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Bowman's Capsule vs. Malpighian Capsule — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 22, 2023
Bowman's Capsule is a part of the human kidney involved in filtration, whereas Malpighian Capsule is an outdated term referring to the same structure.
Bowman's Capsule vs. Malpighian Capsule — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Bowman's Capsule and Malpighian Capsule


Key Differences

Bowman's Capsule and Malpighian Capsule refer to similar structures within the kidney, though their terminology and usage differ. Bowman's Capsule is the more modern and widely accepted term in nephrology. It describes the cup-like sac at the beginning of the tubular component of a nephron in the mammalian kidney that performs the initial step in the filtration of blood to form urine.
On the contrary, Malpighian Capsule is an older term that was once used to describe this same structure. Over time and with advances in the understanding of kidney function and anatomy, the term Bowman's Capsule has become the preferred descriptor. While both terms point to a structure that plays a crucial role in filtering blood in the kidneys, their distinction lies mainly in historical and terminological contexts.
The Bowman's Capsule's primary function is to encase the glomerulus, a network of capillaries that carry blood into the nephron. Blood pressure pushes water, salt, glucose, amino acids, and other substances into the Bowman's Capsule, beginning the urine formation process. In comparison, when referring to the Malpighian Capsule, the same functions would be implied, but the terminology would be outdated.
Concluding, while both Bowman's Capsule and Malpighian Capsule describe an essential renal structure involved in urine production, their difference is mostly semantic. Bowman's Capsule is the current and precise term, while Malpighian Capsule represents an older naming convention.

Comparison Chart


Modern and widely accepted term
Older term for the same structure


Encases the glomerulus for initial blood filtration in the nephron
Refers to the same function but with outdated terminology

Usage in Literature

Commonly used in modern medical literature
Less common, mainly found in older literature

Named After

Named after Sir William Bowman, a 19th-century British surgeon
Named after Marcello Malpighi, a 17th-century Italian anatomist

Associated Anatomy

Associated with nephrons in mammalian kidneys
Identical association but less frequently referenced in this context

Compare with Definitions

Bowman's Capsule

Part of the nephron in the mammalian kidney.
Blood filtration initiates at the Bowman's Capsule.

Malpighian Capsule

Outdated terminology for renal anatomy.
Although outdated, the Malpighian Capsule once held prominence in medical literature.

Bowman's Capsule

Integral to urine formation.
Without the Bowman's Capsule, urine production would be compromised.

Malpighian Capsule

An older term for the kidney's filtration sac.
Few modern texts reference the Malpighian Capsule.

Bowman's Capsule

Encases the glomerulus.
The Bowman's Capsule is crucial for filtering blood.

Malpighian Capsule

A term synonymous with Bowman's Capsule.
The Malpighian Capsule surrounds the glomerulus, much like the Bowman's Capsule.

Bowman's Capsule

Modern term for renal filtration sac.
Students learn about the Bowman's Capsule in medical school.

Malpighian Capsule

Historically referred to Bowman's structure.
The Malpighian Capsule is named after Marcello Malpighi.

Bowman's Capsule

A sac in the kidney beginning the tubular component.
The Bowman's Capsule surrounds the glomerulus.

Malpighian Capsule

Previously described the kidney's filtration site.
The term Malpighian Capsule is rarely used today.

Common Curiosities

How is the Malpighian Capsule named?

It's named after Marcello Malpighi, a 17th-century Italian anatomist.

Where is the Bowman's Capsule located?

It's located in the nephron of the mammalian kidney.

Is the Malpighian Capsule different from the Bowman's Capsule?

No, they refer to the same renal structure; however, Malpighian Capsule is an outdated term.

Does the Bowman's Capsule filter the blood itself?

No, it houses the glomerulus, which filters the blood due to pressure differences.

What is the function of the Bowman's Capsule?

The Bowman's Capsule encases the glomerulus and initiates the blood filtration process in the kidney.

Do any diseases or conditions specifically affect the Bowman's Capsule?

Yes, conditions like glomerulonephritis can impact the function of the Bowman's Capsule.

Why is it called the Bowman's Capsule?

It's named after Sir William Bowman, a 19th-century British surgeon.

Are the terms interchangeable?

While referring to the same structure, "Bowman's Capsule" is preferred in modern medical contexts.

Is the Malpighian Capsule still taught in medical schools?

While it might be mentioned historically, the term "Bowman's Capsule" is predominantly taught.

How does the Bowman's Capsule contribute to kidney function?

It initiates the process of removing wastes, excess substances, and filtered fluids from the blood.

What's the role of the Bowman's Capsule in urine production?

It performs the initial step of blood filtration to form urine.

Why is the term Malpighian Capsule less common now?

Advances in understanding and terminology preference have made Bowman's Capsule the more accepted term.

Is the structure of the Bowman's Capsule complex?

While its function is intricate, structurally, it's a cup-like sac encasing the glomerulus.

Is there a difference in function between the two terms?

No, both refer to the same function of initial blood filtration in the nephron.

Are there any other parts of the kidney named after Malpighi?

Yes, the Malpighian pyramids or renal pyramids are another part named after him.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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