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Boulevarde vs. Boulevard — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 16, 2024
Boulevarde is the incorrect spelling of Boulevard, a broad city street or a wide, landscaped thoroughfare.
Boulevarde vs. Boulevard — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Boulevarde or Boulevard

How to spell Boulevard?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of Boulevard as having the same ending as vanguard, which also ends in -ard.
Visualize the word ending similarly to standard.
Remember that Boulevard is a French-origin word, and many French words end in -ard.
The correct spelling ends with -vard, not -varde.

How Do You Spell Boulevard Correctly?

Incorrect: We walked down the boulevarde at sunset.
Correct: We walked down the boulevard at sunset.
Incorrect: The new shops are on Main Boulevarde.
Correct: The new shops are on Main Boulevard.
Incorrect: He lives near the old boulevarde.
Correct: He lives near the old boulevard.
Incorrect: The parade marched down the boulevarde with flags.
Correct: The parade marched down the boulevard with flags.
Incorrect: They planned to build a hotel on the boulevarde.
Correct: They planned to build a hotel on the boulevard.

Boulevard Definitions

A type of large public road, usually with trees and decorations on the sides.
During holidays, the boulevard is adorned with lights and decorations.
A wide street in a town or city, typically one lined with trees.
The city's main boulevard is always bustling with activity.
A thoroughfare with facilities for pedestrians and often landscaped.
They enjoyed their walk along the scenic boulevard.
A broad avenue in a city, often where pedestrians and vehicles are segregated.
The boulevard was redesigned to include bike lanes.
An urban roadway designed with aesthetic and functional standards to enhance the cityscape.
The new boulevard has become an architectural highlight in our city.
A boulevard (French, originally meaning bastion, abbreviated as bd in Metropolitan French, boul in Canadian French, and Blvd in English), is a type of large road, circumnavigating the central city following the line of old or former city walls. This is where the etymological link with city fortifications originates from.
A broad city street, often tree-lined and landscaped.
Upper Midwest See boulevard strip.
Chiefly Midwestern US See median.
A broad, well-paved and landscaped thoroughfare.
The landscaping on the sides of a boulevard or other thoroughfare.
A strip of land between a street and sidewalk.
Originally, a bulwark or rampart of fortification or fortified town.
A public walk or street occupying the site of demolished fortifications. Hence: A broad avenue in or around a city.
A wide street or thoroughfare

Boulevard Meaning in a Sentence

Children were playing near the fountain on the boulevard.
The annual parade takes place on the historic boulevard downtown.
Every morning, joggers and cyclists share the path on the boulevard.
Vendors set up food carts along the boulevard every weekend.
The boulevard extends from the city center to the northern suburbs.
Artists displayed their paintings along the boulevard during the festival.
People gathered on the boulevard to watch the fireworks.
The city plans to plant more trees along the boulevard next year.
The boulevard was lined with pink blossoming trees.
Lights illuminated the boulevard as the sun set.
She took a taxi down the boulevard to the museum.
They renovated the old theater on the boulevard.
The boulevard was closed for a street fair this weekend.
A new sculpture was installed at the entrance of the boulevard.
The boulevard is often featured in photographs of the city.
The local community group organized a cleanup of the boulevard.
Historic buildings line the boulevard, each with its own story.
The boulevard was quiet early in the morning.
He enjoyed a leisurely walk on the boulevard after dinner.
The boulevard is known for its upscale shops and restaurants.
The boulevard is a dividing line between two neighborhoods.
They held a charity run along the boulevard to raise funds.
Winter brings holiday lights to the boulevard, making it a magical sight.
The boulevard has several benches where people can sit and enjoy the view.
The boulevard is a popular spot for tourists to visit.

Boulevard Idioms & Phrases

Boulevard of broken dreams

A metaphor for unachieved goals or failures.
After his business failed, he felt like he was walking down a boulevard of broken dreams.

Down the boulevard

Going along a main, often scenic route.
They drove down the boulevard to get a glimpse of the ocean.

Life’s boulevard

A metaphorical phrase representing life's journey.
As we age, we travel further along life’s boulevard.

Boulevard to success

A path or means that leads to success.
His innovative ideas became his boulevard to success.

Boulevard of opportunities

A phrase symbolizing a place or situation rich with possibilities.
Moving to the big city presented him with a boulevard of opportunities.

Crossing the boulevard

Making a significant change or transition.
By changing careers, she was essentially crossing the boulevard to a new phase of her life.

Green boulevard

An eco-friendly or environmentally conscious approach in urban planning.
The city's development of a green boulevard has improved local air quality.

Boulevard of diversity

A place or context characterized by variety and multiculturalism.
The city’s main boulevard is a vibrant boulevard of diversity.

Boulevard of memories

A nostalgic path reflecting on past experiences.
Visiting his old school was like walking down a boulevard of memories.

Designer’s boulevard

A term for a street known for its fashion boutiques and designers.
Her latest shopping spree took her to the city’s well-known designer’s boulevard.

Boulevard of the arts

A street or area known for its cultural institutions and artistic activities.
The boulevard of the arts attracts thousands of visitors each year.

Boulevard encounter

A significant or memorable meeting that takes place on a boulevard.
Their boulevard encounter led to a lifelong friendship.

Sunset boulevard

Literally, a street named Sunset Boulevard; metaphorically, a journey towards the end or decline.
Many stars of the silent film era found themselves walking down Sunset Boulevard.

Boulevard of the elite

A street associated with wealth and high social status.
The boulevard of the elite was lined with mansions and luxury cars.

Boulevard of dreams

A metaphor for a place where aspirations are pursued.
Hollywood is often seen as the boulevard of dreams for many actors.

Historic boulevard

A street known for its historical significance.
The tour included a walk down the historic boulevard where the city’s founders once walked.

Boulevard stroll

A leisurely walk on a wide, scenic street.
They enjoyed a boulevard stroll on their first day of vacation.

Shopping boulevard

A street famous for its retail stores.
She spent the afternoon exploring the shopping boulevard.

Café boulevard

A street lined with numerous cafes.
The café boulevard was a perfect spot for their weekend brunch.

Boulevard of festivities

A place known for frequent celebratory events or festivals.
Every year, the boulevard of festivities is decked out for the annual street fair.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in Boulevard?

Boulevard has three syllables.

Why is it called Boulevard?

Boulevard is called so because it originates from the French word "boulevard," which historically referred to a broad defensive road outside city walls.

How do we divide Boulevard into syllables?

Boulevard is divided into syllables as follows: bou-le-vard.

What is a stressed syllable in Boulevard?

The stressed syllable in Boulevard is the second syllable, "le."

What part of speech is Boulevard?

Boulevard is a noun.

How is Boulevard used in a sentence?

Boulevard is used as a noun referring to a wide city street.

What is the verb form of Boulevard?

Boulevard does not have a verb form as it is a noun.

What is the root word of Boulevard?

The root word of Boulevard is the old French word "bolwerk," meaning a bastion or bulwark.

What is the pronunciation of Boulevard?

Boulevard is pronounced as /ˈbuːləˌvɑrd/.

What is the opposite of Boulevard?

The opposite of Boulevard could be alley, a narrower and less significant street.

Is Boulevard a vowel or consonant?

Boulevard starts with a consonant.

Is the Boulevard term a metaphor?

Boulevard can be used metaphorically but is primarily a literal term.

Is the word Boulevard imperative?

No, Boulevard cannot be imperative as it is a noun.

Is the word Boulevard a Gerund?

No, Boulevard is not a gerund as it is a noun and not derived from a verb.

Is the word “Boulevard” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Boulevard can serve as a direct object in a sentence.

Which vowel is used before Boulevard?

Typically, the vowel 'a' can be used before Boulevard, as in "a boulevard."

Is Boulevard a noun or adjective?

Boulevard is a noun.

Is Boulevard an adverb?

No, Boulevard is not an adverb.

Which determiner is used with Boulevard?

Determiners such as the, a, or an can be used with Boulevard depending on the context.

Which preposition is used with Boulevard?

Common prepositions used with Boulevard include on, along, and across.

Which article is used with Boulevard?

The article used with Boulevard depends on the context; both "the" and "a" can be appropriate.

What is another term for Boulevard?

Another term for Boulevard is avenue.

What is the singular form of Boulevard?

The singular form of Boulevard is boulevard.

Is Boulevard a negative or positive word?

Boulevard is a neutral word; it is not inherently negative or positive.

Is Boulevard a countable noun?

Yes, Boulevard is a countable noun.

What is the plural form of Boulevard?

The plural form of Boulevard is boulevards.

Is Boulevard an abstract noun?

No, Boulevard is not an abstract noun; it is a concrete noun as it refers to a physical place.

Is Boulevard a collective noun?

No, Boulevard is not a collective noun.

Which conjunction is used with Boulevard?

Conjunctions like and, or, but can be used with Boulevard depending on sentence construction.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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