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Aldi Stores vs. Lidl Stores — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 18, 2023
Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores are both German-based discount supermarket chains. Aldi operates under two divisions: Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd, while Lidl is part of the Schwarz Group.
Aldi Stores vs. Lidl Stores — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores


Key Differences

Aldi Stores, originating in Germany, have carved a niche in many countries as a budget-friendly shopping destination. Lidl Stores, also hailing from Germany, follow a similar low-cost model but have distinct operational strategies. While both stores focus on offering competitive prices, their sourcing and branding differ.
Aldi Stores tend to maintain a simplistic store layout, prioritizing efficiency and ease of navigation. On the other hand, Lidl Stores often provide a slightly broader product range, encompassing more branded products alongside their private label items. This variation means shoppers might find a more diverse selection at Lidl compared to Aldi.
Aldi Stores divides its operations between Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd, with each division responsible for specific regions globally. In contrast, Lidl Stores operates under the umbrella of the Schwarz Group and does not have such internal divisions. This distinction in corporate structure can lead to different regional offerings and store experiences.
Aldi Stores often promotes its 'Special Buys,' which are limited-time offers on non-food products ranging from tools to clothing. Lidl Stores, meanwhile, is known for its 'Lidl Surprises,' a similar concept but with a more extensive range of rotating products. Both strategies aim to lure shoppers with unique deals and products that change weekly.
Both Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores prioritize private label products to keep prices down. While Aldi tends to lean heavily on its in-house brands for a majority of its stock, Lidl offers a mix, with some national brands sprinkled in. This difference can influence the shopping experience and choices available to consumers.

Comparison Chart




Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd
Part of the Schwarz Group

Product Range

Mostly private label
Mix of private label and national brands

Special Promotions

Known for 'Special Buys'
Known for 'Lidl Surprises'

Store Layout

Simplistic and efficient
Broader product range with slightly varied layout

Compare with Definitions

Aldi Stores

Aldi operates under two primary divisions: Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd.
Aldi Stores in the US are operated by Aldi Süd.

Lidl Stores

Lidl offers a mix of private label and national brand products.
I can find both national brands and Lidl's own products at Lidl Stores.

Aldi Stores

Aldi Stores focuses on private label products to keep prices competitive.
The majority of items on Aldi Stores' shelves are their in-house brands.

Lidl Stores

Lidl Stores is a European discount supermarket chain under the Schwarz Group.
Lidl Stores recently opened a branch near my house.

Aldi Stores

Aldi Stores is a German-based discount supermarket chain.
I saved a lot of money shopping at Aldi Stores this week.

Lidl Stores

Lidl Stores is known for its 'Lidl Surprises' promotions.
Lidl Stores' Lidl Surprises section had some great deals on kitchenware this week.

Aldi Stores

Aldi Stores emphasizes a simple store design for quick shopping.
The layout of Aldi Stores makes my weekly grocery shopping quick and easy.

Lidl Stores

Lidl Stores, originating from Germany, has expanded its presence across Europe and the US.
Lidl Stores is becoming more popular in the US with its competitive prices.

Aldi Stores

Aldi Stores regularly features 'Special Buys' offering non-food items.
I bought a gardening set from Aldi Stores' Special Buys section.

Lidl Stores

Lidl often rotates its product offerings to introduce fresh deals.
Every visit to Lidl Stores feels different because of their rotating product lineup.

Common Curiosities

Do Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores focus on discount pricing?

Yes, both chains prioritize offering products at competitive, discount prices.

What are Aldi's two main divisions?

Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd.

Where did Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores originate?

Both Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores originated in Germany.

Does Lidl Stores offer more national brands compared to Aldi?

Yes, Lidl has a mix of private label and national brands.

What are Aldi Stores' 'Special Buys'?

'Special Buys' are limited-time offers on non-food items at Aldi.

Are Aldi Stores' products primarily private label?

Yes, Aldi predominantly sells its in-house brands.

Are Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores direct competitors?

Yes, they both compete in the discount supermarket segment.

What are Lidl Stores' 'Lidl Surprises'?

'Lidl Surprises' are Lidl's rotating deals on a wide range of products.

Under which group does Lidl Stores operate?

Lidl Stores operates under the Schwarz Group.

Are both Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores known for their fresh produce?

Yes, both chains emphasize fresh produce at competitive prices.

Can I find non-food items at Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores?

Yes, both chains offer non-food items, often as part of their special promotions.

Do Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores offer online shopping?

While both chains have experimented with online shopping, availability varies by region and country.

How often do Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores rotate their special promotions?

Both chains rotate special promotions regularly, typically weekly.

Do both Aldi Stores and Lidl Stores have a presence outside of Europe?

Yes, both chains have expanded to various international markets, including the US.

Which chain has a broader product range?

Lidl Stores generally offers a slightly broader product range compared to Aldi.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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