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Capible vs. Capable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Capible" is a misspelling; the correct form is "Capable," which describes having the ability or capacity to do something efficiently.
Capible vs. Capable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Capible or Capable

How to spell Capable?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Link it with “Escape-able” - if you can escape, you are capable.
Phonetically, “Capable” sounds like 'Kay-puh-bul,' not 'Cap-ih-bul.'
Divide it: Ca-pa-ble, reminding three distinct parts.
Remember "able" as in being able to do something, hence “Capable.”
Picture a person wearing a cape – a ‘capable’ superhero.

How Do You Spell Capable Correctly?

Incorrect: She felt she was not capible of finishing the race.
Correct: She felt she was not capable of finishing the race.
Incorrect: The team is highly capible in stressful situations.
Correct: The team is highly capable in stressful situations.
Incorrect: The device is not capible of connecting to the internet.
Correct: The device is not capable of connecting to the internet.
Incorrect: She showed she was capible of leading the project.
Correct: She showed she was capable of leading the project.
Incorrect: He is capible of solving complex problems.
Correct: He is capable of solving complex problems.

Capable Definitions

Capable describes being proficient and skilled in a particular area.
Capable suggests the inherent ability or capacity for growth or improvement.
Capable implies a readiness and preparedness to act when necessary.
Capable indicates physical or intellectual ability to perform a task.
Having capacity or ability; efficient and able
A capable administrator. See Usage Note at able.
Having the ability required for a specific task or accomplishment; qualified
Capable of winning.
Having the inclination or disposition
Capable of violence.
Permitting an action to be performed
An error capable of remedy.
A camera capable of being used underwater.
Able and efficient; having the ability needed for a specific task; having the disposition to do something; permitting or being susceptible to something.
She is capable and efficient.
He does not need help; he is capable of eating on his own.
As everyone knew, he was capable of violence when roused.
That fact is not capable of proof.
(obsolete) Of sufficient capacity or size for holding, containing, receiving or taking in; accessible to. Construed with of, for or an infinitive.
Possessing ability, qualification, or susceptibility; having capacity; of sufficient size or strength; as, a room capable of holding a large number; a castle capable of resisting a long assault.
Concious of joy and capable of pain.
Possessing adequate power; qualified; able; fully competent; as, a capable instructor; a capable judge; a mind capable of nice investigations.
More capable to discourse of battles than to give them.
Possessing legal power or capacity; as, a man capable of making a contract, or a will.
Capacious; large; comprehensive.
(usually followed by `of') having capacity or ability;
Capable of winning
Capable of hard work
Capable of walking on two feet
Possibly accepting or permitting;
A passage capable of misinterpretation
Open to interpretation
An issue open to question
The time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation
(followed by `of') having the temperament or inclination for;
No one believed her capable of murder
Having the requisite qualities for;
Equal to the task
The work isn't up to the standard I require
Have the skills and qualifications to do things well;
Able teachers
A capable administrator
Children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable
Capable means having the power or ability to do something.
She's capable of finishing the task.

Capable Meaning in a Sentence

She's capable of much more than she realizes.
The young athlete is capable of breaking the world record.
This printer is capable of producing high-quality photos.
The old computer is no longer capable of running the latest software.
The company is capable of doubling its production capacity.
This organization is capable of bringing about real change.
The car is capable of reaching speeds over 200 miles per hour.
The new software is capable of processing data much faster.
The team is capable of achieving great success.
That student is capable of achieving high grades with a little more effort.
They are capable of completing the task under tight deadlines.
She is capable of speaking multiple languages fluently.
The child showed he was capable of working independently.
The machine is capable of sorting thousands of items an hour.
The software is capable of translating text into multiple languages.
He proved himself capable of handling the pressure.
The soldiers were capable of surviving in harsh conditions.
The artist is capable of creating stunning pieces from recycled materials.
The new system is capable of detecting errors more efficiently.
She's capable of making her own decisions.
The engine is capable of running on alternative fuels.
The smartphone is capable of lasting two days on a single charge.
The security system is capable of monitoring the entire building.
He's capable of much kindness and generosity.
The team is capable of turning challenges into opportunities.

Capable Idioms & Phrases

More than capable

More than qualified or able to do something.
He's more than capable of managing the team effectively.

Capable hands

In the care or control of someone competent.
The project is in capable hands with her leading it.

Capable of greatness

Having the potential to achieve great things.
The young scientist is capable of greatness in his field.

Capable leader

A leader who is able and competent.
The company thrived under the guidance of a capable leader.

Fully capable

Completely able or competent to do something.
The software is fully capable of handling our data processing needs.

Capable team

A team that is competent and effective.
With such a capable team, the project was completed ahead of schedule.

Prove oneself capable

To demonstrate one's ability or competence.
She proved herself capable in a very challenging situation.

Eminently capable

Exceptionally able or competent.
She is eminently capable of leading the new research division.

Capable of anything

Able to do anything one sets their mind to.
With the right support, he feels capable of anything.

Show oneself to be capable

To demonstrate one's abilities or competence.
In the final exam, he showed himself to be capable of complex problem-solving.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Capable?

The root word is Latin “capere,” meaning to take or hold.

What is the verb form of Capable?

Capable is an adjective; it doesn’t have a verb form.

What is the plural form of Capable?

No plural form; it's an adjective.

Why is it called Capable?

It originates from the Latin 'capabilis,' which means that which can hold much.

Which vowel is used before Capable?

Depends on context; could be any vowel.

Is Capable a noun or adjective?


Which conjunction is used with Capable?

Conjunction usage isn’t specific to “capable.”

What is the pronunciation of Capable?


Is the word Capable imperative?


Is the word Capable a Gerund?


Is the word “Capable” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Not applicable; it's an adjective.

What is the singular form of Capable?


Which preposition is used with Capable?

"Of," as in "capable of."

Is Capable an adverb?


Which determiner is used with Capable?

Can be various: "this," "that," "my," depending on context.

Is Capable a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Capable?


What is a stressed syllable in Capable?


Which article is used with Capable?

"A" or "the."

Is Capable an abstract noun?


Is Capable a negative or positive word?


Is Capable a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, containing both.

Is Capable a countable noun?


Is the Capable term a metaphor?


How do we divide Capable into syllables?


What part of speech is Capable?


What is another term for Capable?


What is the opposite of Capable?


How is Capable used in a sentence?

"She is capable of solving complex problems."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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