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Bulk Modulus vs. Young Modulus — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 14, 2023
Bulk Modulus measures material's resistance to uniform compression; Young Modulus gauges its resistance to lengthwise stretching or compression.
Bulk Modulus vs. Young Modulus — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Bulk Modulus and Young Modulus


Key Differences

Bulk Modulus is a measure of a material's resistance to uniform compression, while Young Modulus quantifies its resistance to being stretched or compressed along one axis. Both are essential properties in the field of material science and engineering.
When we talk about Bulk Modulus, we're referring to the material's ability to resist changes in its volume. Conversely, Young Modulus speaks to how a material responds when forces act on it, either stretching or compressing it lengthwise.
Materials with a high Bulk Modulus are typically difficult to compress. On the other hand, materials with a high Young Modulus are resistant to being stretched or compressed in one particular direction.
Bulk Modulus can be seen as a measure of a material's 'bulk' resistance to changes, while Young Modulus indicates its 'directional' resistance. Both moduli provide critical insights into a material's behavior under different stress conditions.
By understanding both the Bulk Modulus and Young Modulus, engineers and scientists can better predict how materials will behave in real-world applications, ensuring safety and efficacy in various structures and products.

Comparison Chart


Measures resistance to uniform compression.
Measures resistance to lengthwise stretching/compression.


Pascals (Pa)
Pascals (Pa)


Volume change
Length change

Associated Stress

Hydrostatic or volumetric stress
Axial or longitudinal stress


Isotropic (same in all directions)
Anisotropic (varies with direction)

Compare with Definitions

Bulk Modulus

Bulk Modulus measures a substance's elasticity under volume compression.
Steel has a higher Bulk Modulus than rubber, making it less compressible.

Young Modulus

Represents a material's intrinsic resistance to lengthwise changes.
Elastic bands, with their low Young Modulus, can be easily stretched.

Bulk Modulus

Bulk Modulus quantifies a material's resistance to uniform compression.
Oils with higher Bulk Modulus values are less compressible, improving hydraulic system efficiency.

Young Modulus

Young Modulus denotes the ratio of stress to strain in the elastic regime.
Materials with a higher Young Modulus are generally less stretchable.

Bulk Modulus

It signifies a material's inherent resistance to volume deformation.
Gases have low Bulk Modulus values, implying they can be easily compressed.

Young Modulus

It quantifies a substance's ability to resist axial deformation.
Metals typically have a higher Young Modulus than polymers.

Bulk Modulus

It's the material's ability to withstand changes in volume.
The Bulk Modulus of water showcases its minimal compressibility at standard conditions.

Young Modulus

Young Modulus gauges a material's stiffness under uniaxial stress.
The high Young Modulus of diamond makes it one of the stiffest materials known.

Bulk Modulus

Bulk Modulus is the ratio of applied pressure to the fractional volume change.
When pressure is applied to a fluid, its Bulk Modulus can indicate how much its volume will decrease.

Young Modulus

It's a measure of tensile elasticity, representing resistance to lengthwise deformation.
A rod's Young Modulus can predict how much it will stretch under tension.

Common Curiosities

What does the Bulk Modulus represent?

Bulk Modulus represents a material's resistance to uniform compression.

Can Bulk Modulus be negative?

No, Bulk Modulus is always positive, as materials cannot have a negative volume change.

How is Young Modulus defined?

Young Modulus is defined as the ratio of axial stress to axial strain in a material.

Which factor predominantly affects Bulk Modulus?

Temperature and pressure significantly influence Bulk Modulus.

What's the primary application of Bulk Modulus in engineering?

Bulk Modulus is crucial in hydraulic systems and predicting fluid behavior.

Are Bulk Modulus and Young Modulus the same?

No, while both are measures of elasticity, Bulk Modulus pertains to volume change, and Young Modulus to length change.

Why is Young Modulus important?

Young Modulus is vital for determining a material's stiffness and predicting its behavior under axial loads.

How are the units for both Bulk Modulus and Young Modulus?

Both are measured in Pascals (Pa).

Why might an engineer need to know the Young Modulus of a material?

To predict and prevent material failures in structures and components under axial loads.

Is Bulk Modulus applicable for gases?

Yes, gases also have a Bulk Modulus, indicating their compressibility.

Can Young Modulus change with the direction of material?

Yes, for anisotropic materials, Young Modulus can vary with direction.

Is Young Modulus always constant for a given material?

No, Young Modulus can vary based on factors like temperature, rate of loading, and material treatment.

How is Bulk Modulus calculated?

Bulk Modulus is calculated as the ratio of applied pressure to the fractional volume change.

What factors can influence Young Modulus?

Temperature, impurities, grain size, and material directionality can impact Young Modulus.

Can materials have the same Bulk Modulus and Young Modulus values?

While theoretically possible, in practice, materials often have distinct values for each modulus.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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