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Azimuth vs. Bearing — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 14, 2024
Azimuth is a full-circle measurement from due north in degrees, used in various fields like navigation, while bearing is often expressed in degrees from north or south towards east or west and is mainly used in navigation.
Azimuth vs. Bearing — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Azimuth and Bearing


Key Differences

Azimuth is measured in degrees with a full 360-degree circle, starting from due north and moving clockwise, useful in mapping and astronomy, whereas bearing describes the direction of one point from another using the cardinal directions as references, typically in navigation.
The azimuth is a more universal measurement applied across various scientific and technical fields, providing a precise angle from 0° to 360° from a reference direction, on the other hand, bearing is more specific to navigation and often involves descriptions combining cardinal directions and degrees.
When using azimuth, one often needs a complete understanding of the directional circle, as any direction can be described from 0° to 360°, whereas bearings are often simpler, referencing only the angle relative to the nearest cardinal direction (e.g., 45° NE).
In practical applications like using a compass, azimuth readings can directly align with compass degrees, while bearings are used to navigate relative to the current path or towards a specific landmark.
While both terms describe directional angles, azimuth can be used in more precise applications such as satellite dish alignment or military targeting, whereas bearing is frequently used in sea or land navigation to describe general directions.

Comparison Chart


Angle measured clockwise from north
Angle from north or south toward east or west


0° to 360°
Often described using cardinal points and degrees

Common Uses

Mapping, astronomy, military
Navigation, orienteering


High precision, full circle
Less precise, uses cardinal directions


Direct alignment with compass degrees
Used for relative directions

Compare with Definitions


Azimuth is the angle between the north point and the perpendicular projection of the star down onto the horizon.
The satellite antenna must be set to an azimuth of 130°.


Bearing helps in finding the relative direction to a destination.
To reach the campsite, follow a bearing of 220° from your current location.


The measurement encompasses a full 360-degree circle.
A heading of 270° azimuth indicates due west.


Bearing is a direction given as a degree of angle from north or south towards east or west.
A bearing of N 45° E means 45 degrees east of north.


Azimuth is used extensively in navigation, surveying, and astronomy.
Astronomers use azimuth to locate stars in the night sky.


It is used to navigate from one location to another.
Pilots use bearing to chart their flight path.


Azimuth measurements can be taken with a compass or theodolite.
Surveyors measure azimuth to establish property boundaries.


Bearings are often given using cardinal points.
The path bears S 60° W from the starting point.


It is measured in degrees clockwise from true north.
An azimuth of 90° points due east.


It is crucial for orientation in sea or wilderness navigation.
Hikers use a compass to keep their bearings straight.


An azimuth ( (listen); from Arabic اَلسُّمُوت as-sumūt, 'the directions', the plural form of the Arabic noun السَّمْت as-samt, meaning 'the direction') is an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system. The vector from an observer (origin) to a point of interest is projected perpendicularly onto a reference plane; the angle between the projected vector and a reference vector on the reference plane is called the azimuth.


The manner in which one carries or conducts oneself
The poise and bearing of a champion.


The horizontal angular distance from a reference direction, usually the northern point of the horizon, to the point where a vertical circle through a celestial body intersects the horizon, usually measured clockwise. Sometimes the southern point is used as the reference direction, and the measurement is made clockwise through 360°.


A machine or structural part that supports another part.


The horizontal angle of an observer's bearing, measured clockwise from a reference direction such as true north.


A device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of motion between fixed and moving machine parts.


The horizontal angle of a projectile's motion, measured relative to a reference direction such as true north.


Something that supports weight.


An arc of the horizon intercepted between the meridian of the place and a vertical circle passing through the center of any object.
The azimuth of a star
The azimuth or bearing of a line surveying


The part of an arch or beam that rests on a support.


The quadrant of an azimuth circle.


The act, power, or period of producing fruit or offspring.


The quadrant of an azimuth circle.


The quantity produced; yield.


The azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian


Direction, especially angular direction measured from one position to another using geographical or celestial reference lines.


Often bearings Awareness of one's position or situation relative to one's surroundings
Lost my bearings after taking the wrong exit.


Relevant relationship or interconnection
Those issues have no bearing on our situation.


(Heraldry) A charge or device on a field.


(Architecture) Designed to support structural weight
A bearing wall.


Present participle of bear


(in combination) That bears (some specified thing).
A gift-bearing visitor


Of a beam, column, or other device, carrying weight or load.
That's a bearing wall.


(mechanical engineering) A mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction.


The horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object, or between it and that of true north; a heading or direction.


One's understanding of one's orientation or relative position, literally or figuratively.
Do we go left here or straight on? Hold on, let me just get my bearings.
I started a new job last week, and I still haven't quite found my bearings.


Relevance; a relationship or connection.
That has no bearing on this issue.


One's posture, demeanor, or manner.
She walks with a confident, self-assured bearing.


(architecture) That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports.
A lintel or beam may have four inches of bearing upon the wall.


(architecture) The portion of a support on which anything rests.


The unsupported span.
The beam has twenty feet of bearing between its supports.


(heraldry) Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms.


The manner in which one bears or conducts one's self; mien; behavior; carriage.
I know him by his bearing.


Patient endurance; suffering without complaint.


The situation of one object, with respect to another, such situation being supposed to have a connection with the object, or influence upon it, or to be influenced by it; hence, relation; connection.
But of this frame, the bearings and the ties,The strong connections, nice dependencies.


Purport; meaning; intended significance; aspect.


The act, power, or time of producing or giving birth; as, a tree in full bearing; a tree past bearing.
[His mother] in travail of his bearing.


That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports; as, a lintel or beam may have four inches of bearing upon the wall.


The part of an axle or shaft in contact with its support, collar, or boxing; the journal.


Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms - commonly in the pl.
A carriage covered with armorial bearings.


The situation of a distant object, with regard to a ship's position, as on the bow, on the lee quarter, etc.; the direction or point of the compass in which an object is seen; as, the bearing of the cape was W. N. W.


Relevant relation or interconnection;
Those issues have no bearing on our situation


The direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies


Dignified manner or conduct


Characteristic way of bearing one's body;
Stood with good posture


Heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield


A rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily


(of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain


Producing or yielding;
An interest-bearing note
Fruit-bearing trees

Common Curiosities

Can azimuth and bearing be used interchangeably?

They can serve similar purposes but are used differently; azimuth is more precise, while bearing is often simpler and directional.

How do you convert bearing to azimuth?

Convert bearings given as north or south toward east or west into a degree measurement from north clockwise.

Why is azimuth important in astronomy?

It helps astronomers precisely locate celestial objects in the sky.

What is the main difference between azimuth and bearing?

Azimuth measures the full 360 degrees from north, while bearing typically measures degrees from the nearest cardinal direction (north or south) towards east or west.

What is the significance of bearing in navigation?

It helps navigators determine directions and navigate between points.

What could cause errors in azimuth measurements?

Errors can arise from improper instrument calibration or magnetic interference.

Is azimuth affected by magnetic declination?

Azimuth can be measured relative to true north or magnetic north; magnetic declination needs to be accounted for if using magnetic north.

What tools are used to measure azimuth?

Tools like compasses, theodolites, or GPS devices can be used.

How does one determine azimuth from a map?

Use a map with a compass overlay to align the north on the map with true north and measure the angle.

What are practical applications of azimuth in military operations?

It is used for targeting and aligning military assets.

Are there any similarities between azimuth and bearing?

Both are used to describe angles and directions in navigational contexts.

How do pilots use bearing?

Pilots use bearing to navigate the correct path toward their destination.

How is azimuth used in satellite communication?

It determines the direction to point a satellite dish for proper signal reception.

What is true bearing?

True bearing refers to the angle relative to true north, not magnetic north.

Why might bearings include references to cardinal directions?

Cardinal references provide intuitive direction sense for easier navigation.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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