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Banana vs. Banan — Which is Correct Spelling?

Banana vs. Banan — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Banana or Banan

How to spell Banana?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Banana Definitions

A banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called "plantains", distinguishing them from dessert bananas.
Any of several treelike plants of the genus Musa, especially M. acuminata, having a terminal crown of large, entire leaves and a hanging cluster of fruits.
The elongated, edible fruit of these plants, having a thick yellowish to reddish skin and whitish, pulpy flesh.
An elongated curved tropical fruit of a banana plant, which grows in bunches and has a creamy flesh and a smooth skin.
In particular, the sweet, yellow fruit of the Cavendish banana cultivar, which may be eaten raw, as distinct from e.g. a plantain for cooking.
The tropical tree-like plant which bears clusters of bananas, a plant of the genus Musa (but sometimes also including plants from Ensete), which has large, elongated leaves.
(uncountable) A yellow colour, like that of a banana's skin.
A person of East Asian descent, especially an ethnic Chinese from a Western country who does not speak Chinese and only speaks English, considered to have overly assimilated and to be subservient to white authority, an East Asian race traitor.
(slang) The penis.
(sports) A banana kick.
(nuclear physics) A banana equivalent dose.
A catamorphism (from the use of banana brackets in the notation).
Curved like a banana, especially of a ball in flight.
A perennial herbaceous plant of almost treelike size (Musa sapientum); also, its edible fruit. See Musa.
Any of several tropical and subtropical treelike herbs of the genus Musa having a terminal crown of large entire leaves and usually bearing hanging clusters of elongated fruits
Elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh

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