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Bundle of His vs. Purkinje Fibres — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 17, 2023
Bundle of His is a heart muscle fiber transmitting impulses within the heart. Purkinje Fibres are specialized fibers spreading impulses to heart's ventricles. The former ensures atrioventricular synchronization, while latter enables ventricle contraction.
Bundle of His vs. Purkinje Fibres — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Bundle of His and Purkinje Fibres


Key Differences

The Bundle of His plays a critical role in the heart’s electrical conduction system, ensuring the synchronized transmission of electrical impulses. In contrast, Purkinje Fibres work primarily within the ventricles, ensuring that the contraction commences at the apex and spreads upwards. Both structures are integral in maintaining rhythmic and coordinated heart contractions, albeit at different stages of the cardiac cycle.
Within the anatomical framework, the Bundle of His emerges from the AV node, traveling along the interventricular septum. Conversely, Purkinje Fibres are present predominantly within the ventricular walls. These distinctions in their locations within the heart underscore different roles they play in orchestrating a systematic and sequential cardiac contraction.
During a heartbeat, the Bundle of His acts as a pathway, ensuring impulses move from the atria to the ventricles, preserving the heart’s organized rhythm. The Purkinje Fibres take over afterward, spreading these impulses throughout the ventricles and facilitating their contraction. Thus, both structures collaborate, ensuring a coherent and timely response across the heart muscle.
While the Bundle of His bridges atrial and ventricular activity, its functionality can be disrupted, which may lead to arrhythmias. Similarly, anomalies in Purkinje Fibres may result in dyssynchronous ventricular contractions. Notwithstanding their distinct roles, disruptions in either entity could potentially compromise the efficacy and synchrony of cardiac activity.

Comparison Chart


Arises from the AV node
Found within the ventricular walls

Primary Function

Transmits impulses to the ventricles
Spreads impulses across the ventricles

Relation to Cardiac Cycle

Acts in early phase of cardiac cycle
Involved in later phase of the cardiac cycle

Tissue Type

Specialized cardiac muscle fibers
Specialized cardiac muscle fibers

Associated Conditions

Bundle branch block
Ventricular fibrillation

Compare with Definitions

Bundle of His

It serves as a synchronized electrical bridge between the atria and the ventricles within the heart.
The Bundle of His transmits impulses, thereby synchronizing atrial and ventricular activities efficiently.

Purkinje Fibres

Purkinje Fibres are sub-endocardial conduits which ensure simultaneous contractions across the ventricles.
By transmitting impulses quickly, Purkinje Fibres enable synchronous ventricular contraction.

Bundle of His

The Bundle of His comprises specialized cells that ensure timely ventricular contraction following atrial contraction.
A block in the Bundle of His can disrupt the systematic propagation of electrical impulses across the heart.

Purkinje Fibres

These fibres facilitate the spreading of electrical impulses to the myocardial cells, crucial for systole.
The distribution of impulses by Purkinje Fibres ensures an upward contraction of the ventricles.

Bundle of His

The Bundle of His is identified as a conduit for electrical impulses traveling from the AV node to the ventricles.
The Bundle of His precisely channels the impulses, initiating ventricular contractions.

Purkinje Fibres

Purkinje Fibres are specialized cardiomyocytes that facilitate rapid conduction of impulses within the heart’s ventricles.
Purkinje Fibres ensure that the contraction of the ventricles is coordinated and effective in pumping blood.

Bundle of His

The Bundle of His is a heart conduction pathway facilitating electrical communication between the atria and ventricles.
The Bundle of His prevents simultaneous atrial and ventricular contractions, ensuring efficient blood flow.

Purkinje Fibres

Purkinje Fibres play a vital role in the final stage of the electrical conduction system of the heart.
Impulses transmitted via Purkinje Fibres command the ventricles to contract after the atria.

Bundle of His

It is a slender bundle of fibers that plays a crucial role in the heart's intrinsic conduction system.
Proper functioning of the Bundle of His is vital to maintain a regular and synchronized cardiac rhythm.

Purkinje Fibres

They represent a network of fibers that conducts the cardiac action potential to the myocardial cells.
Purkinje Fibres carry impulses that trigger uniform contractions across the ventricular myocardium.

Common Curiosities

What happens if the Bundle of His malfunctions?

Malfunction can lead to arrhythmias due to disrupted synchronization between atrial and ventricular contractions.

Where is the Bundle of His located?

It's located within the heart, extending from the AV node into the interventricular septum.

What distinguishes Purkinje Fibres functionally?

They facilitate rapid and uniform conduction of impulses across the ventricular myocardium.

Where are Purkinje Fibres most prominently located?

They are predominantly found in the inner ventricular walls of the heart.

Can the Bundle of His regenerate if damaged?

No, cardiac cells, including those in the Bundle of His, have limited regenerative capacity.

How can issues with the Bundle of His be diagnosed?

It can be diagnosed using an ECG, which can identify disruptions in the electrical pathway.

What is the primary function of the Bundle of His?

The Bundle of His transmits electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles in the heart.

How are the Purkinje Fibres and Bundle of His related functionally?

They are sequential components in the cardiac conduction system, ensuring ordered and coordinated heart contractions.

How do the speeds of impulse transmission compare between the Bundle of His and Purkinje Fibres?

Purkinje Fibres generally transmit impulses at a faster rate compared to the Bundle of His.

Why are Purkinje Fibres crucial for cardiac function?

They ensure that ventricular contraction occurs in a coordinated manner to effectively pump blood.

Can issues with Purkinje Fibres lead to heart conditions?

Yes, anomalies or issues with Purkinje Fibres can contribute to irregular heart rhythms and conditions.

Can you observe Purkinje Fibres under a standard microscope?

Yes, Purkinje Fibres are visible under a microscope, appearing larger and paler than surrounding cardiac tissue.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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