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Atention vs. Attention — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 22, 2024
"Atention" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Attention," which refers to the act of focusing or concentrating on something.
Atention vs. Attention — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Atention or Attention

How to spell Attention?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Attention requires your "tension" to focus, hence it has two 't's in the middle.
Think of "attention" as a tent you need to enter, again emphasizing the double 't'.
Remember "attention to detail," which includes the detail of the double 't'.
It's the same pattern as "intention" and "retention," all having double 't's.
"Atten" sounds like "ten," a number we're familiar with, so remember the double 't'.

How Do You Spell Attention Correctly?

Incorrect: Your atention to detail is admirable.
Correct: Your attention to detail is admirable.
Incorrect: I need your atention on this matter immediately.
Correct: I need your attention on this matter immediately.
Incorrect: Please pay atention to the instructions.
Correct: Please pay attention to the instructions.
Incorrect: The movie didn't hold my atention for long.
Correct: The movie didn't hold my attention for long.
Incorrect: He grabbed everyone's atention with his announcement.
Correct: He grabbed everyone's attention with his announcement.

Attention Definitions

The act of close or careful observing or listening
You'll learn more if you pay attention in class.
The ability or power to keep the mind on something; the ability to concentrate
We turned our attention to the poem's last stanza.
Notice or observation
The billboard caught our attention.
The act of dealing with something or someone; treatment
This injury requires immediate medical attention.
Acts of interest or interference
"men who wanted ... freedom from censorship and the attentions of the police" (John Kenneth Galbraith).
Acts of consideration or courtesy, especially in an effort to win someone's affection or gain sexual favors
"She was almost giddy with disbelief at the unexpected attentions of a handsome, well-spoken, obviously professional man" (Rob Kantner).
A military posture, with the body erect, eyes to the front, arms at the sides, and heels together.
Used as a command to assume an erect military posture.
(uncountable) Mental focus.
Please direct your attention to the following words.
(countable) An action or remark expressing concern for or interest in someone or something, especially romantic interest.
A state of alertness in the standing position.
The company will now come to attention.
A technique in neural networks that mimics cognitive attention, enhancing the important parts of the input data while giving less priority to the rest.
(military) Used as a command to bring soldiers to the attention position.
A call for people to be quiet/stop doing what they are presently doing and pay heed to what they are to be told or shown.
The act or state of attending or heeding; the application of the mind to any object of sense, representation, or thought; notice; exclusive or special consideration; earnest consideration, thought, or regard; obedient or affectionate heed; the supposed power or faculty of attending.
They say the tongues of dying menEnforce attention like deep harmony.
An act of civility or courtesy; care for the comfort and pleasure of others; as, attentions paid to a stranger.
The process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
The work of caring for or attending to someone or something;
No medical care was required
The old car needed constant attention
A general interest that leads people to want to know more;
She was the center of attention
A courteous act indicating affection;
She tried to win his heart with her many attentions
The faculty or power of mental concentration;
Keeping track of all the details requires your complete attention
A motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review;
The troops stood at attention

Attention Meaning in a Sentence

The teacher asked for the class's attention before starting the lesson.
His attention to detail ensured the success of the project.
She drew attention to the problem that everyone had overlooked.
She paid attention to the instructions and completed the task flawlessly.
The artist's unique style garnered attention from the art community.
His innovative solution brought him a lot of attention in the industry.
Without your full attention, you might miss important information.
The child's plea for help immediately caught her attention.
The loud noise outside the window captured the students' attention.
The advertisement was designed to catch the viewer's attention.
The book's controversial topic captured the attention of readers worldwide.
When you're driving, paying attention to the road is crucial.
The sign was bright and colorful, designed to grab attention.
During the meeting, his proposal received a lot of attention.
The puppy wanted attention from everyone in the room.
The spotlight was on her, and all the attention made her nervous.
The debate on environmental issues attracted widespread attention.
Maintaining attention during a long lecture can be challenging.
The campaign aimed to draw attention to the importance of recycling.
A sudden drop in temperature got the attention of the meteorologists.

Attention Idioms & Phrases

Pay attention

To concentrate or focus on something.
It's important to pay attention during safety demonstrations.

Attention to detail

The careful consideration and focus on small, precise details.
Her attention to detail is evident in her meticulous artwork.

Center of attention

The main focus or attraction in a situation.
At the party, the magician was the center of attention.

Divert attention

To cause someone to focus on something different.
The magician used a trick to divert attention from his sleight of hand.

Hold one's attention

To keep someone interested or engaged.
A good teacher knows how to hold students' attention.

Draw attention to

To cause people to notice or focus on something.
The campaign aims to draw attention to environmental issues.

Catch someone's attention

To get someone to notice something.
The bright colors of the poster caught my attention.

Attract attention

To cause people to notice or become interested in someone or something.
The new exhibit is designed to attract attention.

Stand at attention

A military posture of readiness and respect.
The soldiers stand at attention during the national anthem.

The span of attention

The length of time someone can concentrate on something.
Children often have a shorter span of attention than adults.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Attention?


Which vowel is used before Attention?

The letter "e" as in "an attention."

What is the plural form of Attention?


What is the singular form of Attention?


Which conjunction is used with Attention?

No specific conjunction is tied to "attention."

Why is it called Attention?

The term "attention" is derived from the Latin "attendere," which means "to give heed to."

What is the pronunciation of Attention?


What is the root word of Attention?


Which preposition is used with Attention?

"To" as in "attention to detail."

Is Attention an abstract noun?


Is Attention a collective noun?


Is the word “Attention” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can serve as a direct object, e.g., "She captured his attention."

How many syllables are in Attention?

Three syllables.

What is another term for Attention?


Is the Attention term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically.

Which article is used with Attention?

Both "a" and "the" can be used.

Is the word Attention imperative?

No, but "attend" can be used as an imperative verb.

How do we divide Attention into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Attention?

The second syllable, "ten."

What is the opposite of Attention?

Neglect or disregard.

What is the second form of Attention?

For "attend," it's "attended."

Is Attention an adverb?


Is Attention a negative or positive word?


Is Attention a vowel or consonant?

"Attention" is a word, not a letter.

Is the word Attention a gerund?


What part of speech is Attention?


What is the first form of Attention?

Attention does not have verb forms. But for "attend," it's "attend."

What is the third form of Attention?

For "attend," it's "attended."

How is Attention used in a sentence?

"Her captivating speech held everyone's attention."

Is Attention a noun or adjective?


Is Attention a countable noun?

In most contexts, no.

Which determiner is used with Attention?

"The" as in "the attention given."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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