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Calls in Arrears vs. Calls in Advance — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 22, 2023
Calls in Arrears refers to unpaid amounts due for share capital calls. Calls in Advance refers to amounts paid by shareholders before they're due. Both pertain to shareholders' obligations regarding payment for their shares.
Calls in Arrears vs. Calls in Advance — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Calls in Arrears and Calls in Advance


Key Differences

Calls in Arrears and Calls in Advance both revolve around the payment schedules shareholders follow for their share capital in a company. Calls in Arrears reflects the amount that a shareholder has failed to pay by the due date. On the other hand, Calls in Advance represents the amounts that shareholders choose to pay before the actual due date.
In the context of raising capital, a company may ask its shareholders to pay a portion of their share capital at different intervals. When a shareholder doesn't meet this obligation, the unpaid amount is categorized as Calls in Arrears. Conversely, when a shareholder, out of their own volition, pays a future obligation ahead of time, it is noted as Calls in Advance.
Financially, Calls in Arrears can be seen as a liability for the shareholder and an asset for the company, indicating money the company expects to receive. In contrast, Calls in Advance represents a liability for the company, as it owes a service (or equity) to the shareholder for which it has already received payment.
From a company's perspective, Calls in Arrears might suggest financial difficulties among shareholders or a reluctance to part with funds, possibly indicating concerns about the company's future. Calls in Advance might suggest shareholder confidence in the company's prospects or simply a desire to settle future obligations early.
In conclusion, while both Calls in Arrears and Calls in Advance deal with the timing of payments for shares, they sit on opposite ends of the timeline. The former indicates lateness in payment, while the latter indicates eagerness or prudence in early payment.

Comparison Chart

Nature of Payment

Unpaid amounts due for share capital calls.
Amounts paid by shareholders before they're due.

Financial Implication

Liability for shareholder, asset for the company.
Liability for the company, asset for the shareholder.


Indicates late payment.
Indicates early payment.

Shareholder Sentiment

Might suggest financial difficulties or skepticism.
Might indicate confidence or prudence.

Grammatical Usage

Often used in contexts highlighting debts.
Used when referencing prepayments or proactive steps.

Compare with Definitions

Calls in Arrears

Amounts that shareholders owe but haven't paid for their share capital.
John's account shows $500 as Calls in Arrears, indicating he's behind on his payments.

Calls in Advance

Early settlements made by shareholders before the company's call for capital.
To avoid future hassles, several investors decided to make Calls in Advance.

Calls in Arrears

Outstanding sums due from shareholders for the shares they hold.
The financial statement listed $20,000 as Calls in Arrears from various investors.

Calls in Advance

Payments made by shareholders for their shares before they're due.
Sarah made a Calls in Advance of $1,000, settling her future obligations early.

Calls in Arrears

Unsettled financial obligations related to share capital.
The company decided to take legal action against those with substantial Calls in Arrears.

Calls in Advance

Financial commitments settled by shareholders before their due dates.
The financial director appreciated those who made Calls in Advance, seeing it as a sign of trust.

Calls in Arrears

Liabilities that shareholders have because they missed their due payments.
Several shareholders had Calls in Arrears, reflecting delays in their commitments.

Calls in Advance

Amounts shareholders prepay toward their share capital obligations.
The company's balance sheet showed $15,000 as Calls in Advance, indicating proactive investors.

Calls in Arrears

Due payments that shareholders have yet to clear.
The board sent reminders to those with Calls in Arrears, urging timely payment.

Calls in Advance

Proactive payments toward share capital, ahead of the scheduled timeline.
Calls in Advance were encouraged by the company to boost its immediate capital.

Common Curiosities

Are Calls in Arrears bad for a company?

Calls in Arrears might indicate financial difficulties among shareholders or concerns about the company's prospects.

Can a company penalize shareholders for having Calls in Arrears?

Yes, companies might impose penalties or take legal actions against shareholders with outstanding Calls in Arrears.

How do Calls in Advance differ from Calls in Arrears?

Calls in Advance are early payments made by shareholders, while Calls in Arrears are unpaid amounts owed by shareholders.

Why might shareholders make Calls in Advance?

Shareholders might make Calls in Advance out of confidence in the company or to settle future obligations early.

Are Calls in Arrears considered a company's assets?

Yes, Calls in Arrears represent money the company expects to receive and are thus considered assets.

Are there any benefits for shareholders making Calls in Advance?

Benefits might include goodwill from the company, potential discounts, or avoiding future interest or penalties.

How are Calls in Arrears typically presented in financial statements?

They are often presented as assets, indicating amounts the company expects to receive.

What are Calls in Arrears?

Calls in Arrears refer to unpaid amounts due from shareholders for their share capital.

What does Calls in Advance indicate for a company?

Calls in Advance might suggest shareholder confidence or their eagerness to prepay obligations.

Can a shareholder choose to pay Calls in Advance without the company's request?

Yes, shareholders can proactively decide to pay Calls in Advance, even without a formal request.

Do Calls in Advance mean a company is in immediate need of funds?

Not necessarily. While it might boost immediate capital, Calls in Advance primarily indicate shareholders' proactive payments.

How do Calls in Arrears impact a shareholder's stake in the company?

Calls in Arrears might restrict certain shareholder rights, such as voting, until the arrears are cleared.

Can Calls in Arrears affect a company's creditworthiness?

High Calls in Arrears might raise concerns for potential investors or lenders about the company's financial health.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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