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Banter vs. Conversation — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 26, 2024
Banter involves playful, teasing speech often amongst friends; conversation is a broader term for any exchange of ideas or information.
Banter vs. Conversation — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Banter and Conversation


Key Differences

Banter is typically characterized by lighthearted, playful, and often witty exchanges that are meant to amuse those involved. Whereas conversation encompasses all forms of spoken communication between individuals, ranging from casual to serious topics.
In banter, the tone is informal and often involves joking or teasing without the intention to offend. On the other hand, conversation can be either formal or informal, depending on the context and the relationship between the participants.
Banter usually occurs between people who know each other well and have a comfortable rapport. In contrast, conversations can occur between strangers or acquaintances and do not necessarily require a pre-existing relationship.
The content of banter is typically frivolous and light, primarily aimed at entertainment and bonding. Whereas, conversation can cover a wide array of subjects including important and informational content.
Banter often involves a quick back-and-forth style of communication, where quick wittiness and response time are valued. On the other hand, conversation might be paced more slowly and involve deeper thought and exchange of ideas.

Comparison Chart


Playful, teasing
Can be serious or casual


To amuse and entertain
To exchange information or ideas


Can be formal or informal


Usually between friends
Can occur among any two or more people

Response Style

Quick, witty responses valued
Thoughtful, measured responses

Compare with Definitions


Playful joking conversation.
Their banter during the game kept everyone entertained.


A formal dialogue.
The diplomats engaged in a serious conversation about treaty terms.


A verbally playful interaction.
The banter at the family reunion reminded everyone of their strong bonds.


A talk between two or more people.
Their conversation moved from politics to sports.


Amusing and friendly teasing.
She enjoyed the banter with her mentor about different career paths.


An exchange of thoughts or information.
The conversation about climate change was enlightening.


Light teasing repartee.
The banter between colleagues at lunch was full of laughter.


A discussion intended to convey ideas.
The business conversation was crucial for the project's success.


Exchange of witty remarks.
Quick banter at the meeting lightened the mood.


An informal chat.
A casual conversation at the coffee shop became the highlight of their day.


The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks
There was much good-natured banter


Conversation is interactive communication between two or more people. The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization.


Exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way
The men bantered with the waitresses


A talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged
She picked up the phone and held a conversation in French
The two men were deep in conversation


Good-humored, playful, or teasing conversation.


The exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech or sign language
Gifted in the art of conversation.


To engage in banter
Bantered with her colleagues during a coffee break.


An instance of this
Held a long conversation on the subject.


To speak to in a playful or teasing way
"She laughed and bantered him a little, remembering too late that she should have been dignified and reserved" (Kate Chopin).


Expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people; also, a set instance or occasion of such talking.
I had an interesting conversation with Nicolas yesterday about how much he's getting paid.


Sharp, good-humoured, playful, typically spontaneous conversation.


(fencing) The back-and-forth play of the blades in a bout.


(intransitive) To engage in banter or playful conversation.


The protocol-based interaction between systems processing a transaction.


(intransitive) To play or do something amusing.


(obsolete) Interaction; commerce or intercourse with other people; dealing with others.


(transitive) To tease (someone) mildly.


(archaic) Behaviour, the way one conducts oneself; a person's way of life.


(transitive) To joke about; to ridicule (a trait, habit, etc.).


(obsolete) Engagement with a specific subject, idea, field of study etc.


(transitive) To delude or trick; to play a prank upon.


To engage in conversation (with).


To challenge to a match.


General course of conduct; behavior.
Let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel.


To haggle; cheapen the price.


Familiar intercourse; intimate fellowship or association; close acquaintance.
I set down, out of long experience in business and much conversation in books, what I thought pertinent to this business.


To address playful good-natured ridicule to, - the person addressed, or something pertaining to him, being the subject of the jesting; to rally; as, he bantered me about my credulity.
Hag-ridden by my own fancy all night, and then bantered on my haggard looks the next day.


Commerce; intercourse; traffic.
All traffic and mutual conversation.


To jest about; to ridicule in speaking of, as some trait, habit, characteristic, and the like.
If they banter your regularity, order, and love of study, banter in return their neglect of them.


Colloquial discourse; oral interchange of sentiments and observations; informal dialogue.
The influence exercised by his [Johnson's] conversation was altogether without a parallel.


To delude or trick, - esp. by way of jest.
We diverted ourselves with bantering several poor scholars with hopes of being at least his lordship's chaplain.


The use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.


To challenge or defy to a match.


The act of bantering; joking or jesting; humorous or good-humored raillery; pleasantry.
Part banter, part affection.


Light teasing repartee


Be silly or tease one another;
After we relaxed, we just kidded around

Common Curiosities

What defines a conversation?

A conversation is a form of communication between two or more people, where thoughts, information, or ideas are exchanged.

Can banter be considered rude?

Banter is generally not considered rude if it occurs among individuals who understand and appreciate this form of communication.

Why is banter important in relationships?

Banter can strengthen personal connections by fostering a sense of ease and amusement among individuals.

How does the tone differ between banter and conversation?

Banter has a playful and teasing tone, while conversation can vary from serious to casual, depending on the context.

What skills are important for effective banter?

Quick thinking, a good sense of humor, and an understanding of social cues are important for effective banter.

Can a conversation include banter?

Yes, conversations can include segments of banter as part of a larger dialogue.

What are essential conversation skills?

Listening, clarity of expression, and respect for others' viewpoints are essential for meaningful conversations.

Can banter be part of professional conversations?

Banter can be part of professional conversations if it fits the company culture and the context of the interaction.

What is banter?

Banter refers to light, playful, and teasing conversation often among friends.

Is conversation always verbal?

Conversation typically involves spoken words, but it can also include non-verbal cues and written exchanges.

How can one improve their bantering skills?

Practice, familiarity with various types of humor, and understanding your communication partner's boundaries can improve bantering skills.

How does formal conversation differ from informal conversation?

Formal conversation often follows stricter norms and language, while informal conversation is more relaxed and spontaneous.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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