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Almond Flour vs. Ground Almonds — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Published on June 27, 2024
Almond flour is finely ground blanched almonds with the skin removed, ideal for baking smooth, light textures. Ground almonds, include the skin, offering a coarser texture and more robust flavor, suitable for denser baked goods and coatings.
Almond Flour vs. Ground Almonds — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Almond Flour and Ground Almonds


Key Differences

Almond flour is made from almonds that have been blanched to remove the skin and then finely ground. This process yields a light, flour-like consistency that's perfect for creating delicate pastries, cakes, and macarons. Its fine texture allows it to be easily incorporated into recipes, resulting in baked goods that are light and airy with a subtle almond flavor.
Ground almonds, by contrast, are simply raw almonds that have been ground up with their skins intact. This results in a product that is coarser than almond flour, with a darker color due to the skin. Ground almonds, or almond meal, impart a more pronounced almond flavor and texture to recipes, making them ideal for heartier baked goods like muffins, breads, and as a crunchy topping or coating for proteins.
Nutritionally, both almond flour and ground almonds are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, magnesium, and heart-healthy fats. However, the presence of almond skins in ground almonds adds a slight increase in dietary fiber and antioxidants, attributed to the phytonutrients found in the skins.
In baking, the choice between almond flour and ground almonds often depends on the desired outcome. Almond flour's finer texture makes it a preferred option for recipes requiring a smooth finish, whereas ground almonds are chosen for their ability to add texture and a robust almond presence.
Despite their differences, almond flour and ground almonds can sometimes be used interchangeably in recipes, although the texture and appearance of the final product will vary. Adjustments in recipe moisture may also be necessary due to the absorbent nature of almond products.

Comparison Chart


Fine, powder-like
Coarser, more granular

Skin Included

No (blanched almonds)


Subtle, mild almond flavor
Robust, pronounced almond flavor

Best Used For

Delicate baked goods, smooth textures
Hearty baked goods, texture and flavor enhancement

Nutritional Content

High in vitamin E, magnesium, and healthy fats
Slightly higher in dietary fiber and antioxidants due to the skin


Lighter, cream-colored
Darker, due to the skin


May require less liquid in recipes
May require more liquid due to coarser texture

Compare with Definitions

Almond Flour

Ideal for smooth-textured baking.
Almond flour provides a fine. smooth texture to macarons.

Ground Almonds

Adds texture to baked goods.
Ground almonds gave the muffins a hearty texture.

Almond Flour

Finely ground blanched almonds.
She used almond flour to make a fluffy. gluten-free cake.

Ground Almonds

Darker color from the skin.
The ground almonds added a rustic look to the bread.

Almond Flour

Absorbs less liquid.
When baking with almond flour. she reduced the recipe's liquid content.

Ground Almonds

Coarsely ground almonds with skin.
He used ground almonds for a crunchy topping on the casserole.

Almond Flour

Mild almond flavor.
The almond flour added a subtle nuttiness to the cookies.

Ground Almonds

Pronounced almond flavor.
The almond meal enhanced the dessert's almond taste.

Almond Flour

No skin for a lighter color.
Almond flour's light color is perfect for delicate pastries.

Ground Almonds

May require more liquid.
He adjusted the recipe to add more milk when using almond meal.

Common Curiosities

Can almond flour and ground almonds be used interchangeably?

Yes, but expect variations in texture and moisture requirements. Delicate recipes might not fare well with the substitution.

Does almond flour taste like almonds?

Yes, but the flavor is subtler compared to ground almonds, making it versatile for various dishes.

Is almond flour better for health?

Both are healthy, offering vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, though ground almonds have slightly more fiber and antioxidants due to the skin.

How do I store almond flour and ground almonds?

Both should be stored in airtight containers in a cool, dry place or refrigerated to extend freshness.

Can I make almond flour from ground almonds?

No, because almond flour requires blanched almonds without skins, finely ground to a specific texture.

Is almond meal the same as ground almonds?

Yes, almond meal and ground almonds are the same, offering a coarser texture and richer flavor from the almond skins.

Why use almond flour in baking?

Almond flour is used for its fine texture, light color, and ability to create moist, light, gluten-free baked goods.

How do I adjust recipes when using almond flour?

You may need to reduce the amount of liquid or add more binding agents, as almond flour is more moisture-absorbent.

Are almond flour and ground almonds gluten-free?

Yes, both are naturally gluten-free, making them popular in gluten-free cooking and baking.

Can I use almond flour for frying?

Yes, but its fine texture may not provide the same crunch as ground almonds or traditional breadcrumbs.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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