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Brainly vs. Chegg — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 7, 2024
Brainly is a collaborative platform where students ask and answer academic questions, while Chegg is a subscription-based service offering textbook rentals, online tutoring, and educational resources.
Brainly vs. Chegg — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Brainly and Chegg


Key Differences

Brainly is a peer-to-peer learning platform where students ask questions on various academic subjects, and the community provides answers. Chegg, on the other hand, offers comprehensive educational services like textbook rentals, online tutoring, and study resources, focusing on a subscription-based model.
Brainly thrives on user-generated content and collaboration, allowing students to help each other with homework problems and academic challenges. Chegg provides professionally curated solutions, step-by-step guides, and access to tutors for immediate support.
Brainly's content spans a broad range of subjects, maintained through community moderation. Chegg's resources include subject experts who create tailored study materials and homework help, often for specific textbooks.
Brainly operates through an open-access model, making basic services free. In contrast, Chegg requires a subscription, offering more personalized and in-depth academic assistance.
Brainly emphasizes a social learning experience where students can contribute to and benefit from a collaborative environment. Chegg offers targeted educational support through structured plans, tools, and expert tutoring.

Comparison Chart

Access Model

Free with ads, subscription optional

Core Services

Q&A platform
Textbook rental, tutoring, solutions

Community Focus

Collaborative, peer-to-peer
Expert-driven, direct assistance

Subjects Covered

Broad range, user-generated
Broad, professionally curated

Unique Features

Social learning environment
Textbook rentals, study guides

Compare with Definitions


A feature that connects students with tutors.
The Brainly Tutor helped the student understand complex geometry problems.


An online tutoring service offered by Chegg.
The Chegg Tutor assisted the student with her calculus assignments.


An educational platform for students to share and answer questions.
The student used Brainly to find help with her math homework.


Chegg's organized study resources and tools.
Chegg's study packs helped the student prepare for finals efficiently.


An educational platform offering textbook rentals and study resources.
Chegg helped the student save money with its textbook rentals.


A service provided by Chegg to rent textbooks for a term.
Chegg's textbook rental saved the student money on her semester books.


A Chegg feature providing solutions and expert assistance.
The student used Chegg Study to access step-by-step textbook solutions.


A feature where Chegg experts answer student-submitted questions.
The Expert Q&A section provided clear explanations for difficult physics problems.


The group of users who ask and answer questions on Brainly.
The Brainly community quickly provided answers to the science questions.


A tool that checks grammar and citations in essays.
Chegg Writing improved the student's research paper with its plagiarism checker.


Brainly is a Polish education technology company based in Kraków, Poland, with headquarters in New York City. It provides a peer-to-peer learning platform for students, parents, and teachers to ask and answer homework questions.


Chegg, Inc., is an American education technology company based in Santa Clara, California. It provides digital and physical textbook rentals, textbook solutions, online tutoring, and other student services.The company was launched in 2005, and began trading publicly on the New York Stock Exchange in November 2013.


Of, relating to, or typified by a brain; (by extension) proficient in intellectual matters; brainy

Common Curiosities

What is Chegg?

Chegg is a subscription-based service providing textbook rentals, online tutoring, and study resources.

Is Brainly free to use?

Brainly has a free tier with ads and a premium subscription offering additional features.

How does Brainly work?

Students ask questions on Brainly, and other users answer them in a peer-to-peer format.

Does Brainly have tutors?

Brainly offers a premium tutoring service where students connect with online tutors.

Can Chegg help with textbook solutions?

Yes, Chegg provides step-by-step solutions to specific textbook questions.

What is Brainly?

Brainly is an educational platform where students ask and answer academic questions.

Does Chegg offer free services?

Chegg generally requires a subscription but may offer trial periods or limited free access.

Does Brainly offer study materials?

Brainly focuses on Q&A, while study guides may be available through community posts.

Is Chegg's content reliable?

Chegg uses experts to provide reliable solutions and study resources.

How does Chegg work?

Chegg provides textbook rentals, solutions, and expert tutoring through a subscription.

Does Chegg have textbook rentals?

Yes, Chegg offers textbook rentals for students looking to save money.

Can Chegg help with writing assignments?

Yes, Chegg Writing offers grammar checks, plagiarism detection, and citation assistance.

Does Brainly cover all academic subjects?

Brainly covers a broad range of subjects but relies on user-generated content.

Is Brainly's content reliable?

Brainly moderates content through community guidelines and reporting features.

Is Brainly or Chegg better for studying?

Brainly is best for collaborative, peer-to-peer help, while Chegg offers more structured, expert-driven assistance.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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