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Attrocious vs. Atrocious — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 4, 2024
"Attrocious" is incorrectly spelled. The right spelling is "Atrocious," which describes something extremely bad or unpleasant.
Attrocious vs. Atrocious — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Attrocious or Atrocious

How to spell Atrocious?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Atrocious" has only one "t" like "terrible," and both words denote something negative.
Visualize "Atrocious" actions as always singularly bad, hinting at the single "t."
Consider "Atrocious" like "a-trocity" - with no extra "t."
Think of "Atrocious" as having "atrocity" at its core, which means a terrible act.
Remember, "Atrocious" and "Horrible" both have a single initial consonant.

How Do You Spell Atrocious Correctly?

Incorrect: The food was absolutely attrocious, completely inedible.
Correct: The food was absolutely atrocious, completely inedible.
Incorrect: He made an attrocious attempt at apology that made things worse.
Correct: He made an atrocious attempt at apology that made things worse.
Incorrect: Her behavior towards the guests was attrocious and rude.
Correct: Her behavior towards the guests was atrocious and rude.
Incorrect: The conditions in the prison were attrocious and dehumanizing.
Correct: The conditions in the prison were atrocious and dehumanizing.
Incorrect: The movie's special effects were laughably attrocious.
Correct: The movie's special effects were laughably atrocious.

Atrocious Definitions

Extremely evil or cruel; monstrous
An atrocious crime.
Exceptionally bad; abominable
Atrocious decor.
Atrocious behavior.
Frightful, evil, cruel, or monstrous.
Prisons have been the sites of atrocious mistreatment of prisoners.
Offensive or heinous.
Very bad; abominable, disgusting.
Their taste in clothes is just atrocious.
Extremely heinous; full of enormous wickedness; as, atrocious guilt or deeds.
Characterized by, or expressing, great atrocity.
Revelations . . . so atrocious that nothing in history approaches them.
Very grievous or violent; terrible; as, atrocious distempers.
Shockingly brutal or cruel;
Murder is an atrocious crime
A grievous offense against morality
A grievous crime
No excess was too monstrous for them to commit
Exceptionally bad or displeasing;
Atrocious taste
Abominable workmanship
An awful voice
Dreadful manners
A painful performance
Terrible handwriting
An unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room
Provoking horror;
An atrocious automobile accident
A frightful crime of decapitation
An alarming, even horrifying, picture
War is beyond all words horrible
An ugly wound

Atrocious Meaning in a Sentence

The hotel room was in an atrocious state, with trash everywhere.
The storm last night was atrocious, causing many trees to fall.
The play received reviews that described its acting as atrocious.
His handwriting is atrocious; I can barely read it.
Her atrocious manners at the table left everyone in shock.
I can't believe the atrocious service we received at that restaurant.
The roads in this area are atrocious, full of potholes and cracks.
She received an atrocious haircut that made her cry when she saw it.
Dealing with the atrocious traffic every morning is so frustrating.
That joke was in such atrocious taste that it offended everyone.
The quality of the fabric was atrocious, ripping after one wash.
The movie's plot was so atrocious that we left halfway through.
Her attempt at painting was atrocious, but she had fun doing it.
Their team's performance was atrocious; they lost by 50 points.
His attitude since becoming famous has been atrocious.
The condition of the old building was atrocious, needing major repairs.
The way they treat their pets is atrocious and unacceptable.
They lived in an apartment with atrocious plumbing problems.
The smell coming from the kitchen was absolutely atrocious.
That restaurant has an atrocious reputation for food safety.
The sequel to my favorite book was atrocious and a huge letdown.
His taste in music is, frankly, atrocious by most standards.
Their attempt to fix the issue was atrocious and solved nothing.
The air pollution in the city reached atrocious levels this week.

Atrocious Idioms & Phrases

Atrocious weather

Extremely bad or unpleasant weather conditions.
The picnic was ruined by the atrocious weather, with heavy rain and strong winds.

Atrocious manners

Extremely poor or unacceptable social behavior.
Despite his wealth, his atrocious manners made him unwelcome at social gatherings.

Atrocious crime

A particularly cruel or wicked crime.
The detective has faced many atrocious crimes in his career but remained committed to justice.

Atrocious taste

Extremely bad judgment in aesthetics or personal preferences.
His atrocious taste in decor made his house look like a mishmash of styles.

Atrocious act

An act that is shockingly cruel or wicked.
The novel begins with an atrocious act that sets the tone for the entire story.

Atrocious behavior

Extremely bad or unacceptable behavior.
Her atrocious behavior at the party left her friends embarrassed.

Atrocious conditions

Extremely poor or unacceptable living conditions.
The documentary highlighted the atrocious conditions in which the workers lived.

Atrocious performance

An extremely poor or unacceptable performance in a task or activity.
The team's atrocious performance this season has disappointed the fans.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Atrocious?

"An" as in "an atrocious act."

Why is it called Atrocious?

Derived from the Latin word "atrox," which means "fierce" or "cruel."

What is the verb form of Atrocious?

There isn't a direct verb form for "atrocious." The related noun is "atrocity."

What is the pronunciation of Atrocious?


Which preposition is used with Atrocious?

"Of" as in "atrocious acts of violence."

Is Atrocious a noun or adjective?


Is Atrocious an adverb?


What is the root word of Atrocious?

The Latin word "atrox."

What is the singular form of Atrocious?


Which conjunction is used with Atrocious?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with Atrocious?

Both "a" and "an" can be used, depending on the context.

Is the word Atrocious imperative?


Is Atrocious a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Atrocious?

Three syllables.

What is the plural form of Atrocious?

Atrocious doesn't have a plural form since it's an adjective.

Is Atrocious a vowel or consonant?

"Atrocious" is a word, not a single letter.

Is the Atrocious term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used in metaphorical contexts.

How do we divide Atrocious into syllables?


What is the opposite of Atrocious?

Delightful or excellent.

Is Atrocious a countable noun?

It's not a noun; it's an adjective.

Is the word Atrocious a gerund?


Is the word “Atrocious” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As an adjective, "atrocious" doesn't function as an object.

What is a stressed syllable in Atrocious?

The second syllable, "tro."

What part of speech is Atrocious?


Which determiner is used with Atrocious?

Any determiner can be used based on context, e.g., "this," "that."

What is the first form of Atrocious?

Atrocious (being an adjective, it doesn't have verb forms like first, second, third).

What is the second form of Atrocious?

N/A (it's an adjective).

What is another term for Atrocious?


How is Atrocious used in a sentence?

"The conditions of the prison were atrocious, with inmates lacking basic necessities."

Is Atrocious an abstract noun?


Is Atrocious a negative or positive word?


What is the third form of Atrocious?

N/A (it's an adjective).

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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