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Blur vs. Hazy — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 30, 2024
Blur refers to a lack of sharpness or distinctness in an image or sound, whereas hazy describes a state of reduced visibility or clarity due to airborne particles or light diffusion.
Blur vs. Hazy — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Blur and Hazy


Key Differences

Blur is primarily associated with a visual or auditory imperfection where details are obscured and not clearly defined. Whereas, hazy conditions are typically environmental, often related to weather or atmospheric conditions affecting visibility.
Blur can result from technical issues in photography, such as incorrect focus settings or camera shake, making the image indistinct. On the other hand, haziness is usually due to particles like dust, smoke, or mist in the air, which scatter light and obscure clear sight.
In terms of perception, a blurred object lacks precise edges and detail, making it hard to identify. Whereas, a hazy scene still retains most structural details but appears veiled or whitewashed due to the diffusion of light.
Blur can also describe a sound that is muffled or unclear, where individual components are difficult to distinguish. Conversely, haziness does not commonly apply to sound and remains a visual or descriptive term for obscured sight.
While blur is often a defect or unwanted effect in photos, videos, or sound, hazy can be both negative, such as in polluted conditions, and positive, as in the aesthetic quality of a soft, dreamy landscape.

Comparison Chart


Lack of sharpness or distinctness in images or sound.
Reduced visibility due to airborne particles.

Common Usage

In photography, video, and audio.
Mainly in meteorology and environmental descriptions.

Perceptual Impact

Causes objects or sounds to merge indistinctly.
Obscures details through a veil-like effect.


Camera focus, movement, or sound quality issues.
Dust, smoke, fog, or other particulates in the air.

Descriptive Quality

Generally negative or technical flaw.
Can be negative or add an aesthetic quality.

Compare with Definitions


Loss of image clarity.
The photo was a blur after shaking the camera.


Lacking clarity or distinctness.
His memory of the incident is hazy.


Something not seen clearly.
The fast-moving car appeared as a blur.


Slightly obscured by haze.
The mountains were hazy from the wildfire smoke.


To make something indistinct.
Tears blurred her vision.


Weather condition.
The morning was hazy, affecting the flight schedules.


Obscure sound quality.
The conversation was a blur of voices.


Vague or ill-defined.
She had a hazy notion of what needed to be done.


Vague impression.
The whole evening was a blur.


Covered in mist.
A hazy layer of fog settled over the town.


To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure
The haze blurred the skyline.


Marked by the presence of haze; misty
Hazy sunshine.


To make dim, unclear, or cloudy
The smoke blurred my vision.


Unclear, confused, or uncertain
I have only a hazy notion of what she wants. I'm a bit hazy on the new budget.


To cause to be intellectually indistinguishable
New thinking has blurred the divisions between disciplines.


Thick or obscured with haze.
A hazy view of the polluted city street


To become visually indistinct
The faces blurred in the crowd.


Not clear or transparent.


To be unclear or clouded
His vision blurred as the drug took effect.


Obscure; confused; not clear.
A hazy argument
A hazy intellect


To become intellectually indistinguishable
TV commercials and shows seem to blur into one another.


Thick with haze; somewhat obscured with haze; not clear or transparent.


Something that is hazy and indistinct to the sight or mind.


Obscure; confused; not clear; as, a hazy argument; a hazy intellect.


To make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim.
To blur a photograph by moving the camera while taking it


Filled or abounding with fog or mist;
A brumous October morning


To smear, stain or smudge.
To blur a manuscript by handling it while damp


Indistinct or hazy in outline;
A landscape of blurred outlines
The trees were just blurry shapes


(intransitive) To become indistinct.


To cause imperfection of vision in; to dim; to darken.


To sully; to stain; to blemish, as reputation.


To transfer the input focus away from.


A smear, smudge or blot


Something that appears hazy or indistinct
The surroundings went by in a blur.


(obsolete) A moral stain or blot.


In a state of doubt or confusion.


To render obscure by making the form or outline of confused and uncertain, as by soiling; to smear; to make indistinct and confused; as, to blur manuscript by handling it while damp; to blur the impression of a woodcut by an excess of ink.
But time hath nothing blurred those lines of favorWhich then he wore.


To cause imperfection of vision in; to dim; to darken.
Her eyes are blurred with the lightning's glare.


To sully; to stain; to blemish, as reputation.
Sarcasms may eclipse thine own,But can not blur my lost renown.


That which obscures without effacing; a stain; a blot, as upon paper or other substance.
As for those who cleanse blurs with blotted fingers, they make it worse.


A dim, confused appearance; indistinctness of vision; as, to see things with a blur; it was all blur.


A moral stain or blot.
Lest she . . . will with her railing set a great blur on mine honesty and good name.


A hazy or indistinct representation;
It happened so fast it was just a blur
He tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz


Become glassy; lose clear vision;
Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep


To make less distinct or clear;
The haze blurs the hills


Make unclear, indistinct, or blurred;
Her remarks confused the debate
Their words obnubilate their intentions


Make a smudge on; soil by smudging


Make dim or indistinct;
The drug blurs my vision


Become vague or indistinct;
The distinction between the two theories blurred

Common Curiosities

What is the primary difference between blur and hazy?

Blur refers to unclear, indistinct visuals or sounds, while hazy describes reduced visibility due to particulates in the air.

What does it mean when the weather is hazy?

Hazy weather means visibility is reduced because of particles like dust, smoke, or mist in the air.

Can blur and hazy be used interchangeably?

No, blur and hazy serve different contexts; blur is used for a general lack of clarity, whereas hazy specifically relates to atmospheric conditions.

Can the sound be described as hazy?

Typically, sound is not described as hazy; the term is more appropriate for visuals and atmospheric conditions.

What causes an image to appear blurry?

An image appears blurry due to issues like improper focus, camera movement, or low resolution.

How does haze affect photography?

Haze can reduce contrast and color saturation, making scenes appear washed out.

Can haze be predicted in weather forecasts?

Yes, meteorologists can predict hazy conditions based on the presence of particulates and prevailing winds.

Is haze ever considered beneficial?

Yes, in photography and film, a hazy effect can add a dreamy, ethereal quality to images.

What type of weather conditions cause haze?

Conditions such as dry weather with airborne dust, smoke from fires, or industrial pollution can cause haze.

What is the difference between fog and haze?

Fog consists of denser water droplets near the ground, significantly reducing visibility, whereas haze is lighter and does not reduce visibility as much.

What can be done to fix a blurry photo?

Techniques such as sharpening in photo editing software can help improve a blurry photo.

How do you describe a blurry sound?

A blurry sound is typically muffled and indistinct, making it difficult to discern clear tones or words.

How can blur affect a viewer's experience?

Blur can make it challenging to focus on specific details, potentially reducing the viewer's engagement or understanding.

Is blur always considered a negative effect?

While often seen as a flaw, blur can also be used creatively in art and photography to convey motion or emotion.

What tools are used to measure haze?

Tools like visibility sensors and air quality monitors are used to measure haze levels.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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