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Calm vs. Composed — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 24, 2023
"Calm" describes a state of peace and lack of disturbance, while "composed" refers to being in control of oneself, especially emotions. Both relate to tranquility but from different angles.
Calm vs. Composed — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Calm and Composed


Key Differences

Calm" and "composed" both suggest a sense of tranquility, but they emphasize slightly different aspects. "Calm" is a state or quality that denotes the absence of agitation, excitement, or disturbance. It can apply to both the environment and individuals. A calm sea, for instance, has no violent waves or wind, and a calm person is free from strong emotions or excitement.
On the other hand, "composed" emphasizes self-control and steadiness, especially regarding one's emotions. It's more about the inner state of a person rather than external conditions. Being composed doesn't necessarily mean the absence of emotions but rather the ability to manage and not be overwhelmed by them.
It's noteworthy that while "calm" can be used for various situations and entities (like weather, places, or people), "composed" is typically used to describe individuals. A person can be calm because they naturally feel at peace, or they can be composed because they've made a conscious effort to control their emotional reactions.
Lastly, it's possible for someone to be composed in situations where they're not entirely calm. For instance, a negotiator might remain composed during tense negotiations, keeping their emotions in check, even if internally they don't feel calm.

Comparison Chart

Primary Meaning

Peaceful and undisturbed state.
Being in control of oneself, especially emotions.

Typical Usage

Can describe places, weather, or individuals.
Primarily used for individuals.


Absence of disturbance or excitement.
Ability to manage and not be overwhelmed by emotions.

Example of Usage

"The lake is calm today."
"She remained composed during the crisis."

Associated with

Natural state or external conditions.
Inner state, often involving conscious effort.

Compare with Definitions


Not showing or feeling nervousness.
He kept a calm demeanor throughout.


Free from agitation.
She sat composed, waiting for her turn.


Without strong winds or storms.
The weather forecast promises a calm day.


Showing control over one's emotions.
He appeared composed even in adversity.


Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions
She had to keep calm at all costs
His voice was calm


Being in a tranquil and steady state.
The pianist was composed before his performance.


(of the weather) pleasantly free from wind
The night was clear and calm


Not perturbed or excited; collected.
The leader was composed in the face of challenges.


The absence of strong emotions; calm feelings
His usual calm deserted him


Created or put together.
The poem he composed was a masterpiece.


The absence of wind
In the centre of the storm calm prevailed


Serenely self-possessed; calm
The speaker remained composed even when heckled.


Make (someone) tranquil and quiet; soothe
I took him inside and tried to calm him down


Showing composure.


Nearly or completely motionless; undisturbed
The calm surface of the lake.


Simple past tense and past participle of compose


Not excited or agitated; composed
The president was calm throughout the global crisis.


Free from agitation; calm; sedate; quiet; tranquil; self-possessed.
The Mantuan there in sober triumph sate,Composed his posture, and his look sedate.


An absence or cessation of motion; stillness.


Made up of individual elements;
If perception is seen as composed of isolated sense data...


A condition of no wind or a wind with a speed of less than 1 knot (1.15 miles per hour; 1.9 kilometers per hour), according to the Beaufort scale.


Serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress;
The performer seemed completely composed as she stepped onto the stage
I felt calm and more composed than I had in a long time


Tranquility or serenity
"an unaccustomed reticence that I took to be the calm that follows rage" (Jeanne Marie Laskas).


To make or become calm or quiet
A warm bath will calm you. After the storm, the air calmed.


(of a person) Peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety.


(of a place or situation) Free of noise and disturbance.


(of water) with few or no waves on the surface; not rippled.


Without wind or storm.


(in a person) The state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion.


(in a place or situation) The state of being calm; absence of noise and disturbance.


A period of time without wind.


(transitive) To make calm.
To calm a crying baby
To calm the passions


(intransitive) To become calm.


Freedom from motion, agitation, or disturbance; a cessation or absence of that which causes motion or disturbance, as of winds or waves; tranquility; stillness; quiet; serenity.
The wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
A calm before a storm is commonly a peace of a man's own making.


To make calm; to render still or quiet, as elements; as, to calm the winds.
To calm the tempest raised by Eolus.


To deliver from agitation or excitement; to still or soothe, as the mind or passions.
Passions which seem somewhat calmed.


Not stormy; without motion, as of winds or waves; still; quiet; serene; undisturbed.
Now all is calm, and fresh, and still.


Undisturbed by passion or emotion; not agitated or excited; tranquil; quiet in act or speech.
Such calm old age as conscience pureAnd self-commanding hearts ensure.


Steadiness of mind under stress;
He accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity


Make calm or still;
Quiet the dragons of worry and fear


Make steady;
Steady yourself


Become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation;
After the fight both men need to cool off.
It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again.


Cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to;
The patient must be sedated before the operation


Not agitated; without losing self-possession;
Spoke in a calm voice
Remained calm throughout the uproar


Characterized by absence of emotional agitation;
Calm acceptance of the inevitable
Remained serene in the midst of turbulence
A serene expression on her face
She became more tranquil
Tranquil life in the country


(of weather) free from storm or wind;
Calm seas


Marked by freedom from agitation or excitement;
The rioters gradually became calm and slowly dispersed


Peaceful, without agitation or excitement.
The forest was calm and serene.


Free from noise or uproar.
We enjoyed a calm evening at home.


Not emotionally affected.
She remained calm despite the bad news.

Common Curiosities

Is "calmness" the same as being "composed"?

They're similar, but calmness is a state of peace, while being composed is about controlling one's emotions.

Does "calm" always refer to the absence of emotions?

No, it refers to the absence of disturbance or agitation, which could be emotional, physical, or environmental.

Is a "calm" person always "composed"?

Not necessarily. A person can be naturally calm but might get flustered in certain situations.

Can someone be "composed" but not "calm"?

Yes, someone can control their external reactions (composed) but still feel unrest internally (not calm).

Does "composed" imply suppressing emotions?

Not necessarily, it means having control over them, not always suppressing them.

Can animals be described as "calm" or "composed"?

Yes, animals can be described as being in a calm state or being composed, especially in contrast to being agitated or restless.

Can a place be described as "composed"?

Typically, no. "Composed" is usually used for individuals, not places or things.

Can "calm" describe both people and the environment?

Yes, "calm" can describe anything from a calm sea to a calm individual.

Can a song be "composed"?

Yes, in a different context, "composed" means to create, like composing music.

Are these words opposites of "agitated"?

Yes, both "calm" and "composed" can be considered opposites of "agitated."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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