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Booking vs. Reservation — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on October 30, 2023
Booking is the act of arranging a space or service in advance, while Reservation often refers to a specific arrangement or holding of that space or service.
Booking vs. Reservation — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Booking and Reservation


Key Differences

Booking and Reservation are terms frequently used interchangeably, particularly in the hospitality and travel industry. Booking usually signifies the act or process of securing a service, space, or time slot in advance. It tends to have a more active connotation, emphasizing the process of acquiring the service or item.
Reservation, on the other hand, often refers to the arrangement itself or the holding of space or service for a particular individual or group. For instance, while Booking a hotel room highlights the action, Reservation refers to the actual room set aside for you.
Both Booking and Reservation ensure that a particular service or space is available when required by the user. Booking can sometimes have a more transactional feel, implying a purchase or agreement. For example, one might book tickets to a show. In contrast, a Reservation might not necessarily involve an exchange of money upfront but ensures that space is kept available.
When it comes to semantics, Booking seems more versatile as it can be used for both the action and the result of that action. On the other hand, Reservation usually leans more towards the result or arrangement. However, it's essential to note that in many scenarios, the terms can be and are used interchangeably without much difference in meaning.

Comparison Chart


Act or process of securing.
Arrangement or holding of space/service.


Can denote both action and result.
Primarily indicates the result or holding.

Transactional Implication

Often implies a purchase or agreement.
Might not involve an upfront payment.

Flexibility in Language

More versatile in different contexts.
Specific to arrangements or allocations.


Booking a concert ticket.
Reservation at a restaurant.

Compare with Definitions


Booking is securing a service, space, or time slot.
The Booking for the seminar was done online.


Reservation might be temporary and time-bound.
The Reservation for the meeting room ends at 3 PM.


Booking can imply a finalized agreement or purchase.
Our Booking for the show was confirmed upon payment.


The action of reserving something
The reservation of positions for non-Americans


Booking is an arrangement with potential commitment.
The hotel requires a deposit for the Booking.


An expression of doubt qualifying overall approval of a plan or statement
Some generals voiced reservations about making air strikes


Booking refers to the act of arranging in advance.
I made a Booking for our flight to New York.


An area of land set aside for occupation by North American Indians or Australian Aborigines
The boy's family live on an Indian reservation


Booking might involve a specified duration.
The Booking for the equipment is for two hours.


A right or interest retained in an estate being conveyed
The retention of a right to enter the demised property will be a reservation


An act of reserving accommodation, a ticket, etc. in advance
Early booking is essential
The hotel does not handle group bookings


(in the Roman Catholic Church) the action of a superior of reserving to himself the power of absolution.


An instance of a player being cautioned by the referee for foul play
It was a rough match with five bookings


The act of reserving; a keeping back or withholding
The reservation of the right to use the property.


An engagement, as for a performance by an entertainer.


A limiting qualification, condition, or exception
Accepted with the reservation that she would have to leave early.


A reservation, as for accommodations at a hotel.


Often reservations A doubt or misgiving
Has reservations about the proposal.


Present participle of book


A tract of land set apart by the federal government for a special purpose, especially one for the use of a Native American people.


The act or process of writing something down in a book or books, e.g. in accounting.


An arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance, as in a hotel or restaurant or on an airplane.


A reservation for a service, such as travel or hotel accommodation.


The act of reserving, withholding or keeping back.
The committee authorised the reservation of funds.


The engagement of a performer for a particular performance.


The practice of reserving part of the consecrated bread of the Eucharist for the communion of the sick.


(sports) The issuing of a caution which is usually written down in a book, and results in a yellow card or (after two bookings) a red card, that is to say, the player is sent from the field of play.


The act of the pope to reserve to himself the right to nominate to certain benefices.


(legal) The process of photographing, fingerprinting and recording the identifying data of a suspect following arrest.


Something that is withheld or kept back.


Employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time;
The play had bookings throughout the summer


A limiting qualification regarding certainty; a doubt.
I have reservations about your intentions.


The act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group);
Wondered who had made the booking


(US) A tract of land set apart by the US government for the use of a Native American people; Indian reservation (compare Canadian reserve).


An arrangement by which accommodation or transport arrangements are secured in advance.
I have a hotel reservation in the name of Mr Smith.


(UK) The area which separates opposing lanes of traffic on a divided motorway or dual carriageway; see also central reservation.
A vehicle crashed through the central reservation into the path of oncoming traffic.


(India) The setting aside of a certain percentage of vacancies in government institutions for members of backward and underrepresented communities (defined primarily by caste and tribe).


A power of an overseeing authority to suspend legislation in the jurisdiction being overseen pending the approval of a higher authority. Such as a provincial/state governor reserving a bill passed by the state/provincial legislature from assent, pending approval of the federal government; or a federal bill passed by federal parliament being reserved by the viceroy pending approval by the crown.


The act of reserving, or keeping back; concealment, or withholding from disclosure; reserve.
With reservation of an hundred knights.
Make some reservation of your wrongs.


Something withheld, either not expressed or disclosed, or not given up or brought forward.


A tract of the public land reserved for some special use, as for schools, for the use of Indians, etc.


The state of being reserved, or kept in store.


A clause in an instrument by which some new thing is reserved out of the thing granted, and not in esse before.


The portion of the sacramental elements reserved for purposes of devotion and for the communion of the absent and sick.


An agreement to have some space, service or other acommodation, as at a hotel, a restaurant, or on a public transport system, held for one's future use; also, the record or receipt for such an agreement, or the contractual obligation to retain that accommodation; as, a hotel reservation; a reservation on a flight to Dallas; to book a reservation at the Ritz.


A district that is reserved for particular purpose


A statement that limits or restricts some claim;
He recommended her without any reservations


An unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly


The act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group);
Wondered who had made the booking


The written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance


Something reserved in advance (as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.)


The act of keeping back or setting aside for some future occasion


Reservation is an arrangement to hold space or service.
We have a Reservation at the city's top restaurant.


Reservation ensures availability without immediate acquisition.
My Reservation for the book is at the library's front desk.


Reservation often pertains to specific allocations.
The Reservation was for a window seat on the flight.


Reservation can imply a tentative hold.
I'll confirm the Reservation by tomorrow.

Common Curiosities

Does a Booking always require payment?

Not always, but Booking often implies a transaction or agreement.

Can Booking and Reservation be used interchangeably?

In many contexts, especially travel and hospitality, they can be used interchangeably.

What's more binding, a Booking or a Reservation?

Typically, a Booking feels more binding, especially if there's a payment involved, but it varies by context.

What does Reservation refer to?

Reservation often refers to the specific arrangement or holding of space or service for someone.

Can you cancel a Booking?

Yes, but there might be conditions or penalties depending on the service provider's policy.

What does Booking emphasize?

Booking emphasizes the act or process of securing a service, space, or time slot in advance.

Is a Reservation a commitment?

It indicates a holding or allocation, but it might be tentative without confirmation or payment.

Is a Reservation only for services?

No, it can be for tangible items too, like a book at a library.

Can you have a Booking without a Reservation?

It's rare, but theoretically, you could book (pay or commit to) something without a specific space or time being reserved.

Is there a universal distinction between the two terms?

While there are subtle differences, the distinction isn't always universal, and the terms are often used interchangeably.

If I reserve a table, have I booked it?

Yes, in most contexts, reserving a table means you've booked it.

Do all Bookings require reservations?

Most do, as Booking often means securing a specific space or service, which is essentially reserving it.

Which term is more prevalent in the hotel industry?

Both are widely used, but you might hear "Booking a room" and "room Reservation" frequently.

In which industries are these terms most commonly used?

Travel, hospitality, entertainment, and service sectors often use both Booking and Reservation.

Can a Reservation expire?

Yes, especially if it's tentative or if confirmation or payment isn't received.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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