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Airbus A380 vs. Boeing 747 — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 24, 2023
Airbus A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine airliner, while Boeing 747 is known for its humpbacked design with four engines and is often termed "Queen of the Skies."
Airbus A380 vs. Boeing 747 — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Airbus A380 and Boeing 747


Key Differences

The Airbus A380 represents a marvel in aviation engineering. A double-deck, wide-body, four-engine airliner, it stands as the world's largest passenger airplane. On the other hand, the Boeing 747, with its iconic humpbacked design, has been a mainstay in international travel since the 1970s.
Airbus A380 is primarily recognized for its capacity to transport a large number of passengers. With a typical seating of 555 passengers in a three-class configuration, it aims to serve high-density routes. In contrast, the Boeing 747, depending on its variant, can carry between 410 and 660 passengers.
With regards to efficiency, the Airbus A380 was designed with advanced technology for the 21st century, ensuring better fuel efficiency per passenger. However, the Boeing 747, particularly its latest variant - the 747-8, boasts of aerodynamic improvements and newer engines, giving it competitive operational costs.
A key distinction in their design is the full-length double-deck on the Airbus A380, which gives it an edge in terms of cabin space and layout flexibility. The Boeing 747, meanwhile, features a distinctive partial second deck, giving it its unmistakable "hump."
In the history of aviation, both the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747 have left significant marks. While the A380 is admired for pushing the boundaries of what's possible in terms of size and technology, the Boeing 747 is celebrated for revolutionizing long-haul travel and becoming an enduring symbol of the jet age.

Comparison Chart


First flown in 2005
First flown in 1969

Deck Structure

Full-length double deck
Main deck with distinctive partial second deck

Passenger Capacity

Typically around 555 (three-class)
410-660, depending on variant

Iconic Feature

World's largest passenger airplane
Humpbacked design, "Queen of the Skies"

Engine Count

Four engines
Four engines

Compare with Definitions

Airbus A380

Airbus' response to increasing passenger demand on popular routes.
The Airbus A380 was deployed on busy routes to maximize passenger capacity.

Boeing 747

Known for its long-range capabilities.
The Boeing 747 can cross continents without refueling.

Airbus A380

Characterized by its expansive two decks.
Passengers were excited to experience both decks of the Airbus A380.

Boeing 747

Has several variants, including the popular 747-400 and 747-8.
The airline recently added a Boeing 747-8 to its fleet.

Airbus A380

A double-deck, four-engine jet airliner.
The Airbus A380 can accommodate over 500 passengers comfortably.

Boeing 747

A large, four-engine jetliner with a distinctive hump.
The silhouette of the Boeing 747 is recognizable at any airport.

Airbus A380

Known for its advanced technology and efficiency.
Fuel efficiency was a significant factor in airlines choosing the Airbus A380.

Boeing 747

Often termed the "Queen of the Skies."
The Boeing 747 revolutionized long-haul travel in its time.

Airbus A380

The world's largest passenger aircraft.
Airports had to modify terminals to accommodate the massive Airbus A380.

Boeing 747

Symbol of the jet age and an aviation icon.
The aviation museum had a dedicated exhibit for the iconic Boeing 747.

Common Curiosities

What is the Airbus A380?

The Airbus A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jet airliner and is the world's largest passenger airplane.

When was the Boeing 747 first introduced?

The Boeing 747 was first flown in 1969.

Which aircraft is larger, the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747?

The Airbus A380 is larger than the Boeing 747.

How many passengers can the Airbus A380 typically carry?

The Airbus A380 can typically seat around 555 passengers in a three-class configuration.

Why is the Airbus A380 often chosen for busy routes?

The Airbus A380 is chosen for its high passenger capacity, making it ideal for serving high-density routes.

How many engines does the Airbus A380 have?

The Airbus A380 has four engines.

How many decks does the Airbus A380 have?

The Airbus A380 has a full-length double deck.

Which aircraft is more fuel-efficient, Airbus A380 or Boeing 747?

While both aircraft have modern variants with advanced fuel efficiencies, the Airbus A380 was specifically designed for 21st-century efficiency.

How many variants of the Boeing 747 are there?

There are several variants of the Boeing 747, including the 747-100, 747-200, 747-300, 747-400, and 747-8, among others.

What is the Boeing 747 often termed as?

The Boeing 747 is often termed the "Queen of the Skies."

How is the second deck of the Boeing 747 structured?

The Boeing 747 has a main deck with a distinctive partial second deck, creating its iconic hump.

Did airports have to make modifications to accommodate the Airbus A380?

Yes, many airports had to modify terminals and infrastructure to accommodate the Airbus A380's size.

How has the Boeing 747 impacted long-haul travel?

The Boeing 747 revolutionized long-haul travel by providing higher passenger capacities and longer ranges than previous aircraft.

What distinguishes the look of the Boeing 747 from other aircraft?

The Boeing 747 is distinguished by its unique humpbacked design, which includes a partial second deck.

Which airlines operate the Airbus A380?

Several major airlines operate the Airbus A380, including Emirates, Qantas, and Singapore Airlines, among others.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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