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Apparition vs. Ghost — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 5, 2024
An apparition is a supernatural appearance, often vague or fleeting, while a ghost is believed to be the spirit of a lost person, perceived as more defined and lingering.
Apparition vs. Ghost — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Apparition and Ghost


Key Differences

An apparition refers to any supernatural appearance, including figures of people or animals, which can be unclear or fleeting. Whereas, a ghost specifically pertains to the spirit of a deceased person, often depicted with more defined features or characteristics linked to their previous life.
While apparitions can appear in various forms and are not limited to human shapes, ghosts are primarily associated with human spirits. Apparitions might manifest as lights, shadows, or indistinct figures, indicating a broader category of phenomena, whereas ghosts often retain human-like qualities, reflecting their earthly existence.
Apparitions are usually considered omens or portents, sometimes appearing to convey a message or warning, without the intent to interact directly with the living. On the other hand, ghosts are often thought to have unfinished business or unresolved issues from their life, leading to their presence among the living.
In terms of perception, people may experience apparitions suddenly and briefly, making them harder to analyze or understand. Ghosts, however, are reported to interact with the physical environment, such as moving objects or making sounds, suggesting a more tangible presence.

Comparison Chart


A supernatural appearance, often vague or fleeting.
The spirit of a deceased person, usually lingering longer.


Can appear as people, animals, lights, or shadows.
Primarily human-shaped, with recognizable traits.


Often viewed as omens or portents with minimal interaction.
Believed to have unfinished business or desire for interaction.


Typically brief and sudden.
Can linger for an extended period.

Cultural Perception

Varies widely, can be benign or ominous.
Consistently seen as spirits of the gone.

Compare with Definitions


Not limited to human forms.
They claimed to have seen an apparition of a spectral animal in the woods.


Believed to interact with the physical world.
The ghost allegedly moved objects around the room.


Often brief and fleeting.
An apparition appeared on the roadside, only to disappear moments later.


Perceived across various cultures.
Ghost stories are a staple of folklore in cultures around the world.


A supernatural appearance of a figure.
The apparition vanished before she could take a closer look.


Associated with unfinished business.
Legend has it the ghost won’t rest until her murder is avenged.


Vague or indistinct appearances.
The room was filled with an eerie light, like some ghostly apparition.


Often depicted with human-like characteristics.
Witnesses reported seeing a ghost that resembled the portrait of a long-deceased general.


Can signify a portent or omen.
The apparition of a comet was taken as an omen of change.


A returning or haunting memory or image.


A ghostly figure; a specter.


Act as ghostwriter of (a work)
His memoirs were smoothly ghosted by a journalist


A sudden or unusual sight
"[The designer's] indoor-outdoor reversals and juxtapositions call forth a Magritte apparition beneath a Miami moon" (Herbert Muschamp).


Glide smoothly and effortlessly
They ghosted up the river


The act of appearing; appearance.


End a personal relationship with (someone) by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication
I didn't want to ghost her, so we ended up having ‘the talk’ and it was horrible
People who ghost are primarily focused on avoiding their own emotional discomfort
Being ghosted is one of the toughest ways to be dumped


An act of becoming visible; appearance; visibility.


A person's spirit or soul
Was sick for months and finally gave up the ghost.


The thing appearing; a visible object; a form.


A slight or faint trace
Just a ghost of a smile.


An unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance; especially something such as a ghost or phantom.
The attic is haunted by the ghostly apparition of a young girl who died there.


The tiniest bit
Not a ghost of a chance.


(astronomy) The first appearance of a star or other luminary after having been invisible or obscured; opposed to occultation.


An unwanted image on a television or radar screen caused by reflected waves.


(astronomy) A period of consecutive days or nights when a particular celestial body may be observed, beginning with the heliacal rising of the body and ending with its heliacal setting.


A displaced image in a photograph caused by the optical system of the camera.


The act of becoming visible; appearance; visibility.
The sudden apparition of the Spaniards.
The apparition of Lawyer Clippurse occasioned much speculation in that portion of the world.


An unwanted spectral line caused by imperfections in a diffraction grating.


The thing appearing; a visible object; a form.
Which apparition, it seems, was you.


A displaced image in a mirror caused by reflection from the front of the glass.


An unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance; a ghost; a specter; a phantom.
I think it is the weakness of mine eyesThat shapes this monstrous apparition.


(Informal) A ghostwriter.


The first appearance of a star or other luminary after having been invisible or obscured; - opposed to occultation.


A nonexistent publication listed in bibliographies.


A ghostly appearing figure;
We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us


A fictitious employee or business.


The appearance of a ghostlike figure;
I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter


(Physiology) A red blood cell having no hemoglobin.


Something existing in perception only;
A ghostly apparition at midnight


(Informal) To engage in ghostwriting.


An act of appearing or becoming visible unexpectedly;
Natives were amazed at the apparition of this white stanger


To move noiselessly like a ghost
“Two young deer ghosted out of the woods” (Nancy M. Debevoise).


To haunt.


(Informal) To ghostwrite
Was hired to ghost the memoirs of a famous executive.


The spirit; the human soul.


Any faint shadowy semblance; an unsubstantial image.
Not a ghost of a chance
The ghost of an idea


A false image formed in a telescope, camera, or other optical device by reflection from the surfaces of one or more lenses.


An unwanted image similar to and overlapping or adjacent to the main one on a television screen, caused by the transmitted image being received both directly and via reflection.


A ghostwriter.


A nonexistent person invented to obtain some fraudulent benefit.


(Internet) An unresponsive user on IRC, resulting from the user's client disconnecting without notifying the server.


(computing) An image of a file or hard disk.


(theatre) An understudy.


(espionage) A covert (and deniable) agent.


The faint image that remains after an attempt to remove graffiti.


(video games) An opponent in a racing game that follows a previously recorded route, allowing players to compete against previous best times.


Someone whose identity cannot be established because there are no records of him/her.


(quantum physics) An unphysical state in a gauge theory.


A formerly nonexistent character that was at some point mistakenly encoded into a character set standard, which might have since become used opportunistically for some genuine purpose.


(countable) ghost pepper


(uncountable) A game in which players take turns to add a letter to a possible word, trying not to complete a word.


White or pale.
Ghost slug


Transparent or translucent.
Ghost ant
Ghost catfish


(attributive) Abandoned.
Ghost town
Ghost ship


(attributive) Remnant; the remains of a(n).
Ghost cell
Ghost crater
Ghost image


(attributive) Perceived or listed but not real.
Ghost cellphone vibration
Ghost pain
Ghost island
Ghost voter


(attributive) Of cryptid, supernatural or extraterrestrial nature.
Ghost rocket
Ghost deer


(attributive) Substitute.
Ghost writer
Ghost singer


To haunt; to appear to in the form of an apparition.


(obsolete) To die; to expire.


(literary) To imbue with a ghost-like hue or effect.


(ambitransitive) To ghostwrite.


(nautical) To sail seemingly without wind.


(computing) To copy a file or hard drive image.


(GUI) To gray out (a visual item) to indicate that it is unavailable.


To forcibly disconnect an IRC user who is using one's reserved nickname.


(intransitive) To appear or move without warning, quickly and quietly; to slip.


(transitive) To transfer (a prisoner) to another prison without the prior knowledge of other inmates.


(slang) To kill.


To perform an act of ghosting: to break up with someone without warning or explanation; to ignore someone, especially on social media.


(film) To provide the speaking or singing voice for another actor, who is lip-syncing.


The spirit; the soul of man.
Then gives her grieved ghost thus to lament.


Any faint shadowy semblance; an unsubstantial image; a phantom; a glimmering; as, not a ghost of a chance; the ghost of an idea.
Each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.


A false image formed in a telescope by reflection from the surfaces of one or more lenses.
And he gave up the ghost full softly.
Jacob . . . yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people


To die; to expire.


To appear to or haunt in the form of an apparition.


A mental representation of some haunting experience;
He looked like he had seen a ghost
It aroused specters from his past


A writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else


A suggestion of some quality;
There was a touch of sarcasm in his tone
He detected a ghost of a smile on her face


Move like a ghost;
The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard


Haunt like a ghost; pursue;
Fear of illness haunts her


Write for someone else;
How many books have you ghostwritten so far?

Common Curiosities

What is a ghost?

A ghost is believed to be the spirit of a deceased person, sometimes interacting with the living or the physical environment.

What is an apparition?

An apparition is a supernatural appearance, which can be of a person, animal, or other figures, often fleeting and vague.

Are all ghosts considered apparitions?

Yes, ghosts can be considered a subset of apparitions as they are a type of supernatural appearance.

Can apparitions be harmful?

Most apparitions are not considered harmful, though some cultures may view them as bad omens.

Can apparitions be considered ghosts?

Some apparitions might be considered ghosts if they take on human-like forms and are identified as spirits of the deceased.

How do cultures around the world view ghosts?

While the concept of ghosts is nearly universal, their characteristics, behaviors, and implications vary significantly across cultures.

How do ghost stories impact culture?

Ghost stories contribute to cultural heritage, encapsulating beliefs about the afterlife, morality, and the supernatural.

Do apparitions always signify something?

Apparitions can be seen as omens or portents, though their meanings vary widely across different cultures.

What causes people to see ghosts or apparitions?

Explanations range from spiritual beliefs to psychological phenomena, with some attributing sightings to environmental factors or personal experiences.

Can animals see ghosts or apparitions?

Some believe that animals, particularly pets, can sense or see ghosts and apparitions, though this is not scientifically proven.

Do apparitions appear to everyone?

Apparitions may not appear to everyone; sightings are often reported by individuals or small groups.

What role do ghosts play in literature and media?

Ghosts in literature and media explore themes of loss, redemption, horror, and the human desire to understand the afterlife.

Is it possible to communicate with a ghost?

Many believe it is possible to communicate with ghosts, often through mediums or specific rituals, though such practices are widely debated.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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