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Atomsphere vs. Atmosphere — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Atomsphere" is an incorrect spelling. "Atmosphere" refers to the envelope of gases surrounding the Earth or another planet.
Atomsphere vs. Atmosphere — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Atomsphere or Atmosphere

How to spell Atmosphere?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Atmosphere has the root "atmos-" from the Greek for vapor or steam.
Remember that "atom" is a separate word and "atmosphere" doesn't break down that way.
Envision the Earth surrounded by an "atmosphere," not an "atomsphere."
Think of "at most" spheres around the Earth.
Link the word to "meteorology," where 'meteo-' and 'atmos-' both relate to weather.

How Do You Spell Atmosphere Correctly?

Incorrect: Scientists study the Earth's atomsphere to understand climate change better.
Correct: Scientists study the Earth's atmosphere to understand climate change better.
Incorrect: The atomsphere of Jupiter is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.
Correct: The atmosphere of Jupiter is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.
Incorrect: He enjoyed the peaceful atomsphere of the mountain cabin.
Correct: He enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of the mountain cabin.
Incorrect: The restaurant had a cozy atomsphere that made us feel at home.
Correct: The restaurant had a cozy atmosphere that made us feel at home.
Incorrect: The atomsphere at the party was lively and exciting.
Correct: The atmosphere at the party was lively and exciting.

Atmosphere Definitions

The mood or feeling in a particular place.
The restaurant had a cozy atmosphere.
The layer of gases that surround a planet.
Earth's atmosphere protects us from solar radiation.
A unit of pressure.
Car tires might be inflated to 35 atmospheres.
The tone or mood of a setting or situation.
The novel had a dark, foreboding atmosphere.
The gaseous mass or envelope surrounding a celestial body, especially the one surrounding the earth, and retained by the celestial body's gravitational field.
The air or climate in a specific place.
Abbr. atm Physics A unit of pressure equal to the air pressure at sea level. It equals the amount of pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 millimeters high at 0 degrees Celsius under standard gravity, or 14.7 pounds per square inch (1.01325 × 105 pascals).
A dominant intellectual or emotional environment or attitude
An atmosphere of distrust among the electorate.
The dominant tone or mood of a work of art.
An aesthetic quality or effect, especially a distinctive and pleasing one, associated with a particular place
A restaurant with an Old World atmosphere.
The gases surrounding the Earth or any astronomical body.
The air in a particular place.
The conditions (such as music, illumination etc.) that can influence the mood felt in an environment.
The apparent mood felt in an environment.
A unit of measurement for pressure equal to 101325 Pa (symbol: atm)
Extras in a scene who have no spoken lines.
The whole mass of aëriform fluid surrounding the earth; - applied also to the gaseous envelope of any celestial orb, or other body; as, the atmosphere of Mars.
An atmosphere of cold oxygen.
A supposed medium around various bodies; as, electrical atmosphere, a medium formerly supposed to surround electrical bodies.
The pressure or weight of the air at the sea level, on a unit of surface, or about 14.7 lbs. to the sq. inch.
Hydrogen was liquefied under a pressure of 650 atmospheres.
Any surrounding or pervading influence or condition.
The chillest of social atmospheres.
The portion of air in any locality, or affected by a special physical or sanitary condition; as, the atmosphere of the room; a moist or noxious atmosphere.
A particular environment or surrounding influence;
There was an atmosphere of excitement
A unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade
The mass of air surrounding the Earth;
There was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere
It was exposed to the air
The weather or climate at some place;
The atmosphere was thick with fog
The envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body
A distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing;
An air of mystery
The house had a neglected air
An atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters
The place had an aura of romance

Atmosphere Meaning in a Sentence

A tense atmosphere filled the room during the negotiations.
The atmosphere of Mars is too thin to support human life as we know it.
The party had a festive atmosphere with music and decorations.
The Earth's atmosphere protects us from harmful solar radiation.
An atmosphere of mystery surrounds the abandoned house on the hill.
Venus has a thick atmosphere that creates a greenhouse effect.
A warm and inviting atmosphere makes the café popular among locals.
Cutting down trees can affect the atmosphere's balance of gases.
Scientists use balloons to collect data from the upper atmosphere.
Pollution can have harmful effects on the atmosphere and air quality.
The film's dark atmosphere contributes to its suspenseful storyline.
A sense of unity created a positive atmosphere at the community event.
The Earth's atmosphere consists of several layers, each with unique characteristics.
The concert had an electric atmosphere with fans cheering loudly.
The candlelit dinner created a romantic atmosphere.
The restaurant's atmosphere is influenced by its dim lighting and soft music.
Saturn's atmosphere has distinct bands of clouds and storms.
Breathing in a polluted atmosphere can lead to health problems.
Changes in the atmosphere can affect global weather patterns.
Her paintings capture the serene atmosphere of the countryside.
The atmosphere in the office is more relaxed on Fridays.
The atmosphere of the novel is gloomy and foreboding.

Atmosphere Idioms & Phrases

Charge the atmosphere

To fill a place with excitement, tension, or emotion.
The announcement charged the atmosphere with anticipation.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Atmosphere?

There isn't a direct verb form. However, "atmospheric" can be used as an adjective.

What is the root word of Atmosphere?

Derived from the Greek words "atmos" (vapor) and "sphaira" (sphere).

Which vowel is used before Atmosphere?

The vowel "a" is used at the beginning.

Why is it called Atmosphere?

It's derived from Greek "atmos" meaning 'vapor' and "sphaira" meaning 'sphere', referring to the spherical layer of vapor/gas around a celestial body.

What is the pronunciation of Atmosphere?

It is pronounced as /ˈætməsˌfɪr/.

What is the plural form of Atmosphere?


Is Atmosphere an adverb?


Which preposition is used with Atmosphere?

"in" or "of," as in "in the atmosphere" or "of the atmosphere."

Which article is used with Atmosphere?

Depending on context, both "a" and "the" can be used.

What is the singular form of Atmosphere?


Is Atmosphere a negative or positive word?


Is Atmosphere a vowel or consonant?

"Atmosphere" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

How many syllables are in Atmosphere?

Three syllables.

What is another term for Atmosphere?

Ambiance, air.

Which conjunction is used with Atmosphere?

Common conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used.

Is Atmosphere a noun or adjective?

"Atmosphere" is a noun. "Atmospheric" is its adjective form.

What is the opposite of Atmosphere?

Vacuum (in the context of space).

Is Atmosphere an abstract noun?

It can be when referring to a mood or feeling.

Is Atmosphere a collective noun?


Is the Atmosphere term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically to describe a mood or environment.

Is the word Atmosphere imperative?


What is a stressed syllable in Atmosphere?

The first syllable, "At," is stressed.

What part of speech is Atmosphere?


Which determiner is used with Atmosphere?

"The," "an," "this," "that," etc.

What is the first form of Atmosphere?

As a noun, "atmosphere" doesn't have verb forms.

How is Atmosphere used in a sentence?

"The atmosphere on Mars is much thinner than Earth's."

Is Atmosphere a countable noun?

Yes, when referring to different types of atmospheres.

How do we divide Atmosphere into syllables?


Is the word Atmosphere a Gerund?


Is the word “Atmosphere” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can serve as a direct object, e.g., "She studied the atmosphere."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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