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Altimeter vs. Barometer — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 15, 2024
An altimeter measures altitude using atmospheric pressure, primarily in aviation, while a barometer measures atmospheric pressure to predict weather changes.
Altimeter vs. Barometer — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Altimeter and Barometer


Key Differences

An altimeter is a device used to measure altitude, especially in aviation, by calculating the atmospheric pressure at different heights. It is crucial for pilots to determine their flying height and ensure safe navigation. On the other hand, a barometer measures atmospheric pressure to forecast weather conditions. Meteorologists use barometers to predict changes in weather by observing pressure fluctuations.
Altimeters are specifically calibrated to show altitude in feet or meters above sea level. They are essential tools in aircraft, enabling pilots to maintain desired flight levels. Barometers, however, display pressure readings in units such as millibars or inches of mercury. They are more commonly used in weather stations and by meteorologists.
While an altimeter's readings help in maintaining the correct altitude and ensuring safe flight paths, a barometer’s readings assist in predicting weather patterns. For example, a falling barometric pressure typically indicates approaching storms. Conversely, stable or rising pressure suggests fair weather.
Both devices rely on atmospheric pressure but serve distinct purposes. The altimeter adjusts its reading based on the changing pressure as altitude increases or decreases, ensuring accurate altitude measurement. The barometer, however, monitors pressure changes over time to anticipate weather changes.
An altimeter is vital in aviation for altitude measurement, whereas a barometer is crucial for weather prediction. Despite their reliance on atmospheric pressure, their applications and outputs are fundamentally different.

Comparison Chart


Measures altitude
Measures atmospheric pressure

Primary Use

Weather forecasting


Feet or meters
Millibars or inches of mercury


Calibrated for altitude above sea level
Calibrated for pressure variations

Common Environments

Aircraft, aviation instruments
Weather stations, meteorology

Compare with Definitions


An aviation instrument for maintaining flight level.
Accurate altimeter readings are critical for safe landing approaches.


An instrument that helps in weather forecasting.
Meteorologists use barometers to analyze pressure trends over time.


A device for measuring altitude above sea level.
The pilot checked the altimeter to ensure the plane was at the correct cruising altitude.


A device used to predict weather changes.
Farmers rely on barometers to prepare for potential weather shifts.


An instrument used in aircraft to determine altitude.
The altimeter showed a sudden drop, indicating the plane was descending rapidly.


A pressure-measuring device often found in weather stations.
The barometer's needle moved significantly, warning of an approaching cold front.


A tool that uses atmospheric pressure to measure height.
Hikers often carry an altimeter to track their ascent on mountain trails.


A barometer is a scientific instrument that is used to measure air pressure in a certain environment. Pressure tendency can forecast short term changes in the weather.


An altitude-measuring device calibrated in feet or meters.
The balloonist monitored the altimeter as they climbed higher into the sky.


An instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude.


An altimeter or an altitude meter is an instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level. The measurement of altitude is called altimetry, which is related to the term bathymetry, the measurement of depth under water.


An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in weather forecasting.


An instrument for determining elevation, especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude.


Something that registers or responds to fluctuations; an indicator
Opinion polls serve as a barometer of the public mood.


An apparatus for measuring altitude.


An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.


An instrument for taking altitudes, as a quadrant, sextant, etc.


Anything used as a gauge or indicator.


An instrument that measures the height above ground; used in navigation


An instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, and hence for judging of the probable changes of weather, or for ascertaining the height of any ascent.


An instrument that measures atmospheric pressure


A tool that records pressure in units like millibars.
The barometer showed steady pressure, indicating fair weather ahead.

Common Curiosities

Where are altimeters commonly used?

Altimeters are commonly used in aircraft and aviation.

Where are barometers commonly found?

Barometers are commonly found in weather stations and used by meteorologists.

What does a barometer measure?

A barometer measures atmospheric pressure.

What units do barometers use?

Barometers use millibars or inches of mercury to display pressure.

Why are altimeters important in aviation?

Altimeters are crucial in aviation for maintaining correct flight levels and ensuring safety.

What units do altimeters use?

Altimeters use feet or meters to display altitude.

Why are barometers important for weather forecasting?

Barometers are important for predicting weather changes by monitoring pressure variations.

What does an altimeter measure?

An altimeter measures altitude above sea level.

How does a barometer work?

A barometer works by measuring atmospheric pressure to predict weather changes.

Can an altimeter predict weather?

No, an altimeter is designed to measure altitude, not weather.

How does an altimeter work?

An altimeter works by calculating altitude based on atmospheric pressure differences.

Can a barometer measure altitude?

No, a barometer is designed to measure atmospheric pressure, not altitude.

Do barometers help in aviation?

Indirectly, as weather conditions predicted by barometers can impact flight plans.

Are altimeters and barometers interchangeable?

No, they serve different purposes and are not interchangeable.

Do hikers use altimeters?

Yes, hikers use altimeters to track elevation changes during climbs.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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