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Bromium vs. Bromine — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Fiza Rafique — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on May 7, 2024
Bromium is the incorrect spelling. Bromine is the correct spelling, referring to a chemical element with symbol Br.
Bromium vs. Bromine — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Bromium or Bromine

How to spell Bromine?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Bromine contains "ine," like other halogens (e.g., chlorine, iodine).
Think of "bro" + "mine" to recall the correct spelling.
Associate "bromine" with "chlorine" due to their similar endings.

How Do You Spell Bromine Correctly?

Incorrect: Bromium is used in flame retardants.
Correct: Bromine is used in flame retardants.
Incorrect: The scientist studied bromium reactions.
Correct: The scientist studied bromine reactions.
Incorrect: Bromium has a strong odor.
Correct: Bromine has a strong odor.
Incorrect: Bromium is a reddish-brown liquid.
Correct: Bromine is a reddish-brown liquid.
Incorrect: People often confuse chlorine and bromium.
Correct: People often confuse chlorine and bromine.

Bromine Definitions

A chemical element with symbol Br, used in flame retardants.
Bromine is a halogen element on the periodic table.
A toxic element with a strong odor, used in chemical manufacturing.
Bromine has a pungent smell and is harmful if inhaled.
A reddish-brown liquid at room temperature and a member of the halogen family.
Bromine is the only nonmetallic element that is liquid at room temperature.
An element found in some pharmaceuticals.
Bromine derivatives are used in sedatives and other medications.
An element commonly used in water treatment and disinfectants.
Bromine is used in pools and spas for sanitation.
Bromine is a chemical element with the symbol Br and atomic number 35. It is the third-lightest halogen, and is a fuming red-brown liquid at room temperature that evaporates readily to form a similarly coloured vapour.
A dense, volatile, corrosive, reddish-brown, nonmetallic liquid halogen element that exists as a diatomic molecule, Br2 having a highly irritating vapor. Chiefly isolated from brines, it is used in producing fumigants, dyes, water purification compounds, and photographic chemicals. Atomic weight 79.904; atomic number 35; melting point -7.2°C; boiling point 58.8°C; density of gas 7.59 grams per liter; specific gravity (liquid, at 20°C) 3.12; valence 1, 3, 5, 7. See Periodic Table.
(uncountable) A nonmetallic chemical element (symbol Br) with an atomic number of 35; one of the halogens, it is a fuming red-brown liquid at room temperature.
(countable) A bromine atom
One of the halogen elements, related in its chemical qualities to chlorine and iodine. Atomic weight 79.8. Symbol Br. It is a deep reddish brown liquid of a very disagreeable odor, emitting a brownish vapor at the ordinary temperature. In combination it is found in minute quantities in sea water, and in many saline springs. It occurs also in the mineral bromyrite.
A nonmetallic largely pentavalent heavy volatile corrosive dark brown liquid element belonging to the halogens; found in sea water

Bromine Meaning in a Sentence

The laboratory stores bromine in secure containers.
Bromine and chlorine are both halogens.
Bromine compounds are added to certain medications.
Bromine reacts with other elements to form compounds.
Bromine is used as a disinfectant in swimming pools.
Scientists discovered bromine in the early 19th century.
Bromine is a reddish-brown liquid at room temperature.
Chemists often use bromine in organic synthesis.
Industrial processes often involve bromine compounds.
Exposure to bromine can irritate the eyes and skin.
Bromine is less reactive than chlorine.
Pool owners use bromine to keep their water clean.
Bromine occurs naturally in seawater.
A safety warning label is placed on all bromine containers.
Bromine gas is highly toxic if inhaled.
Bromine is a nonmetallic element with the atomic number 35.
Bromine solutions have a distinctive, pungent odor.
Bromine is an essential component of flame retardants.
The element bromine belongs to the halogen group.
Bromine can cause burns if it comes into contact with skin.
Bromine is vital for many chemical manufacturing processes.
Bromine is not found freely in nature.
Many sedatives contain bromine derivatives.

Bromine Idioms & Phrases

Bromine compound

A chemical substance containing bromine.
Bromine compounds are used in flame retardants.

Bromine odor

The distinctive, pungent smell of bromine.
The laboratory was filled with the strong bromine odor.

Bromine treatment

The process of disinfecting water using bromine.
The hotel pool undergoes bromine treatment regularly.

Bromine-based sanitizer

A cleaning agent containing bromine.
The pool maintenance team switched to a bromine-based sanitizer.

Bromine purification

The use of bromine to purify or sanitize.
Bromine purification keeps the spa water crystal clear.

Bromine solution

A liquid mixture containing bromine.
The chemist prepared a bromine solution for the experiment.

Bromine exposure

Contact with bromine, which can be harmful.
Workers wear protective gear to avoid bromine exposure.

Bromine derivative

A chemical product derived from bromine.
Some sedatives contain bromine derivatives.

Bromine gas

The gaseous form of bromine, toxic and corrosive.
A leak of bromine gas can pose serious health risks.

Bromine color

The reddish-brown hue characteristic of bromine.
The reddish-brown bromine color made it easy to identify the element.

Bromine flask

A container specifically designed to store bromine.
The technician carefully handled the bromine flask.

Bromine group

The group of halogens on the periodic table, including bromine.
Bromine is part of the bromine group along with iodine and chlorine.

Bromine isotope

A variant of bromine with a different number of neutrons.
The scientists studied the radioactive bromine isotope.

Bromine storage

The safe containment of bromine.
Proper bromine storage is crucial for laboratory safety.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called bromine?

It comes from the Greek word "bromos," meaning stench, due to its strong odor.

How many syllables are in bromine?

Two syllables.

What is the first form of bromine?

Bromine is a noun and does not have verb forms.

What is the verb form of bromine?

There is no verb form; bromine is a noun.

What is the root word of bromine?

The root word is "bromos," meaning stench in Greek.

What is a stressed syllable in bromine?

The first syllable, "bro."

How is bromine used in a sentence?

Bromine is a reddish-brown liquid at room temperature.

How do we divide bromine into syllables?


What is the pronunciation of bromine?


What part of speech is bromine?


What is the singular form of bromine?

Bromine (the word itself is singular).

Is bromine a countable noun?

No, it is an uncountable noun.

Is the bromine term a metaphor?

No, it is not used metaphorically.

Is the word bromine imperative?

No, it is a noun and not a command.

What is another term for bromine?

Br (its chemical symbol).

Is the word bromine gerund?

No, it is not a gerund.

Is the word “bromine” a direct object or an indirect object?

It can be a direct object depending on the sentence structure.

Which vowel is used before bromine?

"A" (a bromine solution).

What is the plural form of bromine?

There is no plural form as bromine is an uncountable noun.

Is bromine a negative or positive word?

It is a neutral word.

Is bromine a vowel or consonant?

"Bromine" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Which preposition is used with bromine?

"In" (e.g., bromine in water).

Which conjunction is used with bromine?

"And" (e.g., bromine and chlorine).

What is the second form of bromine?

Bromine is a noun and does not have verb forms.

What is the third form of bromine?

Bromine is a noun and does not have verb forms.

Is bromine an adverb?

No, bromine is not an adverb.

Is bromine an abstract noun?

No, it is a concrete noun.

Which determiner is used with bromine?

"The" or "some."

What is the opposite of bromine?

There is no direct opposite, but chlorine is sometimes used as an alternative in water treatment.

Is bromine a noun or adjective?


Is bromine a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

Which article is used with bromine?

"The" or "a."

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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