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Bavarian Cream vs. Boston Cream — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 1, 2023
Bavarian Cream is a cold dessert made with gelatin and whipped cream, while Boston Cream refers to a custard filling used in pies and doughnuts. Both are creamy but have distinct uses and textures.
Bavarian Cream vs. Boston Cream — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Bavarian Cream and Boston Cream


Key Differences

Bavarian Cream is a dessert of European origin, specifically from the Bavaria region of Germany. It's known for its luxurious texture, achieved by folding whipped cream into a custard base that's been set with gelatin. This results in a light, mousse-like consistency. Boston Cream, on the other hand, has its roots in American cuisine, particularly in the Northeast. It's a creamy custard often used as a filling for cakes and doughnuts.
While Bavarian Cream is typically enjoyed on its own or as part of layered desserts, Boston Cream is frequently found sandwiched between cake layers or inside pastries.
The nature of Bavarian Cream is cold and moldable, enabling it to take various forms when set. Boston Cream, conversely, is more fluid and is used to lend moisture and richness to baked goods. In essence, while both are creamy delights, Bavarian Cream and Boston Cream vary in origin, consistency, and culinary application.

Comparison Chart


Bavaria, Germany
Northeastern United States


Light, mousse-like
Creamy custard

Main Ingredients

Gelatin, whipped cream, custard base
Milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla

Typical Use

Standalone dessert or in layered sweets
Filling for cakes, pies, and doughnuts

Serving Temperature

Room temperature or slightly chilled

Compare with Definitions

Bavarian Cream

A mousse-like treat originating from Germany.
For dessert, there's a delicious Bavarian Cream with fruit layers.

Boston Cream

A creamy custard filling.
The doughnut was oozing with rich Boston Cream.

Bavarian Cream

Whipped cream and custard mixture.
The Bavarian Cream was light and airy, a perfect end to the meal.

Boston Cream

Commonly found in Boston Cream Pie or doughnuts.
The cake layers sandwiched a generous spread of Boston Cream.

Bavarian Cream

Often flavored with vanilla, fruit purees, or liqueurs.
He infused the Bavarian Cream with a hint of raspberry.

Boston Cream

Adds moisture and richness to pastries.
The Boston Cream inside made the pastry irresistibly soft and luscious.

Bavarian Cream

A cold, gelatin-set dessert.
She molded the Bavarian Cream into a decorative shape for the party.

Boston Cream

Made with milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.
She cooked the ingredients slowly to achieve the smooth texture of Boston Cream.

Bavarian Cream

Requires refrigeration to set.
After preparing it, she placed the Bavarian Cream in the fridge to solidify.

Boston Cream

American dessert staple.
Boston Cream pies are a beloved treat in many American bakeries.

Common Curiosities

Does Bavarian Cream require refrigeration?

Yes, Bavarian Cream needs to be refrigerated to set and take its form.

What is Bavarian Cream made of?

Bavarian Cream is made of a custard base, gelatin, and whipped cream, often flavored with vanilla or fruit purees.

Where does Boston Cream originate from?

Boston Cream has its roots in the Northeastern United States.

Is Bavarian Cream similar to mousse?

Yes, Bavarian Cream has a light, mousse-like consistency due to the whipped cream and gelatin.

In what desserts is Boston Cream typically used?

Boston Cream is commonly used as a filling for cakes, pies, and doughnuts.

Are there chocolate versions of Boston Cream?

While the classic Boston Cream is vanilla-flavored, it's often paired with chocolate glaze or toppings.

Can you use Boston Cream as a topping?

While typically used as a filling, Boston Cream can also be used as a topping for some desserts.

Is Boston Cream Pie actually a pie?

No, despite its name, Boston Cream Pie is a cake with custard filling and chocolate glaze.

What gives Boston Cream its creamy consistency?

Boston Cream's creamy texture comes from its ingredients: milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.

Can Bavarian Cream be flavored with liqueurs?

Yes, Bavarian Cream can be flavored with liqueurs, fruit purees, or vanilla.

Is Boston Cream served hot or cold?

Boston Cream is typically served at room temperature or slightly chilled.

How is the texture of Bavarian Cream?

Bavarian Cream has a light, airy, and smooth texture.

Can Bavarian Cream be layered with fruits?

Yes, Bavarian Cream can be layered or mixed with fruits for added flavor and texture.

What sets Bavarian Cream apart from other desserts?

Bavarian Cream is set with gelatin, giving it a distinct form and texture.

Is Bavarian Cream typically eaten on its own?

Bavarian Cream can be enjoyed on its own or as part of layered desserts.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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