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Barbeque vs. Barbecue — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Barbeque" is an incorrect spelling. The correct form is "barbecue," referring to a method of cooking meat over open fire or hot coals.
Barbeque vs. Barbecue — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Barbeque or Barbecue

How to spell Barbecue?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Barbecue" contains "cue," hinting at the cooking method being a cue to gather.
Think of "barbecue" as being in four parts: "bar-be-cue."
Remember it as "bar-be-cue" – like the cue in a pool game.
Associate "barbecue" with the abbreviation "BBQ."
Recall "barbecue" is closer to its Spanish origin "barbacoa."

How Do You Spell Barbecue Correctly?

Incorrect: He's the best barbeque chef I know.
Correct: He's the best barbecue chef I know.
Incorrect: Can you bring the barbeque grill tomorrow?
Correct: Can you bring the barbecue grill tomorrow?
Incorrect: I love barbeque sauce on my chicken.
Correct: I love barbecue sauce on my chicken.
Incorrect: The smell of barbeque filled the air.
Correct: The smell of barbecue filled the air.

Barbecue Definitions

A sauce used to flavor grilled or roasted meats.
I love the tangy taste of this barbecue sauce.
A method of cooking meat slowly over an open fire or hot coals.
We had a barbecue in the backyard last weekend.
A social gathering where food is cooked outdoors.
We're invited to a barbecue next Saturday.
A grill, pit, or outdoor fireplace for roasting meat.
A whole animal carcass or section thereof roasted or broiled over an open fire or on a spit.
A social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame.
Meat or seafood cooked in or served with barbecue sauce.
To roast, broil, or grill (meat or seafood) over live coals or an open fire, often basting with a seasoned sauce.
A fireplace or pit for grilling food, typically used outdoors and traditionally employing hot charcoal as the heating medium.
We cooked our food on the barbecue.
A meal or event highlighted by food cooked in such an apparatus.
We're having a barbecue on Saturday, and you're invited.
Meat, especially pork or beef, which has been cooked in such an apparatus (i.e. smoked over indirect heat from high-smoke fuels) and then chopped up or shredded.
She ordered a plate of barbecue with a side of slaw.
(dated) A hog, ox, or other large animal roasted or broiled whole for a feast.
A floor on which coffee beans are sun-dried.
(obsolete) A framework of sticks.
To cook food on a barbecue; to smoke it over indirect heat from high-smoke fuels.
To grill.
A framework of metal or brick, usually with a grill on top, in which a fire is lighted and on which food is cooked, usually outdoors; - also called a barbecue grill.
A social entertainment, where people assemble, usually in the open air, at which a meal is prepared on a barbecue grill.
A floor, on which coffee beans are sun-dried.
A hog, ox, or other large animal roasted or broiled whole for a feast.
To dry or cure by exposure on a frame or gridiron.
They use little or no salt, but barbecue their game and fish in the smoke.
To roast or broil whole, as an ox or hog.
Send me, gods, a whole hog barbecued.
Meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly seasoned sauce
A cookout in which food is cooked over an open fire; especially a whole animal carcass roasted on a spit
A rack to hold meat for cooking over hot charcoal usually out of doors
Cook outdoors on a barbecue grill;
Let's barbecue that meat
We cooked out in the forest
A grill or pit used for this method of cooking.
She bought a new barbecue for the summer.
The meat prepared using this cooking method.
The barbecue ribs were delicious.

Barbecue Meaning in a Sentence

They served various types of barbecue sauce at the picnic.
We need to buy more charcoal for the barbecue tomorrow.
The annual barbecue at the park is a community highlight.
Barbecue is a popular cooking method that involves grilling meat over an open flame.
The secret to a good barbecue is in the marinade.
Vegetables also taste great when cooked on a barbecue.
Hosting a barbecue is a great way to enjoy the outdoors.
Barbecue parties are incomplete without a good selection of side dishes.
She entered her famous ribs in the local barbecue competition.
Many regions have their own unique styles of barbecue.
Many people enjoy barbecue ribs with a spicy rub.
My dad's barbecue chicken is always a hit at family gatherings.
The restaurant is known for its authentic Texas barbecue.
Learning how to barbecue properly can take some practice.
The barbecue pit master shared his tips for perfect brisket.
Everyone looks forward to the barbecue cook-off at the county fair.
Barbecue enthusiasts often debate the best types of wood to use for smoking meat.
The barbecue sauce recipe has been passed down in our family for generations.
The barbecue fundraiser was a success, raising money for the school band.
Some barbecue sauces are sweet, while others are tangy or spicy.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of barbecue?

To barbecue.

What is the pronunciation of barbecue?


Which conjunction is used with barbecue?

Conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used, depending on context.

What is the root word of barbecue?

Derived from the Spanish word "barbacoa."

Which preposition is used with barbecue?

"At" as in "at a barbecue."

Is barbecue an adverb?


Is barbecue a noun or adjective?

Barbecue can be both a noun and an adjective.

Why is it called barbecue?

It's derived from the Spanish word "barbacoa," meaning a wooden frame on posts.

Which vowel is used before barbecue?

"A" as in "a barbecue."

What is the plural form of barbecue?


Is barbecue a vowel or consonant?

"Barbecue" is a word, not a single letter, and contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word barbecue imperative?


Is barbecue an abstract noun?


Is barbecue a collective noun?


How do we divide barbecue into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in barbecue?


Which determiner is used with barbecue?

"This" or "that" can be used, depending on context.

What is the singular form of barbecue?


What is the opposite of barbecue?


Is the barbecue term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

How many syllables are in barbecue?


What is another term for barbecue?


What is the first form of barbecue?

Barbecue (as a verb, to barbecue).

Which article is used with barbecue?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is barbecue a negative or positive word?

Neutral; context determines its connotation.

What is the second form of barbecue?


Is barbecue a countable noun?


What part of speech is barbecue?

Noun and verb.

What is the third form of barbecue?


How is barbecue used in a sentence?

"We plan to barbecue some chicken and vegetables this evening."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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