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Birthdate vs. Birthday — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on September 14, 2023
Birthdate refers to the specific date on which a person was born, often including the year. Birthday refers to the annual celebration or acknowledgment of that day, generally excluding the year.
Birthdate vs. Birthday — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Birthdate and Birthday


Key Differences

Birthdate is a specific term referring to the exact day, month, and often year that someone was born. It's factual and used for official records like identification cards, passports, and legal documents. Birthday, on the other hand, is the celebration of that birthdate each year. The term Birthday typically does not include the year and is more of a social construct for celebration.
In terms of grammar, 'birthdate' is a compound noun that encapsulates the idea of the specific date of birth. Birthday, though also a noun, has a more festive connotation and is often associated with parties, cake, and gifts. Birthdate is a static fact about a person, while a Birthday is an evolving celebration that can be different each year.
Birthdate is often required in formal applications like job forms, academic records, or medical history documents to determine age or identity. In contrast, Birthday is a more casual term that you would find in social settings or event invitations. People may ask for your Birthday to plan a party but would ask for your birthdate for something official.
On a practical level, the birthdate is a constant and doesn't change from year to year. Birthdays, however, can be celebrated in various ways and on different days if the actual date is inconvenient. The birthdate is a milestone set in the past, while the Birthday is a recurring event celebrated in the present.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech


Usage Context

Formal, official
Informal, celebratory

Includes Year?


Grammatical Form

Compound noun
Compound noun

Emotional Weight

Positive, festive

Compare with Definitions


A static, unchanging fact about a person.
His birthdate is the same as mine.


The annual celebration of the day one was born.
We're having a party for my birthday.


A date used for legal and formal identification.
Your birthdate is required on this form.


A day associated with cake, parties, and gifts.
Birthday cake is my favorite part of the celebration.


An element in astrological birth charts.
My birthdate suggests I'm a Cancer.


A day for personal reflection and joy.
I use my birthday to reflect on my life goals.


The specific day, month, and often year of one's birth.
My birthdate is June 21, 1990.


The day of one's birth.


Information crucial for age verification.
Can you confirm your birthdate for the record?


A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person, or figuratively of an institution. Birthdays of people are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with birthday gifts, birthday cards, a birthday party, or a rite of passage.


The year, month, and day of someone's birth; date of birth


The anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts
His twenty-ninth birthday
A birthday cake


The anniversary of one's birth.


The anniversary of the day on which someone is born.
When's your birthday? Mine's on April 1.


The anniversary of the day on which something is created.


The date on which someone is born or something is created, more commonly called birthdate or date of birth.


A birthday party.
I'd like to invite you all to my birthday.


To celebrate one's birthday.


The day in which any person is born; day of origin or commencement.
Those barbarous ages past, succeeded nextThe birthday of invention.


The day of the month in which a person was born, in whatever succeeding year it may recur; the anniversary of one's birth.
This is my birthday; as this very dayWas Cassius born.


Of or pertaining to the day of birth, or its anniversary; as, birthday gifts or festivities.


An anniversary of the day on which a person was born (or the celebration of it)


The date on which a person was born


A recurring event that marks aging.
Another birthday, another year older.


An occasion often celebrated with friends and family.
Your birthday is the perfect time for a reunion.

Common Curiosities

Does Birthdate include the year?

Birthdate usually includes the year, especially in formal contexts.

Is the year mentioned in Birthday?

Rarely, the term birthday usually omits the year.

What about Birthday, is it also a compound noun?

Yes, birthday is also a compound noun.

What is a Birthdate?

A birthdate is the specific date, often including the year, on which a person was born.

What is a Birthday?

A birthday is the annual celebration of the day a person was born.

When is Birthdate required?

Birthdate is often required for formal applications and documentation.

Is Birthdate used in astrology?

Yes, birthdate is crucial in creating astrological charts.

Is a Birthday only for celebrations?

Primarily, yes, a birthday usually refers to the celebration of birth.

Can a Birthdate change?

No, a birthdate is a fixed, unchanging fact about a person.

Is Birthdate used in official settings?

Yes, birthdate is often used in legal and formal settings for identification.

Is Birthdate a compound noun?

Yes, birthdate is a compound noun.

Do people celebrate Birthdays on different days?

Sometimes, birthdays are celebrated on alternative days for convenience.

Is it common to have Birthday parties?

Yes, birthdays are commonly celebrated with parties, cake, and gifts.

Do people get gifts on their Birthday?

Usually, it's common to give gifts on someone's birthday.

Is Birthdate or Birthday more emotionally charged?

Birthday often carries more emotional weight as it's associated with celebration.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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