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Behavor vs. Behavior — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 30, 2024
"Behavor" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "behavior," referring to the way one acts or conducts oneself.
Behavor vs. Behavior — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Behavor or Behavior

How to spell Behavior?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "have" in "behavior" but without the 'a'.
Associate it with "manner of behavior."
Remember, "behavior" sounds like it has an '-ior' ending.
The word "behave" is the root of "behavior."
"Behavior" ends in "-ior" just like "superior" and "inferior."

How Do You Spell Behavior Correctly?

Incorrect: Good behavor is rewarded in many educational systems.
Correct: Good behavior is rewarded in many educational systems.
Incorrect: Understanding human behavor is crucial for psychologists.
Correct: Understanding human behavior is crucial for psychologists.
Incorrect: The teacher discussed the student's behavor with his parents.
Correct: The teacher discussed the student's behavior with his parents.
Incorrect: The study focuses on the behavor of particles at different temperatures.
Correct: The study focuses on the behavior of particles at different temperatures.
Incorrect: Analyzing animal behavor in their natural habitats can provide valuable insights.
Correct: Analyzing animal behavior in their natural habitats can provide valuable insights.

Behavior Definitions

Behavior refers to the way a person or animal acts.
His aggressive behavior alarmed his friends.
It can mean the reaction of a substance under specific conditions.
The behavior of metals under heat varies.
The way in which a machine or natural phenomenon operates.
The unpredictable behavior of weather systems.
The manner of conducting oneself.
Professional behavior is expected in the workplace.
The manner in which one acts or behaves.
The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli.
One of these actions or reactions
"a hormone ... known to directly control sex-specific reproductive and parenting behaviors in a wide variety of vertebrates" (Thomas Maugh II).
The manner in which something functions or operates
The faulty behavior of a computer program.
The behavior of dying stars.
(uncountable) Human conduct relative to social norms.
(uncountable) The way a living creature behaves or acts generally.
A state of probation about one's conduct.
He was on his best behavior when her family visited.
(countable) An instance of the way a living creature behaves.
Observable response produced by an organism.
(uncountable) The way a device or system operates.
Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one's self; conduct; deportment; carriage; - used also of inanimate objects; as, the behavior of a ship in a storm; the behavior of the magnetic needle.
A gentleman that is very singular in his behavior.
Manner of acting or conducting yourself
The action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances;
The behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments
(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
(psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation
The actions or reactions of objects or organisms under investigation.
Studying the behavior of cells under stress.

Behavior Meaning in a Sentence

The behavior of gases under pressure is a fundamental concept in physics.
Positive behavior reinforcement is a common technique used in classrooms.
Social behavior varies significantly across different cultures.
Observing the behavior of shoppers can help retailers improve their sales strategies.
The app monitors your sleeping behavior to suggest improvements.
The unpredictable behavior of the stock market often puzzles investors.
Environmental factors can influence the behavior of wildlife.
Behavior modification therapy is used to treat various psychological disorders.
Cats' behavior can often be mysterious and intriguing to their owners.
The behavior of light waves is crucial in understanding optical phenomena.
Aggressive behavior in animals might indicate stress or discomfort.
Ethical behavior in business builds trust with customers and partners.
Behavior charts are tools that teachers use to encourage good behavior in the classroom.
The behavior of ice on the surface of lakes is studied to predict weather patterns.
Child behavior specialists emphasize the importance of setting boundaries.
Understanding the behavior of materials at the atomic level has led to technological advances.
The teacher uses a chart to track students' behavior throughout the week.
Group behavior in emergency situations can vary widely.
The documentary highlights the behavior of birds during migration seasons.
The psychologist explained that behavior is influenced by both genetics and environment.
Online behavior has become a focus of research for many social scientists.
The study explores the behavior of electrons in magnetic fields.
Behavioral finance studies how psychology influences the behavior of investors.
Studying consumer behavior helps companies design better products.
Adolescent behavior is a field of study within developmental psychology.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of behavior?

The root word is "behave."

What is the verb form of behavior?

The verb form is "behave."

Which vowel is used before behavior?

The letter "a" as in "a behavior."

Which conjunction is used with behavior?

Conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used, depending on context.

What is the plural form of behavior?


Is behavior a noun or adjective?

"Behavior" is a noun.

What is the singular form of behavior?

"Behavior" is the singular form.

Is behavior a negative or positive word?

"Behavior" is neutral; its connotation depends on context.

Why is it called behavior?

It comes from the word "behave" which originates from the Old English "behafian" meaning "to contain," and "have" meaning "to hold."

What is the pronunciation of behavior?

Behavior is pronounced as /bɪˈheɪvjər/.

Which article is used with behavior?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, e.g., "a behavior" or "the behavior."

Which preposition is used with behavior?

"Of" as in "behavior of a child."

How many syllables are in behavior?

Behavior has three syllables.

Is behavior an abstract noun?

Yes, behavior is often considered an abstract noun as it represents an idea or concept.

Is the behavior term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically in expressions or literature.

Is the word behavior imperative?

No, "behavior" is not imperative.

How do we divide behavior into syllables?


Is behavior a vowel or consonant?

"Behavior" is a word consisting of both vowels and consonants.

Is behavior a countable noun?

In most contexts, it's uncountable, but can be countable when referring to specific types of behaviors.

What part of speech is behavior?

"Behavior" is a noun.

What is the opposite of behavior?

There's no direct opposite, but "misbehavior" refers to improper conduct.

What is the first form of behavior?

"Behavior" is a noun and doesn't have verb forms.

What is the second form of behavior?

"Behavior" doesn't have verb forms.

How is behavior used in a sentence?

Her behavior during the meeting was impeccable.

Which determiner is used with behavior?

"This" or "that" can be used, e.g., "this behavior."

What is the third form of behavior?

"Behavior" doesn't have verb forms.

Is behavior an adverb?

No, "behavior" is not an adverb.

Is behavior a collective noun?

No, "behavior" is not a collective noun.

What is a stressed syllable in behavior?

The second syllable, "hav," is stressed.

What is another term for behavior?

Conduct, demeanor.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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