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BJP vs. Congress — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 22, 2023
BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) is a right-wing party in India, emphasizing nationalism. Congress (Indian National Congress) is a center-left party, focusing on secularism and social justice.
BJP vs. Congress — What's the Difference?

Difference Between BJP and Congress


Key Differences

BJP, or Bharatiya Janata Party, has its roots deeply embedded in Indian nationalism. Congress, or Indian National Congress, historically, has been pivotal in India’s struggle for independence.
BJP often aligns its policies with a pro-Hindu stance, ensuring a strong nationalist perspective. On the other side, Congress tends to adopt a secular approach, with policies inclusive of all religions.
Economically, the BJP usually promotes neoliberal policies, focusing on free-market principles. Contrastingly, Congress often leans towards socialistic and welfare-oriented economic policies.
While the BJP emerged prominently in the late 20th century, advocating for a strong, centralized governance, Congress, since the pre-independence era, has generally favored a mix of central and state powers.
In foreign policy, BJP typically takes a firm stance, particularly concerning neighboring countries. Congress traditionally approaches foreign relations with a balanced and often non-aligned perspective.

Comparison Chart

Ideological Stance

Right-wing, Nationalist
Center-left, Secular

Economic Policy

Neoliberal, Free-market
Socialistic, Welfare-oriented

Religious Views


Foreign Policy

Firm, Often Assertive
Balanced, Non-aligned

Historical Origin

Emerged in Late 20th Century
Foundational in Indian Independence

Compare with Definitions


A party that generally supports neoliberal economic policies.
BJP has implemented several free-market reforms.


Generally leans towards socialistic and welfare-oriented economic policies.
Congress has implemented numerous social welfare schemes.


Bharatiya Janata Party, a major political party in India.
The BJP won the general elections in 2014.


Known for its secular and inclusive policies.
Congress has often propagated policies embracing all religions.


Often recognized for its assertive foreign policy.
BJP has taken a stringent stance against neighboring countries.


Traditionally adopts a non-aligned and balanced foreign policy.
Congress has maintained a non-aligned stance in global affairs.


A party that emerged as a prominent political force in the late 20th century.
BJP came into the spotlight during the Ram Janmabhoomi movement.


A party integral to India's independence movement.
Leaders from the Congress were pivotal in negotiating India’s independence.


Known for its right-wing and nationalist policies.
BJP advocates for the promotion of Hindu cultural ideals.


Indian National Congress, one of India’s oldest political parties.
Congress played a significant role in India’s struggle for independence.


A formal assembly of representatives, as of various nations, to discuss problems.


The national legislative body of a nation, especially a republic.


The national legislative body of the United States, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.


The two-year session of this legislature between elections of the House of Representatives.


The act of coming together or meeting.


A single meeting, as of a political party or other group.


Sexual intercourse.


(archaic) A coming together of two or more people; a meeting.


A formal gathering or assembly; a conference held to discuss or decide on a specific question.


A legislative body of a state, originally the bicameral legislature of the United States of America.


An association, especially one consisting of other associations or representatives of interest groups.
The National Congress of American Indians


(dated) Coitus; sexual intercourse.


(intransitive) To assemble together.


To meet in a congress.


A meeting of individuals, whether friendly or hostile; an encounter.
Here Pallas urges on, and Lausus there;Their congress in the field great Jove withstands.


A sudden encounter; a collision; a shock; - said of things.
From these laws may be deduced the rules of the congresses and reflections of two bodies.


The coming together of a male and female in sexual commerce; the act of coition.


A gathering or assembly; a conference.


A formal assembly, as of princes, deputies, representatives, envoys, or commissioners; esp., a meeting of the representatives of several governments or societies to consider and determine matters of common interest.
The European powers strove to . . . accommodate their differences at the congress of Vienna.


The collective body of senators and representatives of the people of a nation, esp. of a republic, constituting the chief legislative body of the nation.


The lower house of the Spanish Cortes, the members of which are elected for three years.


The legislature of the United States government


A meeting of elected or appointed representatives


A national legislative assembly


The act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur

Common Curiosities

Who was the founder of Congress?

Congress was founded by A.O. Hume in 1885.

What does Congress refer to in the Indian context?

The Indian National Congress.

Does BJP promote free-market policies?

Yes, BJP tends to support neoliberal economic policies.

Which party is typically considered more right-leaning, BJP or Congress?

BJP is considered more right-leaning than Congress.

What does BJP stand for?

Bharatiya Janata Party.

When was BJP founded?

BJP was founded in 1980.

What is a major ideological belief of BJP?

BJP often aligns with Hindu nationalism.

What is BJP’s stance towards Pakistan?

BJP generally adopts a firm and assertive stance towards Pakistan.

Who is a prominent leader of BJP?

As of the last update, Narendra Modi is a prominent leader of BJP.

Which economic policy does Congress generally favor?

Congress often favors socialistic and welfare-oriented policies.

Is Congress secular or religious?

Congress is generally considered secular.

Does Congress promote secularism?

Yes, Congress typically promotes secularism.

Who is a well-known leader of Congress?

Rahul Gandhi is a well-known leader of Congress.

Which party has been in power more frequently in India, BJP or Congress?

Historically, Congress has been in power more frequently.

In terms of foreign policy, how does Congress generally operate?

Congress traditionally adopts a balanced and often non-aligned stance in foreign policy.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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