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Asscoiate vs. Associate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 4, 2024
"Asscoiate" is an incorrect spelling. "Associate" refers to connecting someone or something with something else in one's mind or having a relationship.
Asscoiate vs. Associate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Asscoiate or Associate

How to spell Associate?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Focus on the "soci" part in "Associate" as it sounds like "social," implying connection or relationship.
Always remember, it's "Asso-ciate" not "Ass-coiate."
Envision colleagues associating at a gathering.
Link "Associate" with "relation" for its meaning and spelling.
Recall "Associate Degree" – a common educational term.

How Do You Spell Associate Correctly?

Incorrect: He is an asscoiate at the law firm downtown.
Correct: He is an associate at the law firm downtown.
Incorrect: We need to asscoiate these symptoms with the correct diagnosis.
Correct: We need to associate these symptoms with the correct diagnosis.
Incorrect: Can you asscoiate this file with the correct account?
Correct: Can you associate this file with the correct account?
Incorrect: She was promoted from assistant to asscoiate director.
Correct: She was promoted from assistant to associate director.

Associate Definitions

To connect or bring into relation in thought, feeling, or action.
She associates that song with her youth.
A partner or colleague in business or work.
He's my associate at the firm.
To join or unite.
They chose to associate in a business venture.
To connect in the mind or imagination
"I always somehow associate Chatterton with autumn" (John Keats).
To connect or involve with a cause, group, or partner
Wasn't she associated with the surrealists?.
To correlate or connect logically or causally
Asthma is associated with air pollution.
To join in or form a league, union, or association
The workers associated in a union.
To spend time socially; keep company
Associates with her coworkers on weekends.
A person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business; a partner or colleague.
An employee, especially one in a subordinate position,
A companion; a comrade.
One that habitually accompanies or is associated with another; an attendant circumstance.
A member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges.
Joined with another or others and having equal or nearly equal status
An associate editor.
Having partial status or privileges
An associate member of the club.
Following or accompanying; concomitant.
Joined with another or others and having lower status.
The associate editor is someone who has some experience in editing but not sufficient experience to qualify for a senior post.
Having partial status or privileges.
He is an associate member of the club.
Connected by habit or sympathy.
Associate motions: those that occur sympathetically, in consequence of preceding motions
A person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business; a partner.
Somebody with whom one works, coworker, colleague.
(algebra) One of a pair of elements of an integral domain (or a ring) such that the two elements are divisible by each other (or, equivalently, such that each one can be expressed as the product of the other with a unit).
(intransitive) To join in or form a league, union, or association.
(intransitive) To spend time socially; keep company.
She associates with her coworkers on weekends.
To join as a partner, ally, or friend.
He associated his name with many environmental causes.
(transitive) To connect or join together; combine.
Particles of gold associated with other substances
(transitive) To connect evidentially, or in the mind or imagination.
To endorse.
(mathematics) To be associative.
To accompany; to be in the company of.
To join with one, as a friend, companion, partner, or confederate; as, to associate others with us in business, or in an enterprise.
To join or connect; to combine in acting; as, particles of gold associated with other substances.
To connect or place together in thought.
He succeeded in associating his name inseparably with some names which will last as long as our language.
To accompany; to keep company with.
Friends should associate friends in grief and woe.
To unite in company; to keep company, implying intimacy; as, congenial minds are disposed to associate.
To unite in action, or to be affected by the action of a different part of the body.
Closely connected or joined with some other, as in interest, purpose, employment, or office; sharing responsibility or authority; as, an associate judge.
While I descend . . . to my associate powers.
Admitted to some, but not to all, rights and privileges; as, an associate member.
Connected by habit or sympathy; as, associate motions, such as occur sympathetically, in consequence of preceding motions.
A companion; one frequently in company with another, implying intimacy or equality; a mate; a fellow.
A partner in interest, as in business; or a confederate in a league.
One connected with an association or institution without the full rights or privileges of a regular member; as, an associate of the Royal Academy.
Anything closely or usually connected with another; an concomitant.
The one [idea] no sooner comes into the understanding, than its associate appears with it.
A person who joins with others in some activity;
He had to consult his associate before continuing
A person who is frequently in the company of another;
Drinking companions
Comrades in arms
Any event that usually accompanies or is closely connected with another;
First was the lightning and then its thunderous associate
A degree granted by a two-year college on successful completion of the undergraduates course of studies
Make a logical or causal connection;
I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind
Colligate these facts
I cannot relate these events at all
Keep company with; hang out with;
He associates with strange people
She affiliates with her colleagues
Bring or come into association or action;
The churches consociated to fight their dissolution
Having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status;
An associate member
An associate professor
Having shared attributes or activities.
He's an associate member of the club.
A subordinate or auxiliary rank.
She's an associate editor for the magazine.

Associate Meaning in a Sentence

She became an associate professor after years of hard work.
As a sales associate, she helps customers find what they need.
The detective was able to associate the clues to solve the case.
We need to associate each color with a different group.
She's an associate member of the club, so she has limited privileges.
They were able to associate the handwriting with the suspect.
It's important to closely associate your brand with quality.
Can you help me associate these paintings with their artists?
He is looking for an associate to help him start his business.
The associate judge will preside over the courtroom today.
You can associate your account with multiple devices.
The company is looking to hire an associate engineer.
In this game, you need to associate the word with the image.
This software allows you to associate files with specific programs.
He is an associate of a well-known business tycoon.
As my research associate, he will help me with my experiment.
The film tries to associate ancient myths with modern themes.
She is known to associate with famous writers and artists.
You can become an associate member of the library for a fee.
As a marketing associate, she comes up with many creative ideas.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Associate?

"Associare" from Latin.

What is the verb form of Associate?

Associate (e.g., "They associate often").

What is the pronunciation of Associate?

It is pronounced as /əˈsoʊ.ʃi.eɪt/ for the verb and /əˈsoʊ.ʃi.ɪt/ for the noun.

Which vowel is used before Associate?

"An" as in "an associate."

What is the singular form of Associate?


Why is it called Associate?

Derived from Latin "associatus," meaning to unite or join.

Which conjunction is used with Associate?

Common conjunctions such as "and" or "but" can be used.

What is the plural form of Associate?


Which article is used with Associate?

Both "a" and "an" depending on the pronunciation.

Is Associate an adverb?


Is Associate an abstract noun?


Is Associate a vowel or consonant?

"Associate" is a word and contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Associate a countable noun?


Is Associate a collective noun?


Is Associate a noun or adjective?

It can be both a noun and an adjective.

Is Associate a negative or positive word?


Is the Associate term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

How many syllables are in Associate?

Four syllables.

What part of speech is Associate?

It can be a noun, verb, or adjective.

Which preposition is used with Associate?

"With" as in "associate with someone."

Is the word Associate a Gerund?

No, but "associating" is a gerund.

What is another term for Associate?

Partner, colleague.

Which determiner is used with Associate?

"The," "this," "that," etc.

What is the second form of Associate?


What is the third form of Associate?


Is the word Associate imperative?


What is the first form of Associate?

As it's not a verb, it doesn't have verb forms. But as a verb, "associate" is both the base and first form.

How is Associate used in a sentence?

"She tends to associate her childhood memories with the smell of fresh-baked bread."

Is the word “Associate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either depending on the context of the sentence.

How do we divide Associate into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Associate?

The third syllable, "ci."

What is the opposite of Associate?

Disassociate, separate.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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