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Brunch vs. Elevenses — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 5, 2024
Brunch is a late morning meal combining breakfast and lunch, often enjoyed on weekends, while elevenses is a mid-morning snack break, traditionally taken around 11 a.m., featuring light fare like tea and biscuits.
Brunch vs. Elevenses — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Brunch and Elevenses


Key Differences

Brunch serves as a fusion meal for those who miss the traditional breakfast time, typically occurring between late morning and early afternoon. It's a leisurely meal that often includes a mix of breakfast and lunch foods, such as pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sandwiches, and is popular on weekends and holidays. On the other hand, elevenses is a more modest, specific tradition that involves taking a break in the late morning for a light snack. Originating in the United Kingdom, it traditionally includes tea or coffee accompanied by biscuits, cakes, or a small sandwich, offering a brief respite and an energy boost before lunch.
While brunch is characterized by its versatility and the wide range of foods it can encompass, making it a significant and often social meal, elevenses is marked by its simplicity and the consistency of its offerings. Brunch can be an elaborate affair, sometimes featuring cocktails like mimosas or Bloody Marys, and is as much a social event as it is a meal. Conversely, elevenses is typically a more solitary or small-group occasion, focused on the comfort of a warm drink and a light snack.
The concept of brunch allows for a relaxed morning schedule, blending the first two meals of the day into one. It caters to those who wish to sleep in or who prefer a more substantial meal later in the morning. Elevenses, however, serves as a fixed point in the morning routine, providing a structured break in the workday or daily activities.
Brunch reflects a cultural phenomenon that has grown to include a wide array of dining experiences, from casual at-home meals to upscale, buffet-style gatherings in restaurants. Elevenses maintains its traditional roots, offering a moment of quiet contemplation or casual conversation. It’s less about the food itself and more about the break it represents.
Both meals signify more than just the food consumed; they represent cultural practices that acknowledge the importance of taking time to enjoy food and company. While brunch offers a blend of leisure and indulgence, elevenses focuses on the ritual of taking a break and enjoying a moment of peace in the midst of a busy day.

Comparison Chart


Late morning to early afternoon.
Mid-morning, around 11 a.m.

Food Types

Combination of breakfast and lunch foods.
Light snacks, such as biscuits or cakes.


Weekends, holidays, social gatherings.
Daily routine, work break.

Beverage Choices

Coffee, tea, cocktails.
Tea, coffee.


Meal replacement, socializing.
Short break, energy boost.


Elaborate, flexible.
Simple, traditional.

Cultural Significance

Reflects leisure and indulgence.
Emphasizes the ritual of a break.

Compare with Definitions


Can be both a casual or formal affair.
Their wedding brunch was held at a luxury rooftop restaurant.


Rooted in British tradition.
Elevenses, with its tea and biscuits, is a cherished British custom.


Often includes both breakfast and lunch foods.
Brunch featured an omelette station and a carving board.


Features simple fare like biscuits and tea.
His elevenses consisted of a cup of black coffee and two digestives.


Served typically on weekends or holidays.
The hotel offers a special Easter brunch buffet.


A mid-morning break for a light snack.
She paused for elevenses, enjoying tea and scones.


Associated with leisure and indulgence.
Brunch often extends for hours, filled with laughter and mimosas.


Traditionally taken around 11 a.m.
At elevenses, the office would quiet down as people took their tea break.


A late morning meal blending breakfast and lunch.
They planned a brunch with friends on Sunday.


A moment of rest in a busy day.
She cherished elevenses as her moment of calm.


Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch, and regularly has some form of alcoholic drink (most usually champagne or a cocktail) served with it. It is usually served between 11 o'clock in the morning and 2 o’clock pm.


A short mid-morning break taken around eleven o'clock for a drink or light snack.


A late morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch
Breakfast was served so late as almost to constitute brunch
He cobbled together a brunch of cold remains from the fridge


Elevenses is a short break taken at around 11:00 am to consume a drink or snack. The names and details vary among countries.


A meal typically eaten in the late morning or early afternoon as a combination of breakfast and lunch.


A short break for light refreshments, usually with tea or coffee, taken at about eleven o'clock in the morning.


A meal eaten later in the day than breakfast and earlier than lunch, and often consisting of typical foods from both of those meals.
I normally have brunch at the café next to work.
Let's do brunch sometime at the salad bar!
Feeling a bit peckish, Sandra made herself some brunch with the leftovers in her fridge.


To eat brunch.


A late breakfast or an early lunch.


Combination breakfast and lunch; usually served in late morning


Eat a late-morning meal;
We brunch in Sundays

Common Curiosities

What are elevenses?

Elevenses refer to a mid-morning break for a light snack and beverage, traditionally taken at 11 a.m.

What is brunch?

Brunch is a combined meal of breakfast and lunch, usually eaten late in the morning and often featuring a variety of foods.

How do the food choices at brunch and elevenses differ?

Brunch offers a wide range of breakfast and lunch foods, while elevenses typically includes light snacks like biscuits or cakes.

Why is brunch popular on weekends?

Its timing allows for a relaxed morning, making it ideal for leisurely weekends or holiday gatherings.

Can brunch be considered a daily routine like elevenses?

Brunch is more commonly a weekend or special occasion meal, not typically part of a daily routine like elevenses.

Can elevenses include coffee, or is it strictly tea?

While traditionally associated with tea, coffee is also commonly enjoyed during elevenses.

Is it possible to have both brunch and elevenses on the same day?

Given their different timings and purposes, it’s possible but uncommon, as brunch often replaces the need for a mid-morning snack.

What impact does the choice between brunch and elevenses have on one's daily schedule?

Opting for brunch might lead to a later start to the day and a larger meal, while elevenses fits into a more structured, routine schedule.

Is elevenses a break just for eating, or does it serve other purposes?

Elevenses serves as a brief respite from the day’s activities, offering a chance to recharge with a snack and beverage.

How have brunch and elevenses evolved over time?

Brunch has grown into a versatile, often elaborate meal, while elevenses has maintained its role as a simple, mid-morning break.

What kind of social activities are associated with brunch?

Brunch can be a social event, including gatherings with friends or family, and is often associated with celebrations.

Are there cultural variations in how brunch and elevenses are observed?

Yes, brunch and elevenses vary culturally, with brunch being widely adapted and elevenses remaining a more traditional British custom.

How does one prepare for hosting elevenses?

Preparing for elevenses involves ensuring a selection of tea, coffee, and light snacks, aiming for simplicity and comfort.

Why might someone prefer elevenses over brunch?

Elevenses suits those seeking a regular, brief break in their day without the heavier food or social commitment of brunch.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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