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Beef Stew vs. Beef Bourguignon — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 2, 2024
Beef Stew is a simple dish made with beef chunks and vegetables in broth. Beef Bourguignon is a French dish with beef braised in red wine, mushrooms, and bacon.
Beef Stew vs. Beef Bourguignon — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Beef Stew and Beef Bourguignon


Key Differences

Beef Stew and Beef Bourguignon both center around beef as their primary ingredient. Beef Stew is a basic preparation involving chunks of beef and vegetables simmered in a broth or gravy. On the other hand, Beef Bourguignon is a classic French dish where beef is slow-cooked in red wine and flavored with ingredients like mushrooms, onions, and bacon.
From a cultural standpoint, Beef Stew can be found in numerous global cuisines with variations in ingredients and preparations. In contrast, Beef Bourguignon has a distinct French origin, specifically from the Burgundy region, which gives it its name.
Regarding flavors, Beef Stew tends to have a more straightforward taste profile, drawing flavors from the beef, vegetables, and seasoning. Meanwhile, Beef Bourguignon offers a deeper, richer taste due to the red wine reduction and the addition of aromatic ingredients.
Cooking techniques for the two dishes also differ. Beef Stew is often a one-pot dish where ingredients are combined and simmered. Beef Bourguignon requires a more intricate process, usually involving browning the beef, sautéing vegetables and bacon, and slow braising in wine.
Lastly, while Beef Stew can be a daily comfort dish, Beef Bourguignon is often considered a gourmet meal, reflecting its rich history and the complexity of flavors it brings to the table.

Comparison Chart


Various global cuisines
French, specifically Burgundy

Main Ingredients

Beef chunks, vegetables, broth
Beef, red wine, mushrooms, onions, bacon

Flavor Profile

Straightforward, savory
Rich, wine-infused, aromatic

Cooking Technique

Simmering in one pot
Browning, sautéing, slow braising

Typical Occasion

Daily comfort dish
Gourmet meal or special occasions

Compare with Definitions

Beef Stew

A comfort food found in many cultures.
Every family has its unique Beef Stew recipe passed down generations.

Beef Bourguignon

A French dish where beef is braised in red wine.
For our anniversary dinner, I made Beef Bourguignon as the main course.

Beef Stew

A hearty dish of beef and vegetables simmered in liquid.
On a cold day, nothing warms you up like a bowl of Beef Stew.

Beef Bourguignon

A gourmet meal often paired with potatoes or bread.
We enjoyed the Beef Bourguignon with a side of garlic mashed potatoes.

Beef Stew

Typically made in large pots to serve multiple people.
Grandma would make a big pot of Beef Stew for family gatherings.

Beef Bourguignon

A dish that reflects the flavors of the Burgundy region.
The wine in the Beef Bourguignon reminded me of our trip to Burgundy.

Beef Stew

Often thickened with flour or starch for a rich consistency.
The thick gravy of the Beef Stew perfectly coated each piece of meat.

Beef Bourguignon

Requires meticulous preparation for best results.
Properly searing the beef is crucial for a flavorful Beef Bourguignon.

Beef Bourguignon

Often served with pearl onions and mushrooms.
The mushrooms and onions added a delightful texture to the Beef Bourguignon.

Common Curiosities

Why is Beef Bourguignon named so?

It originates from the Burgundy region in France, known for its wines.

Is Beef Stew a universal dish?

Yes, many cultures have their versions of Beef Stew with varying ingredients.

What's the primary liquid used in Beef Stew?

Broth or water, sometimes with a touch of wine or tomato.

Which wine is best for Beef Bourguignon?

A good quality Burgundy wine or other similar full-bodied red wines.

What makes Beef Bourguignon different from other beef dishes?

Its distinct red wine base and specific ingredients like bacon and mushrooms.

Is Beef Bourguignon always made with bacon?

Traditionally, yes, but some variations might exclude it.

How important is the choice of wine in Beef Bourguignon?

Very. The wine heavily influences the dish's flavor.

What's a common side dish with Beef Bourguignon?

It's often served with mashed potatoes, crusty bread, or noodles.

Are potatoes a necessary ingredient in Beef Stew?

While common, they're not mandatory. Some recipes might exclude them.

Can I use any cut of beef for Beef Stew?

Generally, tougher cuts that become tender over slow cooking are preferred.

How long should Beef Stew be cooked for best results?

It's best when simmered slowly, often for several hours.

Can Beef Stew be made in a slow cooker?

Absolutely! Many people use slow cookers for a tender and flavorful Beef Stew.

Can Beef Stew be frozen for later consumption?

Yes, it freezes well and can be reheated without losing much flavor.

Is there a vegetarian version of Beef Bourguignon?

Some recipes replace beef with hearty mushrooms or root vegetables.

How thick should the gravy be for Beef Stew?

It varies by preference, but many enjoy a rich, coat-the-back-of-a-spoon consistency.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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