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Appliance vs. Device — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on July 5, 2024
"Appliance" typically refers to a machine designed for a specific home use, like cooking or cleaning, whereas "device" is a general term for an object or tool made for a purpose, often technological.
Appliance vs. Device — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Appliance and Device


Key Differences

An "appliance" and a "device" both serve functions, but their realms of application differ. An "appliance" typically refers to larger machines or equipment, often designed for household tasks. Meanwhile, a "device" is a more encompassing term, referring to any piece of equipment created for a specific purpose.
Within the household, one might mention appliances such as washing machines, ovens, or refrigerators. These are specialized for domestic chores or functions. On the other hand, a "device" might be a smartphone, remote control, or a USB stick, indicating a broader scope beyond just household chores.
Think of an "appliance" as something that typically needs a dedicated space in your home, often requiring an electrical outlet. In contrast, a "device" might be portable, smaller, and might or might not need electricity.
Brands often market "appliances" for home utility, emphasizing their ability to ease domestic tasks. Brands promoting "devices" might stress innovation, multifunctionality, or connectivity, given the technological association the term frequently carries.
While the overlap exists, remembering the home-centric nature of "appliances" versus the broader application of "devices" aids in distinguishing the two.

Comparison Chart


A machine or tool used for a specific home task
An object or tool made for a specific purpose

Common Usage

Typically household related
Broad range, including technological items


Often larger, requiring dedicated space
Often smaller and more portable

Power Source

Typically requires an electrical outlet
May or may not need electricity


Refrigerator, oven, washing machine
Smartphone, remote control, USB stick

Compare with Definitions


A large piece of equipment for household tasks.
The dishwasher is a useful kitchen appliance.


An object or machine designed for a particular purpose.
The new device can track your sleep patterns.


The act of applying; application.


A piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special purpose or perform a special function.
Her hearing device greatly improved her quality of life.


Durable goods for home or office use


An invention or contrivance, especially a mechanical one.
Engineers are developing a device to purify water.


A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function.
A dental appliance helps align teeth.


A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment
A measuring device


A fire engine
Three fire appliances were rushed to the scene
One appliance attended the fire


An electronic object or machine that achieves a particular purpose.
My storage device is full, so I need to delete some files.


An apparatus fitted into something else to furnish a specific function.
A heating appliance ensures the house stays warm.


A plan, method, or trick with a particular aim
Writing a letter to a newspaper is a traditional device for signalling dissent


A machine or tool used in home life.
The coffee maker is my favorite morning appliance.


A drawing or design
The decorative device on the invitations


A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task
Electrical and gas appliances


A decorative design, figure, or pattern, as one used in embroidery.


The action or process of bringing something into operation
The appliance of science could increase crop yields


Any artifactual object designed to perform an action or process, with or without an operator in attendance.


A non-manual apparatus or device, powered electrically or by another small motor, used in homes to perform domestic functions (household appliance) and/or in offices.
Many house fires are caused by faulty appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines and dryers.


An emblematic design (especially in heraldry);
He was recognized by the device on his shield


An attachment, a piece of equipment to adapt another tool or machine to a specific purpose.


An object designed and manufactured to perform one or more functions.


(obsolete) The act of applying.


A literary contrivance, such as parallelism or personification, used to achieve a particular effect.


(obsolete) A means of eliminating or counteracting something undesirable, especially an illness.


A graphic symbol or motto, especially in heraldry.


Willing service, willingness to act as someone wishes.


Any piece of equipment made for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electrical one.


Subservience; compliance.


(computer hardware) A peripheral device; an item of hardware.


A thing applied or used as a means to an end; an apparatus or device; as, to use various appliances; a mechanical appliance; a machine with its appliances.


A project or scheme, often designed to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice.


An apparatus or device, usually powered electrically, used in homes to perform domestic functions. An appliance is often categorized as a major appliance or a minor appliance by its cost. Common major appliances are the refrigerator, washing machine, clothes drier, oven, and dishwasher. Some minor appliances are a toaster, vacuum cleaner or microwave oven.


(Ireland) An improvised explosive device, home-made bomb


A device that is very useful for a particular job


(rhetoric) A technique that an author or speaker uses to evoke an emotional response in the audience; a rhetorical device.


A piece of kitchen equipment for cooking.
Modern ovens are sophisticated appliances.


(heraldry) A motto, emblem, or other mark used to distinguish the bearer from others. A device differs from a badge or cognizance primarily as it is a personal distinction, and not a badge borne by members of the same house successively.


A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster, for household use
A store that sells the newest kitchen appliances.


(archaic) Power of devising; invention; contrivance.


A dental or surgical device designed to perform a therapeutic or corrective function.


(legal) An image used in whole or in part as a trademark or service mark.


An implement, an instrument or apparatus designed (or at least used) as a means to a specific end, especially:


(printing) An image or logo denoting official or proprietary authority or provenience.


(obsolete) A spectacle or show.


(obsolete) Opinion; decision.


That which is devised, or formed by design; a contrivance; an invention; a project; a scheme; often, a scheme to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice.
His device in against Babylon, to destroy it.
Their recent device of demanding benevolences.
He disappointeth the devices of the crafty.


Power of devising; invention; contrivance.
I must have instruments of my own device.


An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote the historical situation, the ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See Cognizance.
Knights-errant used to distinguish themselves by devices on their shields.
A banner with this strange device -Excelsior.


Anything fancifully conceived.


A spectacle or show.


Opinion; decision.


An instrumentality invented for a particular purpose;
The device is small enough to wear on your wrist
A device intended to conserve water


Something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect


Any clever (deceptive) maneuver;
He would stoop to any device to win a point


Any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)


A tool or implement used for a specific task.
The surgeon used a specialized device during the operation.


A plan or scheme for accomplishing something
“Now Lydgate might have called at the warehouse, or might have written a message on a leaf of his pocket-book and left it at the door. Yet these simple devices apparently did not occur to him” (George Eliot).

Common Curiosities

Is a laptop an appliance or a device?

A laptop is categorized as a device.

Which term is broader in scope, appliance or device?

"Device" is broader, encompassing a wide range of tools and equipment.

Is a toaster an appliance?

Yes, a toaster is considered a kitchen appliance.

Can "appliance" refer to items outside the household?

While commonly used for household items, "appliance" can refer to equipment outside the home, like medical appliances.

Can software be a device?

No, software isn't a device. However, it can run on a device.

Is a router an appliance or device?

A router is typically considered a device.

What makes a device "smart"?

A "smart" device typically has internet connectivity and can operate interactively and autonomously.

Can a smartphone be considered an appliance?

Typically, a smartphone is considered a device, not an appliance.

Are all appliances devices?

All appliances can be considered devices in a general sense, but not all devices are appliances.

Why might someone refer to a device as an appliance?

Context and regional differences can play a role. Some might use "appliance" for any equipment that serves a specific function, especially in home settings.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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