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Almond Meal vs. Almond Flour — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 10, 2023
Almond Meal is coarsely ground almonds with skin, while Almond Flour is finely ground blanched almonds.
Almond Meal vs. Almond Flour — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Almond Meal and Almond Flour


Key Differences

Almond Meal and Almond Flour are both derived from almonds but serve different culinary purposes. Almond Meal is typically made from raw almonds that still have their skins on. This results in a grainier texture and a darker color due to the skins. Contrarily, Almond Flour is made from blanched almonds that have had their skins removed, resulting in a finer, smoother texture, and a lighter color.
Almond Meal, being coarser, often lends a more rustic texture to baked goods. This grainy consistency can add an interesting dimension to certain recipes. In contrast, Almond Flour provides a smoother texture, more in line with traditional flours, making it ideal for delicate pastries or dishes where a refined texture is sought.
When considering nutritional content, both Almond Meal and Almond Flour are rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber. However, because Almond Meal includes the skins, it might offer slightly more fiber. Almond Flour, being skinless, is often chosen for its aesthetic appeal in baked goods, resulting in a more consistent, pale color in the final product.
In recipes, while Almond Meal and Almond Flour can sometimes be used interchangeably, the outcome might vary based on texture and appearance. It's essential to choose the one that aligns with the desired result of the dish. In sum, while both products originate from almonds, their processing methods differentiate their texture, appearance, and occasional use.

Comparison Chart


Coarse and grainy.
Fine and smooth.


Darker due to skins.
Lighter, skinless.


Ground with skins on.
Ground from blanched, skinless almonds.

Use in Baking

Rustic texture in goods.
Refined texture in goods.

Nutritional Content

Slightly more fiber due to skins.
Less fiber, as it's skinless.

Compare with Definitions

Almond Meal

Almond Meal offers rustic texture.
Using Almond Meal in this crust gives it a wholesome feel.

Almond Flour

Almond Flour is finely milled blanched almonds.
The macarons were soft due to the Almond Flour.

Almond Meal

Almond Meal retains almond skins.
The specks in this cookie are from the Almond Meal I used.

Almond Flour

Almond Flour lacks almond skins.
This cake's pale color is thanks to the Almond Flour.

Almond Meal

Almond Meal provides added fiber.
For a fiber boost, I sprinkled Almond Meal on my oatmeal.

Almond Flour

Almond Flour ensures smooth texture.
For a fine crumb in pastries, I prefer Almond Flour.

Almond Meal

Almond Meal is ground raw almonds.
I added Almond Meal to my muffin recipe for a nutty texture.

Almond Flour

Almond Flour is suitable for refined pastries.
I used Almond Flour for a smooth finish on the tart.

Almond Meal

Almond Meal has a grainier consistency.
The Almond Meal contributed to the coarse texture of the bread.

Almond Flour

Almond Flour is blanched and skinless.
The Almond Flour gave the pie crust a delicate finish.

Common Curiosities

Which has more fiber, Almond Meal or Almond Flour?

Almond Meal, due to the inclusion of almond skins.

Why is Almond Flour lighter in color?

Almond Flour is made from blanched, skinless almonds.

Can I use Almond Meal and Almond Flour interchangeably?

While sometimes possible, the texture and appearance of the dish may vary.

Why might a baker choose Almond Meal over Almond Flour?

A baker might prefer the rustic texture and added fiber of Almond Meal.

Is Almond Flour suitable for gluten-free baking?

Yes, Almond Flour is gluten-free.

Which is better for delicate pastries?

Almond Flour, due to its fine and smooth texture.

Can Almond Flour replace wheat flour 1:1 in recipes?

Not always, adjustments in quantity and added binders might be needed.

Do Almond Meal and Almond Flour taste different?

Both have a nutty almond taste, but Almond Meal might have a slightly earthier flavor due to the skins.

Does Almond Meal have the skins on?

Yes, Almond Meal is made with almonds that have their skins on.

Which is finer, Almond Meal or Almond Flour?

Almond Flour is finer than Almond Meal.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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