.
Usually living beings or consumables (like wine, cheese).


Neutral, factual.
Suggests effects of time, possibly positive (maturity, improvement) or negative (wear, decay).


Objective measure of existence.
Subjective assessment of condition or quality.

Compare with Definitions


A stage in life.
He is at an age where he values comfort over style.


Indicates advanced years, often with respect to people.
She is aged 85 and still goes for a walk every morning.


The period of time someone or something has existed.
The age of this tree can be determined by counting its rings.


Describes items improved over time, like wine or cheese.
Aged cheese tends to have a stronger flavor.


Used to express a significant amount of time.
It's been ages since we last met.


Conveys the effects of aging on appearance or functionality.
The aged facade of the building hinted at its rich history.


A distinct period of history.
The digital age transformed how we communicate.


Used to describe the process of becoming older.
As we aged, our priorities shifted.


Legal classification for certain activities.
The age to vote is 18 in many countries.


Refers to something or someone of a particular age.
An aged man shared his wisdom with the youth.


The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed
He died from a heart attack at the age of 51
He must be nearly 40 years of age


Having lived for a specified length of time; of a specified age
Young people aged 14 to 18
He died aged 60


A distinct period of history
An age of technological growth


Having lived or existed for a long time; very old
Aged men with white hair


Grow old or older
The tiredness we feel as we age


Having been subjected to ageing
Replica guitar with aged finish


The length of time that a person or thing has existed
A man 23 years of age.
Wanted to know the age of the house.


Being of advanced age; old.


The time of life when a person becomes qualified to assume certain civil and personal rights and responsibilities, usually at 18 or 21 years; legal age
Under age.
Of age.


Characteristic of old age.


One of the stages of life
The age of adolescence.
At an awkward age.


(ājd) Having reached the age of
Aged three.


The state of being old; old age
Hair white with age.


(ājd) Brought to a desired ripeness or maturity
Aged cheese.


A period of time marked by a distinctive characteristic, achievement, or figure
The Stone Age.
The computer age.
The Elizabethan Age.


(Geology) Approaching the base level of erosion.


A period in the history of the earth, usually shorter than an epoch
The Ice Age.


Elderly people considered as a group. Used with the.


The period of history during which a person lives
A product of his age.




A generation
Ages yet unborn.


Having the age of.
Aged 18, he had no idea what to do with his life.


Ages(Informal) An extended period of time
Left ages ago.


Having undergone the improving effects of time; matured.


To cause to become old or to show the signs of becoming old
The stress of the office visibly aged the president.


Old people, collectively.


To cause to mature or ripen under controlled conditions
Aging wine.


Simple past tense and past participle of age


To change (the characteristics of a device) through use, especially to stabilize (an electronic device).


Old; having lived long; having lived almost to or beyond the usual time allotted to that species of being; as, an aged man; an aged oak.


To become old or show signs of becoming old
Who doesn't want to age gracefully?.


Belonging to old age.


To develop a certain quality of ripeness; become mature
Cheese aging at room temperature.


Having a certain age; at the age of; having lived; as, a man aged forty years.


(countable) The whole duration of a being, whether human, animal, plant, or other kind, being alive.


People who are old;
Special arrangements were available for the aged


(countable) The number of full years, months, days, hours, etc., that someone, or something, has been alive.


Advanced in years; (`aged' is pronounced as two syllables);
Aged members of the society
Elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper
Senior citizen


(countable) One of the stages of life.
The age of infancy


At an advanced stage of erosion (pronounced as one syllable);
Aged rocks


(countable) The time of life at which some particular power or capacity is understood to become vested.
The age of consent; the age of discretion


Having attained a specific age; (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable);
Aged ten
Ten years of age


(countable) A particular period of time in history, as distinguished from others.
The golden age; the age of Pericles


Of wines, fruit, cheeses; having reached a desired or final condition; (`aged' pronounced as one syllable);
Mature well-aged cheeses


(countable) A great period in the history of the Earth.
The Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age; the Tithonian Age was the last in the Late Jurassic epoch


(used of tobacco) aging as a preservative process (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable)


(astrology) One of the twelve divisions of a Great Year, equal to roughly 2000 years and goverened by one of the zodiacal signs; a Platonic month.


(countable) A period of one hundred years; a century.


(countable) The people who live during a particular period.


(countable) A generation.
There are three ages living in her house.


A long time.
It’s been an age since we last saw you.


The shortest geochronologic unit, being a period of thousands to millions of years; a subdivision of an epoch (or sometimes a subepoch).


The right of the player to the left of the dealer to pass the first round in betting, and then to come in last or stay out; also, the player holding this position; the eldest hand.


(uncountable) That part of the duration of a being or a thing which is between its beginning and any given time; specifically the size of that part.
What is the present age of a man, or of the earth?


(uncountable) Mature age; especially, the time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities.
To come of age; she is now of age


(uncountable) An advanced period of life; the latter part of life; the state of being old, old age, senility; seniority.
Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age, sometimes age just shows up all by itself.


(intransitive) To grow aged; to become old; to show marks of age.
He grew fat as he aged.


To be viewed or turn out in some way after a certain time has passed.
His prediction that we didn't stand a chance hasn't aged well, now that we've won the cup.


(transitive) To cause to grow old; to impart the characteristics of age to.
Grief ages us.


To postpone an action that would extinguish something, as a debt.
Money's a little tight right now, let's age our bills for a week or so.


To categorize by age.
One his first assignments was to age the accounts receivable.


(transitive) To indicate that a person has been alive for a certain period of time, especially a long one.


The whole duration of a being, whether animal, vegetable, or other kind; lifetime.
Mine age is as nothing before thee.


That part of the duration of a being or a thing which is between its beginning and any given time; as, what is the present age of a man, or of the earth?


The latter part of life; an advanced period of life; seniority; state of being old.
Nor wrong mine age with this indignity.


One of the stages of life; as, the age of infancy, of youth, etc.


Mature age; especially, the time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities; as, to come of age; he (or she) is of age.


The time of life at which some particular power or capacity is understood to become vested; as, the age of consent; the age of discretion.


A particular period of time in history, as distinguished from others; as, the golden age, the age of Pericles.
Truth, in some age or other, will find her witness.


A great period in the history of the Earth.


A century; the period of one hundred years.
Fleury . . . apologizes for these five ages.


The people who live at a particular period; hence, a generation.
The way which the age follows.
Lo! where the stage, the poor, degraded stage,Holds its warped mirror to a gaping age.


A long time.


The right belonging to the player to the left of the dealer to pass the first round in betting, and then to come in last or stay out; also, the player holding this position; the eldest hand.


To grow aged; to become old; to show marks of age; as, he grew fat as he aged.
They live one hundred and thirty years, and never age for all that.
I am aging; that is, I have a whitish, or rather a light-colored, hair here and there.


To cause to grow old; to impart the characteristics of age to; as, grief ages us.


How long something has existed;
It was replaced because of its age


An era of history having some distinctive feature;
We live in a litigious age


A time in life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises;
She was now of school age
Tall for his eld


A late time of life;
Old age is not for sissies
He's showing his years
Age hasn't slowed him down at all
A beard white with eld
On the brink of geezerhood


A prolonged period of time;
We've known each other for ages
I haven't been there for years and years


Begin to seem older; get older;
The death of his wife caused him to age fast


Grow old or older;
She aged gracefully
We age every day--what a depressing thought!
Young men senesce


Make older;
The death of his child aged him tremendously

Common Curiosities

Is age always measured in years?

While often measured in years, age can also be discussed in terms of months, days, or even historical epochs for broader concepts.

What might an aged appearance imply?

It can imply wear and history for objects, or wisdom and frailty for people, depending on context.

Can aged be positive?

Yes, when referring to items like wine or cheese, aged suggests improved quality over time.

How is aged used differently from age?

Aged is used to describe the state or quality resulting from the process of aging, often with connotations of maturity or decline.

Is the perception of being aged universal?

Perception varies widely across cultures and contexts, with some valuing aged qualities and others valuing youth.

What does age mean?

Age refers to the length of time a person, object, or concept has existed.

How does legal age fit into the concept of age?

Legal age is a specific point at which individuals are granted certain rights or responsibilities by law.

Can a young person be described as aged?

Typically not in terms of years lived, but they might be described as "aged beyond their years" in maturity or experience.

Can age be used to describe non-living things?

Yes, age can describe the existence duration of objects and concepts, like buildings or eras.

Do age and aged mean the same when referring to products?

No, age refers to the time a product has existed, while aged implies a process of maturation or improvement.

How do cultures differ in their view of the aged?

Some cultures revere the aged for their wisdom and experience, while others prioritize youth and innovation.

Can something be both old and not aged?

Technically, yes. An item can be old without undergoing a process that improves or alters its characteristics through aging.

How is age determined in non-living things?

Through methods like carbon dating, historical records, or, in some cases, by examining wear and usage patterns.

Does aged always mean old?

Primarily, but in the context of products like wine, it emphasizes quality and maturity rather than simply being old.

What legal implications does age have?

Age can determine eligibility for voting, driving, drinking alcohol, and other legal rights or responsibilities.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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