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Boeing 737 vs. Boeing 757 — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 29, 2023
The Boeing 737 is a short-to-medium range narrow-body jet, while the Boeing 757 is a medium-to-long range narrow-body jet; both are produced by Boeing.
Boeing 737 vs. Boeing 757 — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Boeing 737 and Boeing 757


Key Differences

The Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 are both commercial airliners manufactured by the Boeing Company. While they share the same manufacturer, their purposes, sizes, and capacities differ.
Boeing 737, introduced in the 1960s, is one of the best-selling jet airliners globally and is primarily designed for short-to-medium range flights. In contrast, the Boeing 757, introduced in the early 1980s, is crafted for medium-to-long range operations and can serve transcontinental routes efficiently.
The size and capacity are significant differentiators. The Boeing 737 generally seats between 85 to 215 passengers depending on its variant, while the Boeing 757 can accommodate between 200 to 295 passengers.
The Boeing 737's design is versatile and has resulted in multiple variants, from the Classic series to the more modern MAX series. On the other hand, the Boeing 757, with its distinct long fuselage, is split mainly into two models: 757-200 and 757-300.
While the Boeing 737 is still in production with its newer models, the Boeing 757 ceased production in 2004. Both, however, continue to be prominent in the skies and are utilized by numerous airlines worldwide.

Comparison Chart

Primary Use

Short-to-medium range flights.
Medium-to-long range flights.

Introduction Date

Early 1980s.

Passenger Capacity

85 to 215, depending on the variant.
200 to 295, depending on the model.

Current Production

Still in production with newer models like the MAX.
Ceased production in 2004.

Number of Variants

Multiple, including Classic, Next Generation, and MAX.
Primarily two: 757-200 and 757-300.

Compare with Definitions

Boeing 737

A narrow-body jet produced by Boeing.
The Boeing 737 is recognizable by its twin engines and single aisle.

Boeing 757

A narrow-body aircraft with a distinct long fuselage.
The unique design of the Boeing 757 sets it apart on the tarmac.

Boeing 737

Best-selling aircraft in the history of jet aviation.
The success of the Boeing 737 can be seen in its sales numbers.

Boeing 757

Known for its capability to serve longer routes efficiently.
Airlines prefer the Boeing 757 for its range capabilities.

Boeing 737

Comes in various versions, from Classic to MAX.
The airline just added the latest Boeing 737 MAX to its fleet.

Boeing 757

Manufactured by Boeing and introduced in the early 1980s.
The Boeing 757 has been in service for several decades, showcasing its reliability.

Boeing 737

A short-to-medium range commercial airliner.
The airline operates several Boeing 737 aircraft for domestic routes.

Boeing 757

A medium-to-long range commercial airliner.
The Boeing 757 is often used for transcontinental flights.

Boeing 737

Known for its versatility in airline operations.
The versatility of the Boeing 737 makes it a popular choice for many airlines.

Boeing 757

Primarily came in two models, the 757-200 and 757-300.
The airline operates both the Boeing 757-200 and 757-300 variants.

Common Curiosities

Is the Boeing 737 used for longer flights like the Boeing 757?

While the Boeing 737 is primarily for short-to-medium range flights, the Boeing 757 is designed for medium-to-long range operations.

Are there different versions of the Boeing 737?

Yes, the Boeing 737 comes in multiple versions, from the Classic series to the more recent MAX series.

Was the Boeing 757 produced after the Boeing 737?

Yes, the Boeing 757 was introduced in the early 1980s, after the Boeing 737's introduction in the 1960s.

Who manufactures both the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757?

Both the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 are manufactured by the Boeing Company.

Are both the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 twin-engine aircraft?

Yes, both the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 are twin-engine jet airliners.

How many passengers can the Boeing 737 typically carry compared to the Boeing 757?

The Boeing 737 can seat between 85 to 215 passengers, while the Boeing 757 can accommodate 200 to 295 passengers, depending on the model.

Which is more common in today's fleets, the Boeing 737 or Boeing 757?

While both are common, the Boeing 737, especially its newer variants, is more prevalent in many airline fleets today.

Why is the Boeing 737 considered versatile?

The Boeing 737 is versatile due to its suitability for various flight distances and its multiple variants catering to different airline needs.

Is the Boeing 757 still in production?

No, production of the Boeing 757 ceased in 2004.

How many main models does the Boeing 757 have?

The Boeing 757 primarily has two main models: the 757-200 and 757-300.

Is the Boeing 757 often used for international flights?

Yes, the Boeing 757, due to its range, is often used for both domestic transcontinental and international flights.

How do the cockpits differ between the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757?

While there are similarities, there are differences in instrumentation and layout between the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 cockpits due to their design generations.

How long has the Boeing 737 been in production?

The Boeing 737 has been in production since the 1960s.

Which aircraft is longer in terms of fuselage, the Boeing 737 or Boeing 757?

The Boeing 757 has a longer fuselage compared to the Boeing 737.

Are there any airlines that operate both the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 in their fleet?

Yes, several airlines around the world operate both the Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 in their fleets.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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