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American Rottweilers vs. German Rottweilers — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 2, 2023
American Rottweilers and German Rottweilers differ primarily in breeding standards and origin; the former follows AKC guidelines, while the latter adheres to ADRK standards.
American Rottweilers vs. German Rottweilers — What's the Difference?

Difference Between American Rottweilers and German Rottweilers


Key Differences

American Rottweilers are bred primarily according to the standards set by the American Kennel Club (AKC). These standards can sometimes be more lenient in terms of appearance and temperament, which can lead to slight variations. On the other hand, German Rottweilers are bred according to the stringent guidelines of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (ADRK).
While American Rottweilers are generally recognized for their unique breeding lineage in the United States, they might not always meet the strict standards required for German Rottweilers. German Rottweilers, in contrast, are often prized for their closer adherence to the traditional Rottweiler characteristics and are sometimes perceived as more authentic.
American Rottweilers might occasionally display variations in size, coat, and temperament compared to their German counterparts. Conversely, German Rottweilers are often more consistent in their appearance and behavior, due to the ADRK's strict breeding standards.
When considering temperament, American Rottweilers are often bred for diverse roles including companionship and show, which might result in a broader temperament range. In contrast, German Rottweilers, being bred under ADRK standards, tend to have more predictable temperaments tailored for work and protection.

Comparison Chart


Bred in the USA
Originated in Germany

Breeding Standards

Follows AKC standards
Adheres to ADRK standards

Size Variations

Might have more variance
Generally more consistent

Purpose of Breeding

Diverse roles including show
Often bred for work and protection


Broader range
Predictable and consistent

Compare with Definitions

American Rottweilers

American Rottweilers are often bred for both companionship and show.
I've seen American Rottweilers excel in both homes and dog shows.

German Rottweilers

German Rottweilers are known for their consistent temperament and appearance.
One can generally predict the behavior of German Rottweilers due to their consistent breeding.

American Rottweilers

American Rottweilers adhere to the standards set by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
She ensures her American Rottweilers are AKC registered before showcasing them.

German Rottweilers

German Rottweilers strictly adhere to the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (ADRK) standards.
Breeders often take pride in their German Rottweilers meeting ADRK criteria.

American Rottweilers

American Rottweilers may show diverse temperaments and sizes.
Some American Rottweilers can be more docile, while others are assertive.

German Rottweilers

German Rottweilers are often viewed as the more "authentic" variant by enthusiasts.
Some enthusiasts argue that German Rottweilers maintain the breed's traditional traits better.

American Rottweilers

American Rottweilers are a breed variant originating from the United States.
My neighbor just got an American Rottweiler puppy, and it's adorable!

German Rottweilers

German Rottweilers are typically bred for work and protection roles.
Many police forces trust German Rottweilers for their reliability.

American Rottweilers

American Rottweilers can have slight variations from their German counterparts.
It's fascinating to spot the subtle differences between American Rottweilers and German ones.

German Rottweilers

German Rottweilers are a breed variant originating from Germany.
German Rottweilers have a rich history tracing back to Roman times.

Common Curiosities

Are German Rottweilers from Germany?

Yes, German Rottweilers originated in Germany.

What's the origin of American Rottweilers?

American Rottweilers originate from the United States.

Which standards do American Rottweilers follow?

American Rottweilers adhere to the American Kennel Club (AKC) standards.

What standards are German Rottweilers bred to?

German Rottweilers are bred to the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (ADRK) standards.

What's the primary purpose for breeding German Rottweilers?

German Rottweilers are typically bred for work and protection roles.

Are German Rottweilers more predictable in behavior?

Yes, German Rottweilers generally have a more predictable and consistent temperament.

Is there a size difference between American Rottweilers and German Rottweilers?

American Rottweilers might show more size variance, while German Rottweilers are generally more consistent in size.

Why are American Rottweilers bred?

American Rottweilers are often bred for diverse roles, including companionship and show.

Can American Rottweilers participate in German Rottweiler competitions?

It depends on the competition's standards; some might require adherence to ADRK standards.

Is training different for American Rottweilers compared to German Rottweilers?

Training methods might vary based on individual temperament, but both breeds are highly trainable.

Do American Rottweilers have a broader temperament range?

Yes, American Rottweilers can show a broader range of temperaments due to diverse breeding purposes.

Are there health differences between American Rottweilers and German Rottweilers?

Health can vary based on breeding practices, but German Rottweilers often undergo stricter health screenings due to ADRK standards.

Which is considered more "authentic" by enthusiasts?

Many enthusiasts view German Rottweilers as the more "authentic" variant.

Which one is more popular in the US: American Rottweilers or German Rottweilers?

American Rottweilers are more common in the US, but German Rottweilers have a dedicated following.

Do both American and German Rottweilers make good family pets?

Yes, both American and German Rottweilers can make excellent family pets with proper training and socialization.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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