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Brah vs. Bro — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 18, 2024
"Brah" is the incorrect spelling of "bro," which is a slang term for brother, often used as a friendly form of address among male friends.
Brah vs. Bro — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Brah or Bro

How to spell Bro?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "bro" is a short form of "brother," so it should be spelled with an "o" at the end.
"Brah" sounds similar but replaces the "o" with an "a," which is not how "brother" is spelled.

How Do You Spell Bro Correctly?

Incorrect: What’s up, brah?
Correct: What’s up, bro?
Incorrect: His best brah was always there for him.
Correct: His best bro was always there for him.
Incorrect: He told his brah about the new job.
Correct: He told his bro about the new job.
Incorrect: You can always count on your brah.
Correct: You can always count on your bro.

Bro Definitions

A friendly term for a male friend, often used by young people.
Jake and his bro went to the basketball game together.
A member of a particular group or team referred to familiarly.
He's my gym bro; we train together every day.
Slang for a young man, especially one who is seen as fun-loving or laid back.
The party was full of bros enjoying the summer vibes.
A term of camaraderie or familiarity used among young men.
Every weekend, he hangs out with his bros at the park.
Informal for brother; used to express brotherhood in certain subcultures.
He's not just a friend, he's my bro.
A brother.
Friend; pal. Used as a form of familiar address for a man or boy
So long, bro.
(slang) brother (a male sibling)
(slang) brother (a male comrade or friend; one who shares one’s ideals)
(slang) brother (usually used to address a male)
(slang) fratboy (or someone that espouses the fraternity bro culture)
He or him
Bro said he finna go off today
You gotta go up to bro and say, "I know what you mean"

Bro Meaning in a Sentence

I saw my bro at the mall yesterday.
He's not just my classmate; he's like a bro to me.
My bro is really good at basketball.
Can you ask your bro if he has an extra ticket to the concert?
My bro knows a lot about computers; he can help you.
Whenever I have trouble with my homework, I call my bro.
He’s more than a friend, he’s a bro.
That guy has been my bro since kindergarten.
My bro just got a new job downtown.
Thanks, bro, for helping me move to my new apartment.
My bro always knows the best places to eat.
My bro helped me build a treehouse last summer.
Don't worry, bro, I've got your back.
Do you think your bro would want to join our club?
When my car broke down, my bro drove me to work.
Are you and your bro coming to the game tonight?
His bro is also a talented musician.

Bro Idioms & Phrases

Bro hug

A friendly and hearty hug between two men.
They gave each other a bro hug after winning the match.

Bro out

To engage in activities typically enjoyed by a group of male friends.
The weekend is for broing out with my pals at the lake.

Bro talk

Conversation between bros, often about personal or sensitive topics.
They had a serious bro talk about their futures last night.

Bro code

An unwritten set of rules that some men follow regarding friendship and respect for each other.
He never dates his bro's ex-girlfriend; it's against the bro code.

Bro down

To spend time with friends, typically in a relaxing or party atmosphere.
On Saturdays, they like to bro down and play video games.

Common Curiosities

How is bro used in a sentence?

"Bro" is used as a noun to refer to a close male friend.

What is a stressed syllable in bro?

In "bro," the single syllable is stressed.

How do we divide bro into syllables?

Since "bro" has only one syllable, it is not divided.

What is the verb form of bro?

"Bro" does not have a verb form; it is only used as a noun.

Why is it called bro?

It's called "bro" because it is a shortened form of "brother," reflecting a close friendship or camaraderie.

What is another term for bro?

Another term for "bro" is "buddy."

What is the pronunciation of bro?

"Bro" is pronounced as /broʊ/.

What is the singular form of bro?

The singular form is "bro."

How many syllables are in bro?

"Bro" has one syllable.

What is the root word of bro?

The root word of "bro" is "brother."

What is the opposite of bro?

There is no direct opposite for "bro" in terms of friendly relations; however, "foe" could be considered the opposite in terms of relationship.

Is bro a noun or adjective?

"Bro" is a noun.

Is bro an abstract noun?

No, "bro" is not an abstract noun.

Is bro a countable noun?

Yes, "bro" is a countable noun.

Is bro a collective noun?

No, "bro" is not a collective noun.

Is the word bro is imperative?

No, "bro" is not used in an imperative form.

Is bro a negative or positive word?

"Bro" is generally a positive word, indicating friendship.

Is bro a vowel or consonant?

"Bro" starts with a consonant.

What is the plural form of bro?

The plural form is "bros."

Is bro an adverb?

No, "bro" is not an adverb.

Which vowel is used before bro?

Typically, any vowel can precede "bro," but in specific phrases, no vowel may be needed.

Which article is used with bro?

The definite article "the" or no article is often used with "bro."

What part of speech is bro?

"Bro" is a noun.

Which preposition is used with bro?

Prepositions like "with" or "to" are commonly used with "bro."

Is the bro term a metaphor?

Yes, "bro" can be considered a metaphor for a close friend or comrade.

Is the word bro Gerund?

No, "bro" is not a gerund.

Is the word “bro” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Bro" can be a direct object, as in "I called my bro."

Which determiner is used with bro?

Determiners like "my" or "your" are commonly used with "bro."

Which conjunction is used with bro?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" are used with "bro."

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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