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Appaled vs. Appalled — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Appaled" is a common misspelling. The correct spelling is "Appalled," meaning shocked or horrified.
Appaled vs. Appalled — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Appaled or Appalled

How to spell Appalled?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "appalling" and drop the "ing" to get "appalled" with two L's.
"Appalled" is so shocking it needed an extra 'l' for emphasis.
Associate "Appalled" with "All" in the middle.
Recall a saying: "If it's appalling, it's always appalled with double L."
Visualize someone with two hands on their face, horrified - each hand representing an 'l'.

How Do You Spell Appalled Correctly?

Incorrect: I'm appaled by the quality of service at this restaurant.
Correct: I'm appalled by the quality of service at this restaurant.
Incorrect: She was appaled at the lack of manners shown by the children.
Correct: She was appalled at the lack of manners shown by the children.
Incorrect: He was appaled to find out his favorite park was littered with trash.
Correct: He was appalled to find out his favorite park was littered with trash.
Incorrect: Many were appaled at the price increase for basic necessities.
Correct: Many were appalled at the price increase for basic necessities.
Incorrect: The community was appaled by the decision to close the local library.
Correct: The community was appalled by the decision to close the local library.

Appalled Definitions

Overcome with consternation or revulsion;
The teacher was appalled by the student's disrespectful behavior.
Being taken aback due to an unsettling realization;
She was appalled by the harsh truth she uncovered.
Feeling of horror, shock, or dismay;
He was appalled at the news of the accident.
Feeling aghast, especially due to unexpected unpleasantness;
I was appalled at the price increase.
Experiencing strong feelings of disbelief due to something shocking;
They were appalled by the city's lack of preparedness.
To fill with horror and amazement; dismay greatly
"I was ... appalled by how my supposedly all-knowing professor could have made such hurtful mistakes" (Molly Worthen).
Shocked, horrified by something unpleasant.
Simple past tense and past participle of appall
Simple past tense and past participle of appal
Struck with fear, dread, or consternation.
Struck with fear, dread, or consternation

Appalled Meaning in a Sentence

Everyone was appalled at the state of the abandoned buildings.
The movie's graphic violence left the audience appalled.
She was appalled to see how much waste was produced after the event.
The teacher was appalled by the students' disrespectful behavior.
Animal lovers were appalled by the conditions in the zoo.
He was appalled that his private messages had been leaked online.
The fans were appalled by the team's poor performance this season.
The historian was appalled by the inaccuracies in the film's portrayal of events.
The public was appalled by the politician's insensitive comments.
The community was appalled to hear about the proposed environmental deregulations.
She was appalled to find out the price of medication had tripled.
Parents were appalled by the lack of safety measures at the school.
Travelers were appalled by the conditions of the restrooms at the tourist spot.
She was appalled by the lack of empathy shown towards the victims.
Customers were appalled by the poor hygiene standards at the restaurant.
She was appalled to discover the extent of data collection by social media companies.
The artist was appalled to see his work plagiarized by another.
The locals were appalled by the disrespectful behavior of tourists.
The environmentalist was appalled by the report on climate change effects.
Employees were appalled by the sudden layoffs without notice.
The audience was appalled at the comedian's offensive jokes.
Volunteers were appalled by the amount of plastic pollution on the beach.
They were appalled by the decision to cut down the ancient forest for development.
The family was appalled by the misleading advertising of the vacation package.
The audience was appalled when the magician revealed his tricks.

Appalled Idioms & Phrases

Appalled at first sight

Immediately shocked or disgusted upon seeing something.
Visitors were appalled at first sight of the polluted river.

To stand appalled

To be so shocked or horrified that one is momentarily unable to react.
The crowd stood appalled after witnessing the accident.

To be appalled by the thought

To be shocked or horrified by considering something.
She was appalled by the thought of losing her family heirlooms.

Appalled into silence

So shocked or horrified that one is unable to speak.
The news of the disaster left the community appalled into silence.

To be appalled at the idea

To find a specific idea or suggestion shocking or disgusting.
He was appalled at the idea of cheating to win.

Socially appalled

Shocked or disgusted by something from a societal or communal standpoint.
The community was socially appalled by the decision to close the only park.

Appalled by one's own actions

Feeling shocked or disgusted by what one has done.
She was appalled by her own actions when she realized the hurt she had caused.

Morally appalled

Feeling shocked or disgusted because something goes against one's moral principles.
She was morally appalled by the company's unethical practices.

To be universally appalled

When a wide range of people are all shocked or disgusted by something.
The public was universally appalled by the corruption scandal.

To leave someone appalled

To shock or horrify someone to the point where they are deeply affected.
The documentary about the war left many viewers appalled.

Appalled beyond words

Feeling so shocked or horrified that one cannot find the words to express it.
After seeing the condition of the shelter, I was appalled beyond words.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Appalled?

The term "appalled" comes from Old French "apalir" meaning "to grow pale," referring to the reaction of shock or horror.

Which vowel is used before Appalled?

Typically "a" as in "an appalled witness."

What is the singular form of Appalled?


What is the root word of Appalled?

The root word is the Old French "apalir."

Which preposition is used with Appalled?

"By" as in "appalled by."

Which conjunction is used with Appalled?

Standard conjunctions like "and" can be used.

Is Appalled an adverb?


What is the verb form of Appalled?

The verb form is "appall."

What is the pronunciation of Appalled?


Is Appalled a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

How many syllables are in Appalled?


Which determiner is used with Appalled?

Depending on context, determiners such as "this," "that," "my," "her" can be used.

What is the third form of Appalled?


What is the plural form of Appalled?

Appalled can be an adjective or past tense verb, so it doesn't have a plural form.

Which article is used with Appalled?


What is the opposite of Appalled?

Delighted or pleased.

What is the first form of Appalled?


What is the second form of Appalled?


Is Appalled an abstract noun?


Is Appalled a negative or positive word?


Is Appalled a collective noun?


How do we divide Appalled into syllables?


Is Appalled a noun or adjective?


Is the Appalled term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used in metaphorical contexts.

Is Appalled a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, not a single letter.

Is the word Appalled imperative?


What is a stressed syllable in Appalled?

The second syllable, "palled."

What part of speech is Appalled?

Adjective or past tense verb.

What is another term for Appalled?


How is Appalled used in a sentence?

"I was appalled by the lack of empathy some people displayed."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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